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English Language Arts Level 8 Lesson 29 Mrs. Morrisey.

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1 English Language Arts Level 8 Lesson 29 Mrs. Morrisey

2 Grammar Grabber The burglar would of stole my watch if i hadn't been wearing it

3 Grammar Grabber The burglar would have stolen my watch if I had not been wearing it.

4 Quickwrite: (3 min.) Can you think of a story from your culture that has been passed down from generation to generation?


6 Quickwrite: (3 min.) Can you think of a story from your culture that has been passed down from generation to generation?

7 Lesson Objectives Legends

8 What is a Legend? (a traditional story or group of stories told about a particular person or place) Story Elements of Legends Characterization: few characters Setting: Place(cultural, relevant); Time (past, realistic) Plot: Includes action, suspense, basic conflict Theme: Explains natural or unusual phenomena, lessons for life Tone: Reader led to new insight

9 The Woman in the Snow By: Patricia McKissack Civil Rights Movement HA
Racism Mystery Ghost Story By: Patricia McKissack Discrimination Desperation

10 The Woman in the Snow By: Patricia McKissack Class Assignment
Oral Reading Question/Response By: Patricia McKissack

11 The Woman in the Snow Reading Questions
1. What is Grady’s nickname for the Hall street express? 2. Why does Grady refuse to take Eula Mae to the hospital? 3. What happens to Eula Mae when she is turned away by Grady?

12 The Woman in the Snow Reading Questions
4. How often does the ghost of Eula Mae return? 5. What does Ray Hammond do when he encounters Eula Mae?

13 The Woman in the Snow Reading Questions
6. What happens to Eula Mae after Ray takes her to the hospital. 7. Why do you think Eula Mae is never seen again? 8. What aspects of the legend seem realistic and/or unrealistic? Explain.

14 The Woman in the Snow Reading Questions
1. What is Grady’s nickname for the Hall street express? The Blackbird Express is the nickname. 2. Why does Grady refuse to take Eula Mae to the hospital? She doesn't have money. 3. What happens to Eula Mae when she is turned away by Grady? She and her baby freeze to death in the snow.

15 The Woman in the Snow Reading Questions
4. How often does the ghost of Eula Mae return? Once a year on the anniversary of her death. 5. What does Ray Hammond do when he encounters Eula Mae? He stops and picks her up, pays her fare and treats her well.

16 The Woman in the Snow 6. What happens to Eula Mae after Ray takes her to the hospital. She gets out, smiles and is never seen again. 7. Why do you think Eula Mae is never seen again? Her spirit is at peace. The wrong that was done to her and her baby has been made right. 8. What aspects of the legend seem realistic and/or unrealistic? Explain. Multiple responses

17 What did we learn in this lesson?
1. Definition of Legend 2. Literary Elements in Legends 3. The Woman in the Snow

18 Research the 1955-56 Montgomery Bus Boycott.
Write a 1 page paper explaining your findings.


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