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100 300 200 400 300 500 400 500 400 300 200 Economy Amend- ments Facts MISC.

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2 100 300 200 400 300 500 400 500 400 300 200 Economy Amend- ments Facts MISC

3 What year was MLK assassinated? 1968

4 Who was successful in organizing migrant farm workers into a union to defend Hispanic migrant workers with boycotts of crops? Cesar Chavez

5 What government action required businesses with federal contracts to encourage job opportunities for women and minorities? Affirmative Action

6 getting women equal pay for equal work What did the Women’s Liberation Movement see as its major goal in the 1960’s?

7 What were the freedom rides in 1961 trying to integrate? interstate buses

8 What was the impact of the Chicano Mural Movement on American society? People appreciated Mexican-American culture more.

9 What did Dr. King believe should be done if a law was unjust? civil disobedience

10 Name 3 ways citizen can lobby for more rights. petitioning, writing or talking to lawmakers, and suggesting new laws

11 What did the American Indian do to protest to try to get their goal in 1973?? took over part of Wounded Knee, South Dakota

12 getting tribal lands back What was the main goal of the American Indian Movement?

13 beauty contests, sexist language, and different titles for women What ideas was the Women’s Movement against?

14 Southern states passed Jim Crow laws to make discrimination legal. Why did African Americans still suffer from discrimination in the South after the 13 th, 14 th, & 15 th Amendments were passed?

15 using nukes okay if needed, prayer in schools, no flag burning, and ending social welfare Name 3 ideas supported by Barry Goldwater.

16 Dwight D. Eisenhower Which president sent troops to escort the Little Rock 9 to school at Central High School?

17 Harry Truman Which president desegregated the military?

18 All of them – whites & blacks Which Freedom Riders were attacked by white racists in the South?

19 King- no violence Panthers- violence is okay to protect African Americans How were the Black Panthers’ views different from those of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s views?

20 The Supreme Court did not give an exact time that it had to be done. How did whites in the South get around desegregating schools?

21 The both wanted social changes and used civil disobedience to get it. How were the movements of Cesar Chavez and Martin L. King, Jr., similar?

22 support more political participation by African Americans What does the NAACP try to do to improve racial equality for African Americans?

23 1.Military 2. Brown 3. March on Washington 4. MLK’s Murder Put these events in order: MLK’s murder, March on Washington, Military Desegregated, & Brown v Board of Education

24 to stop federal civil rights laws from being passed What did Southern Democrats in Congress band together to do in the 1960’s?

25 early abortions in the first 3 months of pregnacy What did the Supreme Court’s decision on Roe v Wade allow?

26 marches, boycotts, mass petitions, sit-ins What were ways that African Americans could protest non-violently to gain civil rights in the 1950’s & 1960’s?

27 Job Corps What program was a Great Society program that trained young Americans with a skill to help in poor areas?

28 fill jobs that had been dominated by men Since the 1970’s what have American women been able to do?

29 He was one of the most inspirational writers of his time period. What was Martin Luther King, Jr.’s, legacy due to his speeches and writings?

30 He led the bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama. How did Martin Luther King, Jr., help start the civil rights movement?

31 The public’s opinion was influenced. How did protests effectively contribute to African Americans gaining more political rights?

32 lack of job opportunities and white racism Besides urban poverty, what 2 other causes did a commission investigating the ghetto riots name?

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