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Joint EEA-PROMOTE user workshop – 13 June 2008 ESA Earth Observation User Services Earth Observation Programmes Directorate, ESA.

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Presentation on theme: "Joint EEA-PROMOTE user workshop – 13 June 2008 ESA Earth Observation User Services Earth Observation Programmes Directorate, ESA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joint EEA-PROMOTE user workshop – 13 June 2008 ESA Earth Observation User Services Earth Observation Programmes Directorate, ESA

2 Joint EEA-PROMOTE user workshop – 13 June 2008 Overview User Services activities Data access Third Party Missions EO Data users GMES Coordinated User Services

3 Joint EEA-PROMOTE user workshop – 13 June 2008 User Services activities

4 Joint EEA-PROMOTE user workshop – 13 June 2008 User Interface: the EOHelp team One E-mail address: but 3 Order Desk –Maintenance of users and projects DB –Order handling for ESA and TPM –Acquisition pre-conflict resolution –Order submission to Mission Planners or Production Facility –Order tracking: interface to Stations and Production/Archiving Centres and feedback to users on order status via EOLI-SA ordering interface –Provision of on-line data access Help Desk –Handling of users requests for information and help –Complaints handling Documentation Desk - Handling of Documentation requests

5 Joint EEA-PROMOTE user workshop – 13 June 2008 Mission Planning ERS-2, Envisat (A)SAR and MERIS FR –Conflict resolution (instrument, on-board recording, DRS availability restrictions) –Generation of conflict-free Mission Operations Plan –Stations scheduling ALOS –Generation of conflict-free Mission Operations Plan –ADEN stations scheduling

6 Joint EEA-PROMOTE user workshop – 13 June 2008 Some EOHelp figures Number of users registered at EOHelp >11,000 (half are data users) Number of active (ordering) projects1,600 Number of systematic data access800 Averaged number of new projects, monthly 30 Averaged number of product orders received monthly by Order Desk 10,000 (about 30% for an acquisition) Averaged number of calls received by EOHelp, monthly 1,300 Percentage of complaints over total number of calls Under 2%

7 Joint EEA-PROMOTE user workshop – 13 June 2008 Data access

8 Joint EEA-PROMOTE user workshop – 13 June 2008 competing Distributing Entities selected by ESA using ESA facilities and/or agreements with non-ESA stations defined by competing Distributing Entities Distribution By: Project Purpose: Data costs Category 2 use Operational & Commercial Utilisation Category 1 use Research, Applications Development esa using ESA facilities/stations free data if price waived by Member States (e.g. AO) costs of reproduction or SAR and HR Optical data ESA Data Policy Aim: Same Policy for all ESA Missions and ESA TPM data xx on media Free on Internet Free via DDS broadcast (Europe, Africa)

9 Joint EEA-PROMOTE user workshop – 13 June 2008 Application for Category 1 use data access can be submitted to ESA at any time using the ESA Earth Observation Principal Investigator portal When the requested data is systematically available on ESA Internet servers (e.g. LBR instruments data) : Registration (i.e. a simplified proposal) When the requested data is systematically available on ESA Internet servers (e.g. LBR instruments data) : Registration (i.e. a simplified proposal) When the requested data is subject to on-demand acquisition or processing (e.g. MERIS FR data) : Project proposal When the requested data is subject to on-demand acquisition or processing (e.g. MERIS FR data) : Project proposal Project submission on EOPI web site

10 Joint EEA-PROMOTE user workshop – 13 June 2008 Project acceptance (by EOPI): –Immediate for Registration –Up to 8 weeks for full Project Proposal evaluation and acceptance, with quota allocation when ordering is involved Signature of Terms and Conditions (by user) Ordering or access to on-line data (by EOHelp) Procedure

11 Joint EEA-PROMOTE user workshop – 13 June 2008 Data ordering via EOLI-SA Yesterday Available at

12 Joint EEA-PROMOTE user workshop – 13 June 2008 Product generation in ESA GS Systematic: Products are generated automatically for all acquired raw data. On Request: Products are not generated unless specifically requested by an user (e.g. ASAR HR) Systematic: Products are generated automatically for all acquired raw data. On Request: Products are not generated unless specifically requested by an user (e.g. ASAR HR) Near Real Time (NRT): Small products: Products generated within 3 hours from sensing (systematic); Large products: Products generated within 1 day from sensing (on request); Unconsolidated (Product generated using available auxiliary data i.e. may not be most precise orbit vectors or calibration information). Off-Line : Same or similar products generated a few days after sensing; Benefit from an improved knowledge of auxiliary data (e.g. orbit, calibration). Full mission reprocessing: Complete dataset regenerated with new algorithms/new auxiliary data Near Real Time (NRT): Small products: Products generated within 3 hours from sensing (systematic); Large products: Products generated within 1 day from sensing (on request); Unconsolidated (Product generated using available auxiliary data i.e. may not be most precise orbit vectors or calibration information). Off-Line : Same or similar products generated a few days after sensing; Benefit from an improved knowledge of auxiliary data (e.g. orbit, calibration). Full mission reprocessing: Complete dataset regenerated with new algorithms/new auxiliary data

13 Joint EEA-PROMOTE user workshop – 13 June 2008 LBR Data availability NRT dataNRTOff-line/Reproc.coverage GOME Systematic (ftp or http) Global until June 2003 then within station masks ATSR N/A Systematic via MERCI (http) ERS-2 Dataset NRT at the acquisition stations Off-line/Reprocessing at PACs MERIS RR (1200 m) level 1 and 2 AATSR level 1 and 2 Systematic (DDS, ftp or http) Systematic via MERCI (http) MIPAS and SCIAMACHY Level 1 GOMOS level 2 Systematic (DDS, ftp) Systematic (ftp) MIPAS level 2Up to 2004 (ftp) SCIAMACHY OL Level 2Systematic (ftp) GOMOS level 1Systematic (ftp)On request on media Envisat

14 Joint EEA-PROMOTE user workshop – 13 June 2008 On-line Data Access tools: Rolling Archive

15 Joint EEA-PROMOTE user workshop – 13 June 2008 On-line Data Access tools: EWFS

16 Joint EEA-PROMOTE user workshop – 13 June 2008 MERCI web interface, giving access to global MERIS RR, MODIS and soon (A)ATSR datasets On-line Data Access tools: MERCI Registration requested to

17 Joint EEA-PROMOTE user workshop – 13 June 2008 Third Party Missions

18 Joint EEA-PROMOTE user workshop – 13 June 2008 Third Party Missions (1/2) MissionAccessCoverage restriction IRS-P3On demand, on media JERS-1On demand, on media Nimbus-7On demand, on media PROBASystematic, http Landsat (E)TMDirect download from EOLI-SA European coverages Kompsat-1Direct download from EOLI-SA or http (RA) City dataset Scisat-1Direct download from EOLI-SA Terra/AquaSystematic, http (MERCI)European stations coverage NOAAOn demand, on media Historical Operational

19 Joint EEA-PROMOTE user workshop – 13 June 2008 Third Party Missions (2/2) MissionAccessCoverage restriction OrbView-2On demand, on mediaEuropean stations coverage SPOT1-4On demand, media or ftp SPOT1-4On demand, ftpESA on-line archive SPOT-4/5 and IRS-P6On demand, ftpImage2006 European coverage DMCOn media, later on-line2007 European coverage ODINSystematic, http ALOSOn demand, media or ftp Kompsat-2On demand, media or ftp Operational

20 Joint EEA-PROMOTE user workshop – 13 June 2008 Under implementation: –Landsat (E)TM, Ikonos Under negotiation: –SPOT-5 and Formosat-2 Agreed Atmospheric TPM –OCO and OMI(NASA) –GOSAT (JAXA) Future Third Party Missions

21 Joint EEA-PROMOTE user workshop – 13 June 2008 EO data users

22 Joint EEA-PROMOTE user workshop – 13 June 2008 The EO Data Users – an Evolution SCIENTIFIC USE OF DATA single observations, sampling, limited coverage in space and time, quota restrictions, experimental, best effort…. OPERATIONAL APPLICATIONS Regular Monitoring, Long-term observations, Complete coverage, Reliability, Committed Service

23 Joint EEA-PROMOTE user workshop – 13 June 2008 GMES Coordinated User Services

24 Joint EEA-PROMOTE user workshop – 13 June 2008 GSCDA overall Architecture

25 Joint EEA-PROMOTE user workshop – 13 June 2008 Coordinated Data access Acquisition/ Processing Dissemination Archive GMES Service Projects Advertisement User Registration User profile Data Requests Subscription Request GCM Products Routine Reporting GCMs Coordinating function Mission Planning User Services Advertisement Order follow up and reporting Post- processing Element Core Infrastructure Service Projects Coordinated Interface Reporting and Performances Data Request Subscription Request Order follow-up GCM Products GCM Products DAP Management Function GMES Service Projects DataSets

26 Joint EEA-PROMOTE user workshop – 13 June 2008 DAP and Data Sets concept GSC users needs have been collected into the DAP-R (Data Access Portfolio - Requirements) document Mission capacity is being analysed to define a potential supply with the CMs Data offer towards eligible GMES services will be described in the DAP (Data Access Portfolio) in the form of pre-identified sets of multi-mission coherent collections of Earth Observation products (Data Sets) DAP will be reviewed every 15-18 months to integrate new requirements Only a percentage (~25%) of total data provision will be for satisfying non-predefined data requests during emergencies

27 Joint EEA-PROMOTE user workshop – 13 June 2008 eohelp @ e

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