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Ronald Wilson Reagan. “Dutch” –born in Tampico, Illinois.

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Presentation on theme: "Ronald Wilson Reagan. “Dutch” –born in Tampico, Illinois."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ronald Wilson Reagan

2 “Dutch” –born in Tampico, Illinois

3 Eureka College

4 Actor (1937-65) -made 54 films

5 WWII Involvement -made over 400 training films

6 “Win one for the Gipper”

7 Reagan and Jane Wyman

8 Only US President to be Divorced

9 Reagan and Nancy Davis

10 GE TV Host Most watched TV show in 1954 Most recognized man in the US in 1958

11 California Governor 1967 – 1975 (2 terms)

12 1980 Campaign “Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?” “There he goes again.”

13 Carter and the Economy "A recession is when your neighbor loses his job. A depression is when you lose yours. And recovery is when Jimmy Carter loses his."

14 1980 Campaign Carter v. Reagan

15 The Great Communicator

16 The Teflon President

17 Assassination Attempt March 30, 1981 Washington Hilton Washington, D.C.

18 Henry Ford Museum

19 Bullet Mark

20 Only US President Shot and Lived Lost 3 pints of blood –5 minutes from death “I hope they’re all Republicans” “Forgetting to duck” Back to work in 12 days

21 Jodie Foster John Hinckley, Jr.

22 Age and Health Issues Age 69 years, 349 days Health Issues Surgery (1981) Colon Surgery (1985) Prostate Surgery (1987)

23 Age and the 1984 Campaign “I’m not going to exploit for political purposes my opponents youth and inexperience” 5673

24 End of Presidency Approval Rating 65%

25 Alzheimer’s Disease Age: 83 Nov 1994 Speech

26 Died: June 5, 2004

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