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U.S. History Unit 5: The Beginning of the Cold War 1945-1960 THE BIG IDEA After WWII, the U.S. strongly opposed communism around the world and here at.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. History Unit 5: The Beginning of the Cold War 1945-1960 THE BIG IDEA After WWII, the U.S. strongly opposed communism around the world and here at."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. History Unit 5: The Beginning of the Cold War 1945-1960 THE BIG IDEA After WWII, the U.S. strongly opposed communism around the world and here at home. This opposition led to fear and war.

2 I. What was it about? A. USSR vs. U.S. - 45 yr “war of words” 1. Democracy (D) vs. Communism (C)

3 B. How are D and C different? 1. Economy a) D –all have a chance to succeed or fail (capitalism) b) D– laissez-faire c) C-- gov’t controlled economy d) C – protects all from failure e) C – the goal: a CLASSLESS society f) C – profit, competition rejected

4 2. Government a) D - reps elected b) C - dictator rules w/ iron fist c) D –rights assured to all people d) C - virtually no freedoms

5 A. WWII – U.S. + USSR = allies 1. U.S., USSR reasons for WWII a) U.S.-- for freedom + D b) USSR -- for protection 2. USSR -- upset w/ the U.S.’s WWII “unilateral” decision making: a) help Fr first b) atomic bomb


7 II. How did the Cold War start? A. 1945 - What to do with Germany? 1. G divided into 4 zones a) US, Fr, Br, and USSR 2. Berlin divided same way

8 B. The Berlin Airlift 1. 1948 - USSR blocks traffic into W. Berlin 2. U.S. planes dropped 400,000 tons of supplies into W. Berlin 3. 1949 – USSR ends blockade

9 The Berlin Airlift

10 C. 1946 - Iron Curtain Divides Europe 1. USSR wanted protection 2. influenced neighboring countries to become communist

11 D. Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” speech “A shadow has fallen upon the scenes lighted by the Allied victory. Nobody knows what Soviet Russia and its communists intend to do in the future or what are the limits, if any to their explosive tendencies. I believe an “iron curtain” has descended across Europe.” ~ Winston Churchill, 1946






17 III. The Truman Doctrine: Containment A. Goal: Stop the spread of communism “I believe that it must be the policy of the U.S. to support freedom. I believe that our help should be primarily through economic aid which can help bring stability and order.” ~ President Truman, 1947 1. The Marshall Plan a) $13.4 billion to 17 European countries rebuilding after WWII b) much $$ to Greece, Turkey “The United States contributed $341,000,000,000 toward winning World War II. This is an investment in world freedom and world peace. The assistance that I am recommending for Greece and Turkey amounts to little more than 1 tenth of 1 per cent of this investment. It is only common sense that we should safeguard this investment and make sure that it was not in vain.” ~ President Truman, 1947

18 The Bush Doctrine: Offense Contain the enemy or attack the enemy? “For much of the last century, America’s defense relied on President Truman’s Doctrine of containment. In some cases those strategies still apply. But new threats require new thinking. Containment means nothing against shadowy terrorist networks with no nation or citizens to defend. Containment is not possible when dictators with weapons of mass destruction can secretly deliver those weapons to their terrorist allies.” George W. Bush, 2002

19 B. The Korean War 1. Korea – controlled by J in WWII 2. 1946 - divided at 38 th parallel 3. N.Korea- USSR (C) 4. S.Korea- U.S. (D)

20 5.1949 – China becomes C 6.1950 – N.Korea invades S.Korea 7.Truman asks for UN support of S.Korea 8.UN peacekeepers, pushed to Pusan Perimeter

21 9. US troops led by U.S. Gen. Douglas MacArthur, land at Inchon, push N.Korea back to 38 th parallel 10. China helping the North? 11. MacArthur - advance into China 12. 1951 - Truman fires MacArthur

22 13.Truman orders retreat from N. Korea 14.1953 – armistice signed 15. 38 th parallel still divides Korea 16. 37,000 U.S. deaths 17. Lesson learned: limited war = containment of enemy


24 The Korean War Memorial, Washington DC

25 IV.The Cold War in the U.S. A. Fear of C 1. Congress – not soft on C! a) 1947 - House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) 1) targeted C in Hollywood 2) 10 jailed for refusing to testify – “Hollywood 10” 3) Hollywood movies became controlled, diluted

26 2. The Joseph McCarthy Era (1952-54) a) ran as “tough on C” b) claimed he had a list of 205 C in U.S. gov’t c) blamed Sen. George Marshall for China becoming C d) lots of Newspapers sold! e) other Congressmen joined McCarthy

27 3. McCarthy’s Fall a) Edward R. Murrow, journalist b) Army Hearings – McCarthy says Army lawyer is a C “Until this moment Senator McCarthy, I think I never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness. I like to think that I am a gentleman, but your forgiveness will have to come from someone other than me. You have done enough. Have you non sense of decency sir? Have you no sense of decency?” ~ Joseph Welch, Army Lawyer c) McCarthy slowly loses credibility 4. McCarthy’s Impact a) fear of C grew b) silenced critics of gov’t c) controlled thought

28 http://www.youtu X_uTbVfDtgI

29 U.S. History Unit 6: The Cold War and Kennedy 1960-1963 THE BIG IDEA John F. Kennedy’s presidency was inspiring to many and the Cold War took a tense turn for the worse.

30 I. The Cold War Around the World A. Nuclear Arms Race begins 1. 1948 – USSR has nuclear weapons 2. 1954 - Hydrogen bomb tested B. 1957 - USSR Launches Sputnik 1.USSR wins the “space race” 2. Americans panic 3. Pres. Eisenhower NASA and Sci Ed funding

31 C. 1960 - Kennedy Elected President 1. JFK narrowly defeats Nixon a) “Camelot” - JFK + Jackie are stylish, classy, “prince + princess” b) JFK promises to “send man to the moon” - space exploration begins, moon landing in 1969

32 D. 1961 -The Bay of Pigs Fiasco 1. JFK and CIA plan to assassinate Fidel Castro (C leader of Cuba) 2. Attempt fails - Castro’s military defends him 3. JFK, CIA, U.S. embarrassed



35 “Duck and Cover!”



38 E.The Berlin Crisis 1. 1961 – 200,000 E. Germans escaped from E. Germany to W. Berlin 2. Aug 13 1961 – Berlin wall is built around W. Berlin “A wall is a lot better than a war.” John F. Kennedy 3. Kennedy pledges support of W. Berlin

39 “There are many people in the world who really don’t understand…the great issue between the free world and the communist world. Let them come to Berlin. There are some who say that communism is the wave of the future. Let them come to Berlin. And there are some who say in Europe and elsewhere we can work with the communists. Let them come to Berlin.” John F. Kennedy “I am a Berliner” Speech June 26, 1963

40 F. The Cuban Missile Crisis 1. 1962 - U.S. spy photos = USSR nuclear missiles in Cuba, Khrushchev confirms 2. JFK - naval blockade of Cuba 3. USSR and U.S. ships meet at Cuban blockade line 4. Attorney Gen. Bobby Kennedy meets w/ USSR ambassador 5. Agreement Reached: a) USSR will remove missiles if … b) U.S. will stay out of Cuba, and remove missiles in Turkey c) USSR cannot publicize agreement

41 6.Effects of the Cuban Missile Crisis a) closest ever to nuclear war b) US/USSR hotline c) US/USSR/Br sign Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty – ends nuclear testing



44 F. JFK is Assassinated 1. Nov 22, 1963 – JFK makes campaign trip to Dallas, TX 2. Warren Commission – Lee Harvey Oswald, lone assassin 3. Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson 4. Oswald shot 2 days later by Jack Ruby 5. JFK’s funeral live on television



47 U.S. History Unit 9: The End of the Cold War to Today 1975-2009 The Big Idea With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Cold War ended and the U.S. was seen as the world’s lone superpower. But on September 11, 2001 terrorists struck the U.S. bringing new fear and war.

48 I. 1976 - President Jimmy Carter A. Cold War – calm but still exists B. Troubles with Iran 1. Iranian Islamic Revolution a) Iran becomes isolated b) cuts off oil exports c) Gas prices in U.S. U.S. economy d) American Embassy in Iran under attack e) 52 US hostages taken f) Carter unable to solve crisis g) Carter very unpopular

49 II. 1980 - President Ronald Reagan – Conservative A. Reagan - Very Popular President 1. “The Great Communicator” 2. “Reaganomics” a) Cut Taxes – mostly for wealthy b) trickle-down theory

50 III. Reagan’s Plan to End the Cold War A. 1984 – Pres. Reagan is re-elected 1) Largest landslide victory in U.S. history B. 1984 -- Olympics 1) Los Angeles host – boycotted by USSR

51 C. Late 1980’s -- U.S. Winning the Cold War 1) USSR economy, U.S. economy 2) Pres. Reagan’s military spending a) 1980 – $150 billion b) 1988 – $300 billion 3)USSR couldn’t keep up w/spending 4)U.S. fell into debt a)1980 – $80 billion in debt b)1990 – $220 billion


53 D. Reagan and USSR Leader Mikhail Gorbachev 1) First positive relations b/t USSR and U.S. leaders 2) Gorbachev agrees to allow some freedom a) glasnost – some political freedom b) perestroika – some economic freedom


55 IV. 1988 – Pres. George H.W. Bush - the Fall of USSR A. Communism falls across E.Europe 1) 1989 –Poland, Czech, Romania, etc rebel, democratic hold elections 2)Leader of E. Ger allows E. Berliners to move to W. Berlin 3) Berlin Wall is torn down 4)1990 – E and W Ger unify = dem gov’t 5) 1991 – USSR Republics hold elections, become independent 6)USSR no longer exists – Cold War Ends


57 V.1991 - Pres. H.W. Bush – Persian Gulf War A. Iraq attacks Kuwait B. “Operation Desert Storm” 1. Goal: to remove Iraq from Kuwait 2. total casualties: U.S. = 148, Iraq= 20,000 Saddam Hussein


59 VI. 1992 – Pres. Bill Clinton – Success and Scandal A. “Pax Americana” – peace and prosperity 1. Thriving Economy 2. Balanced U.S. Budget 3. Stock Market Success STOCK MARKET FEDERAL DEFICIT

60 B. Pres Clinton Impeachment Scandal 1) 1998 – Clinton impeached by Congress for lying under oath, obstruction of justice 2) intense polarization and partisanship 3) not forced out of office

61 The Clinton Legacy


63 VII. 2000 Presidential Election A. George W. Bush vs. Al Gore 1. Gore wins popular vote 2. Florida is disputed 3. Supreme Ct - Bush wins Florida by 537 votes 4. Bush wins electoral vote Electoral VotePopular Vote Bush27150,456,169 Gore26650,996,116


65 VIII. The War in Iraq A. How did it start? 1. September 11, 2001 = fear a) The War on Terrorism begins b) War in Afghanistan – Taliban provided safe harbor for Al-Queda + Osama Bin Laden c) Iraq is suspicious - possible Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD’s) in Iraq? - are the United Nations WMD inspections in Iraq reliable? - Saddam Hussein can’t be trusted

66 2. 2003 – The war begins a) “Shock and Awe” b) Dec 2003 -- Saddam Hussein captured “like a rat in a hole” 3. April 2004 - “Mission Accomplished” a) Except - No WMDs? No stable gov’t?

67 4. Mission Accomplished? a) Civil War 1. Iraq’s Islamic Ethnic Groups fighting for control of country - “The Triangle of Death” - Sunnis, Shiites, Kurds - Sunnis had the power under Saddam - Shiites want the power now 2. Guerilla Warfare, IED’s b) Iraq’s new democracy struggled to provide order and security c) Iraqi soldiers targeted, uncommitted


69 d) Increased American Frustration –Still no WMD’s? –Americans Killed = 4,279 – - Abu-Ghraib Prison Torture Scandal –Bush’s approval rating=under 30% –New Plan: Troop surge to secure Baghdad e) What about other threats? -- Iran? North Korea? Venezuela? Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Iran Kim Jong Il in North Korea

70 f) When will it end? - When Iraqi gov’t achieves democratic stability without the need for U.S. troops

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