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Collaborate. Introductions Tom Bowring Blended Learning Staff Developer.

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Presentation on theme: "Collaborate. Introductions Tom Bowring Blended Learning Staff Developer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collaborate

2 Introductions Tom Bowring Blended Learning Staff Developer

3 What is Collaborate Web Conferencing system designed with Education in mind –Audio & Text Chat –Video or Still Picture profile

4 Whiteboard

5 Application Sharing

6 Web Tour

7 File Sharing

8 Video & Audio

9 Polling and Quizzing


11 Collaborate So what’s New? How many here knew that it was available? Stand alone product

12 Collaborate Image attribution: By James Mahoney (1810-1879) (Scanned by Simsalabim) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

13 Collaborate


15 Image attribution: By Jeanot derivative work: Ju gatsu mikka (^o^) appelez moi Ju (^o^) (Uncle_Sam_(pointing_finger).jpg) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

16 Some Benefits Supports multiple learning styles Building learning communities Negates need to travel Guest lecturers Sessions can be recorded Minimises environmental impact Image attribution: Anne Burgess [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

17 Some Uses Tutorials and study sessions Lectures / Workshops Guest lecturers Student presentations Group work Mentoring Virtual office hours School / Course / Unit meetings

18 What do you need Internet connection Modern web browser Java Headset with Microphone Webcam

19 Want to know more Designing for participant engagement with Blackboard Collaborate Author Peter Chatterton

20 Questions What else would you like to know?

21 End of Session Please fwd any enquiries to: Tom Bowring 9852 5192

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