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The Radio By: Chloe Harden. Who invented the product or process ? Julio Cervera Baviera Born on January 26, 1854 Died in 1929.

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1 The Radio By: Chloe Harden

2 Who invented the product or process ? Julio Cervera Baviera Born on January 26, 1854 Died in 1929

3 When was it invented what year was it patented The radio was invented in 1902 Cervera Baviera obtained patents in England, Germany, Belgium, and Spain. In May–June 1899

4 Details and purpose of the radio The purpose of a radio is for people to know what is going on in the world a rectangular shape with a, thin handle around it so you can carry it. It has speakers on each opposite side of the radio has a thin, metal stick at the end of it to pick up radio waves

5 The importance of the radio The concept of the radio first came about in 1879 however it was not really perfected until 1922 when the first radiobroadcast occurred in 1922 in Pittsburgh. Listening to the radio instantly became popular and developed interest over night. As a result of the success, many other radio stations opened up. It was in the 1940s that the use of radio truly skyrocketed. Radio became the "lifeline" for many because it was a cheap way to stay involved and aware of what was going on around them. It was informative and entertaining due to the music and news programs. Two well-known radio hosts were Arthur Godfrey and Kate Smith. The government became interested in the major appeal the radio network held so they began to use the radio for propaganda.

6 How the radio has been improved In recent years, radio has made even more developments that have made listening to your favorite music even easier. With a simple internet connection, you can listen to streaming audio from almost any radio station all over the world. A new trend in radio broadcasting is also the podcast. This is where individuals put together a recording that resembles a radio show and then post it online for anybody to listen to. In addition to these developments, there is also the creation of the subscription-based radio services. Sirius and XM radio are not controlled by federal regulations in the same way that normal airwaves are governed. This gives both listeners and broadcasters more options to fit their listening pleasure. Made popular by Howard Stern, these radio services are also commercial-free, which is another great advancement in the radio industry.

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