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Scientific Revolution and Exploration Unit Review.

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1 Scientific Revolution and Exploration Unit Review

2 Write any of the terms on your bingo card (you need 24 there are 30) MercantilismTreaty of Tordesillas Johannes KeplerBarometer/Thermometer Galileo GalileiHollandAtahualpa Commercial Revolution EnglandChina Scientific MethodVasco de GamaFerd.Magellan Heliocentric Theory PortugalNew Geocentric TheorySpain Netherlands Hernando CortesBartolome Dias encomienda Francisco PizarroAztecs system Zheng HeIncasjoint-stock Columbian ExchangeMaya company Middle PassageMontezuma

3 Spanish conquistador who besieged the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan

4 Document that divided up the land of Latin America between Spain and Portugal

5 This society has built extensive roads and bridges across the high mountains of the Andes The language is Quechua and the capital is Cuzco

6 In this country the first microscope was used The people are Dutch

7 This scientist was excommunicated by the Pope He used his “telescope” to write more findings on Heliocentrism

8 Refers to the process of animals, plants, and diseases moving across Europe and the Americas

9 He led the Ming explorations with better, more efficient ships…

10 His crew made it all the way around the world but this explorer died before he himself was able to make the long voyage

11 This country funded Christopher Columbus’ voyage King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella approved the trip for hopes of Gold, Glory and God

12 This society created a very accurate calendar based on astronomical skills Based in Mesoamerica, their religion included the practice of human sacrifice

13  This theory changed peoples minds about the universe  Claims that the sun is the center of the universe

14 The ruler of the society who lived in the Andes region He was kidnapped and held for ransom but executed eventually

15 This explorer rounded the Cape of Good Hope

16 Extended through out present day Mexico and Guatemala This empire produced impressive chinampas cultivating beans and corn

17 This Spanish conquistador took over the great society of the Inca

18 The Aztec ruler who was outsmarted by Cortes

19 The theory that the Earth is the center of the universe Ptolemy drew up a diagram on this theory

20 Business organization where owners sell shares in the company

21 Millions of slaves came across to the Americas from W. Africa through…

22 Land grants were given to Spanish colonial setters to use the natives as slaves and cultivate the land through this system…

23 This country claimed Brazil from the Americas

24 There is a fixed amount of money in the world A country must do everything to bring more wealth in by exporting more than importing

25 A Dutch settlement near Hudson River

26 Zheng He is from this country Compass created here

27 1400-1700 New standardization of money

28 The mother country of the American colonies Island country

29 This scientist helped further prove Copernicus’ theory through mathematics

30 A new series of hypothesis, gathering data, making conclusions based on experiments

31 This explorer from Portugal made a new route all the way to India around the south tip of Africa

32 A few new scientific instruments used to help with the data of weather and temperature


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