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Why I BlogWhy I Blog” by Andrew Sullivan, The Atlantic Magazineat Date of presentation : 15.Sept.2011 Free majors in human and social sience Student Name.

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Presentation on theme: "Why I BlogWhy I Blog” by Andrew Sullivan, The Atlantic Magazineat Date of presentation : 15.Sept.2011 Free majors in human and social sience Student Name."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why I BlogWhy I Blog” by Andrew Sullivan, The Atlantic Magazineat Date of presentation : 15.Sept.2011 Free majors in human and social sience Student Name : Han Gul, Lee Student ID # : 21122178

2 log

3 As a ship’s voyage progressed, the course came to be marked down in a book that was called

4  It is a log of thoughts and writing posted publicly on the World Wide Web. Blog Web Log+

5 Comparing #1  It is a log of thoughts and writing posted publicly on the World Wide Web. A reporter A novelist A Blogg er Vs Deadline is always NOW More free-form More accident-prone More alive

6 Comparing #2 Diary Blog Vs  It is a log of thoughts and writing posted publicly on the World Wide Web. posthumously Autobiographical rendering Unlike a diary, It’s instantly public

7 Comparing #3 - A writer editor  Fact-checkers and copy editors..- Delayed

8 Comparing #3 - B  But with one click of the Publish Now button, all these troubles evaporated. Publish Now click Instant& Anyone

9 Therefore, Share the moment  “You can express yourself now,” “while your emotions roil, while your temper flares while your humor lasts.” As long as you have Internet connection, you can share it without editor.. Directly to reader.

10 So Far….  We’ve looked….  … the origin and definition of a term.  … compared 3 different things 1. Reporter, novelist vs Blog 2. Diary vs Blog 3. process of past vs NEW Now, Let’s take a look why people blog.

11 Why blog? AAnne Mathewson of Fishbucket says, Herman Melville put it best when he said, "We can’t live for ourselves alone. Our lives are connected by a thousand invisible threads, and along these sympathetic fibers, our actions run as causes and return to us as results." In other words, To Communicate.

12 Why blog? II don't want to straight-face you, Race or chase you, track or trace you, Or disgrace you or displace you, Or define you or confine you. All I really want to do Is, baby, be friends with you. IIn other words, To be a friend.

13 Why blog? IIn other words, To make money. (Marketing)

14 SSheila Lennon: “….I blog because information is energy. …..thanks for asking.” IIn other words, …..?To get energy?

15 Good Blogs are …  NOT about the total number of readers or page views.  But the “authority” you get by being linked to by other blogs.  “ The more you link, the more others will link to you, and the more traffic and readers you will get.”

16 To be a successful blog…  A successful blog therefore has to balance itself between a writer’s own take on the world and others.

17 Concluding,,,,,  “ the blog will always inform and enrich the column, and often serve as a kind of free- form, free-associative research” Any Questions? Thank you for your time.

18 Material & Sources are…  Mainly from Why I Blog” by Andrew Sullivan, The Atlantic MagazineatWhy I Blog (  Some opinions are from … (  Images are results of google image search.

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