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Welcome to…. Bee Class!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to…. Bee Class!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to…. Bee Class!

2 Overview Daily timetable Arrival at school Snack time and drinks
Lost Property and PE Reading and homework PPA and NQT time Show and tell and toys Home time

3 Daily Timetable 8.40- Classroom opens 8.55- Register 9.00- Phonics
9.30- Session 1 10.15-Assembly 10.30-Break time Snack time Session 2 Story time Lunch 1.00- Session 1 2.00-Break time 2.15 Session 2 2.55-Story 3.15- Home time!

4 Arriving at school Table activities Key words Book bag change
Writing their numbers/ full name Key words Please let me know if they are ready to read them Book bag change Tuesdays for children whose first names begin with A-I Fridays for children whose first names begin with J-Z

5 Snack time and drinks Free fruit and veg Can bring in their own snack.
No chocolate of any description! If you would like your child to have milk please contact the office. Day time drinks Water from the fountain Water from labelled water bottles

6 Lost property! The lost property box is on the lunchbox trolley, anything I find without a name will end up in there. Please name all cardigans and jumpers especially! School uniform would also be helpful as they can get confused when changing for PE (kit also needs to be named!).

7 PE PE this term is on a Monday and a Thursday.
We are looking at agility, balance and catching all as part of multi skills. We are aiming for children to be changing as independently as possible.

8 Reading and homework Reading
We will try and hear the children read at least once a week (through guided reading as the year moves on.) When we have read with a child we will write an entry in their reading records. Try and read with and to your child at least twice a week. Key words Please let me know if they are ready to read them. Sentence structure sheets Will be started when children have finished all the key words. Numeracy This year we are utilising Mathletics. Occasional topic homework

9 PPA/SENCO time My PPA time is Tuesday afternoons where the class are taught by Mrs Sillem. SENCO time is on Thursday Mornings, children learn: French with Mrs Sillem Music with Mr Gascoigne

10 Show and tell and toys Children have a specific week to do their show and tell. They can bring in something special or interesting, tell the class something exciting or show a talent! Help your child to practice their show and tell at home. Children are allowed to bring in one toy a day that fits in their drawer to play with at break times and lunchtimes, NOT in class. Children can bring in a toy or game of their choice on a Friday for golden time. Special person.

11 Birthdays Children get an extra show and tell, wear the birthday hat and a song! Healthy treat if possible! Making sure there are NO NUTS!

12 Hometime Wait inside the gate in the outdoor area.
Children will leave when they’ve been called. Let me or the school know if someone else will be picking up your child or if you might be late.

13 Any questions…

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