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Supporting Your Child From Home Ickford Combined School.

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting Your Child From Home Ickford Combined School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting Your Child From Home Ickford Combined School

2 Reading is really important! Reading at home improves progress in school, relationships and health Support the school, read and record Enrich it with other material, let them choose Read with and to children, quality time Ham it up! Act it out! Anytime, anyplace, anywhere Who? Where? What? Why? Why? Why? Don’t forget technology but love real books

3 Television There are lots of great TV programmes both entertaining and educational but… there is also a great deal of dross It may be that children given access to unlimited TV early on in their lives are conditioned to use it for life as their default activity The electronic babysitter Research shows that too much in formative years can lead to ADHD, Dyslexia, Autism Children learn a lot through imitation and repetition Aggressive marketing Keep it out of bedrooms and monitor its use

4 Virtual Worlds Electronic games and ICT can be wonderful resources for your child… Games can develop ways of thinking needed in a technology rich society The web can give access to incredible amounts of information ICT offers a many ways of communicating and presenting information Way of keeping friendships across vast distances

5 But…do we talk anymore? It’s not just children who retreat into virtual worlds. Parents are often lured away too: Lap tops, iPads, Blackberries, iPhones work has spread into home life T.V is just to easy to switch on and draws you in whether really interested or not Email and web browsing, where did the time go? Holding proper conversations with children has a huge impact on their progress in literacy

6 Some ideas that may help literacy Talk is really important but so is using correct speech and not being afraid to correct children… we was, we done, we were, we did Reading and story telling Have lots of different writing equipment Toy post offices and schools Thank you letters Post cards on holiday Pen pals Role play Charades I spy Boggle Scrabble Post it notes Crosswords Shared stories Photographs

7 Some ideas that may help numeracy Shopping Making cakes and weighing things Toy shops Times tables Sudoku Play darts Play cards Weather forecasts Double numbers Use dice Have a tape measure to hand Car journeys and road signs Monopoly Real objects

8 Healthy diet Routine Regular bed times Interaction Role models Boundaries We all love our children but love can be manifest in a number of ways. Ensuring that children have the things contained in the diagram rather than just giving them every material thing possible, your love is really demonstrated. Praise

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