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Critical Issues Series: Strengthening Human Resources for Supply Chain Management of Health Commodities Building Workforce Capacity in Health Supply Chains.

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Presentation on theme: "Critical Issues Series: Strengthening Human Resources for Supply Chain Management of Health Commodities Building Workforce Capacity in Health Supply Chains."— Presentation transcript:

1 Critical Issues Series: Strengthening Human Resources for Supply Chain Management of Health Commodities Building Workforce Capacity in Health Supply Chains at a Regional Level: PRISMA’s Experience Washington, D.C. October 6, 2010

2 Peruvian non-governmental organization founded in 1986 Dedicated to strengthening the capacity of and improve access to opportunities for individuals and institutions in health, production and microfinance Widely recognized in Perú and Latin America for its technical assistance and training in Supply Chain Management and six other technical areas. Asociación Benéfica PRISMA

3 PRISMA’s Expertise Capacity building: international & local commodity security and logistics management courses, including traditional classroom and e-learning style Technical Assistance in SCM: storage, inventory management, assessments, system design, etc. Virtual Learning: RHCS web portal, discussion forums, online publications, courses, etc.

4 PRISMA’s Capacity in SCM (2007-2010) Trained by USAID | DELIVER PROJECT to provide training and technical assistance in SCM and commodity security Incorporated four SCM courses into PRISMA course offerings Introduction to Logistics Quantification of Health Commodities Commodity Security: Principles & Practice Monitoring & Evaluation of Health Commodity Supply Chains Developed a strategic marketing plan, with support from MSH, and traveled to Central America to assess market

5 PRISMA’s Achievements (2008-2010) 7 of facilitators trained in SCM 12 courses offered in SCM 251 participants attended SCM trainings 13 countries represented in SCM trainings $54, 586 revenue brought in for PRISMA LAC Countries have increased access to training, technical assistance and research Developed local, sustainable human resource capacity in SCM within PRISMA & within the region

6 Keys to a Successful Regional Training Institute Committed & competent training team (including administrative staff) Strong alliances with educational institutions and other donors CIES-UNAN (Nicaragua) UNFPA USAID | DELIVER PROJECT Combined package of training skills and technical capacity Adapted tools and training program to specific country needs

7 Challenges  Market demand for technical assistance and training; while country budgets and other funding is  Follow-up monitoring and technical assistance needed to help course participants implement approaches and tools Coordinating with other Latin American countries as well as cooperating agencies to develop a comprehensive plan for capacity-building based on countries’ needs Identifying countries’ actual capacity building needs and adapting courses to fit those needs

8 Country Example: Panama UNFPA & Ministry of Health in Panama identified its own need for SCM capacity & requested assistance from PRISMA to build SCM capacity in 10 members of a central MOH logistics team PRISMA staff travelled three times to Panama to train the team and will complete the 4 th training in Dec. 2010 The Ministry team began the assessment of current public sector logistics processes for all health commodities The team presented the results of this assessment to key decision- makers in the Ministry of Health in September and designed a plan to strengthen the health commodity logistics system Implementation of the plan just began in October 2010!

9 Lessons Learned & Future Opportunities WHY REGIONAL TRAINING INSTITUTES ARE NEEDED: Demand for technical assistance, training and research in the field of health management in Latin America is ever-increasing LAC governments are in the process of improving public health programs by integrating supply chains FUTURE AREAS OF WORK FOR REGIONAL TRAINING INSTITUTES: Pre-service training Technical assistance provision Research and innovation

10 Thank you For more information please contact: Mr. Carlos Gutierrez Ramos For more information please contact: Mr. Carlos Gutierrez Ramos

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