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Robotic Radiation Oncology Robotic Radiation Oncology Conor Judge 4 th BE Electronic and Computer.

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Presentation on theme: "Robotic Radiation Oncology Robotic Radiation Oncology Conor Judge 4 th BE Electronic and Computer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Robotic Radiation Oncology Robotic Radiation Oncology Conor Judge 4 th BE Electronic and Computer

2 Original Objectives  This project aims to develop a proof of concept system, that will : –Track a golf ball using cameras –Control the position of a light so that it follows the golf ball  The golf ball represents a tumour and the light represents the beam of radiation.

3 Achieved to date  Image Acquisition –Image, Video and live stream have been captured using the Image acquisition Toolbox in MatLab  Image Processing –Performed necessary tasks to work with the acquired images using the Image Processing Toolbox.

4 Achieved to date  Ball tracking –Using edge detection, edge linking and a circle fit, least mean squared algorithm, the ball has been accurately tracked Example of image processing pipeline

5 Achieved to date  Robotic Control –Used a Parallax Servo controller to control the pan and tilt turret from MatLab –Experienced Issues with USB to serial converter, solved with a new servo controller controlling a USB controller chip on it.

6 Achieved to date  Implemented a camera follow ball scenario –This setup tests various elements of the system such as the image processing pipeline and the robotic control.

7 Remaining Work  Image Acquisition –Import two live video streams –Possible risk of system not being capable of such a task  Image Processing –Improve Image Processing pipe line by reducing false positive results

8 Remaining Work  Create a self contained demonstration unit, using Lego Mindstorms NXT to test and demonstrate the system  Investigate the theoretical integration of Intensity Modulated Radiation therapy (IMRT) into the system

9 Questions?

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