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Prepositions. from-in-at from in the sense of where from a Tom is from England from who gave it a present from Jane in room, building, street, town, country.

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Presentation on theme: "Prepositions. from-in-at from in the sense of where from a Tom is from England from who gave it a present from Jane in room, building, street, town, country."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepositions

2 from-in-at from in the sense of where from a Tom is from England from who gave it a present from Jane in room, building, street, town, country book, paper etc. car, taxi picture, world in the kitchen, in London in the book in the car, in a taxi in the picture, in the world at meaning next to, by an object place where you are to do something typical (watch a film, study, work) Time at the door, at the station at the cinema, at school, at work I get up at six o’clock

3 About-by-to about time It’s about six o’clock by travelling (other than walking) by car, by bus, by boat I go to school by bus To movement to person or building movement to a place or country for bed go to the cinema go to London / Ireland go to bed

4 On on On Weekdays ( on Saturday, on Sunday….etc On Weekends On television

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