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Hematologic System Josalyn. What is it?  The production and transport of blood.  Is part of, and assists with Lymphatic System, and Immune System. 

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Presentation on theme: "Hematologic System Josalyn. What is it?  The production and transport of blood.  Is part of, and assists with Lymphatic System, and Immune System. "— Presentation transcript:

1 Hematologic System Josalyn

2 What is it?  The production and transport of blood.  Is part of, and assists with Lymphatic System, and Immune System.  Functions- Supplies Oxygen, nutrients, and chemicals to the body Transports waste to organs for removal

3 Structure  Hematopoiesis- medical term for blood formation.  Leucopoiesis- Leukocyte production.  55% of blood is liquid.  45% of blood is formed material.

4 Liquids  Serum- liquid w/o clotting proteins.  Plasma- liquid with clotting proteins.  Coagulant- A clotting protein, ex: Fibrinogen.  Anticoagulant- prevents clotting, ex: blood thinners.  Fats- triglycerides and cholesterol.

5 Formed Materials  Erythrocyte- Mature red blood cell.  Reticulocyte- immature red blood cell, characterized by mesh-like pattern of threads.  Macrophage- large cell that ‘eats bad’ blood cells.  Leukocyte- white blood cell.

6 Formed Materials, cont.  Granulocyte- cell with grain-like structures in cytoplasm.  Agranulocyte- cell with out grain-like structure.  Basophilic- stained w/ basic (blue) dyes.  Eosenophilic- stained w/ acidic (pink) dyes.

7 Formed Material, cont.  Clotting Cells Thrombocyte- nucleated clotting cell, contains nucleus. Platelet- enucleated clotting cell, no nucleus. Megakaryocyte- large nucleated cell in bone marrow that makes Platelets.

8 Lymphatic System  Part of immune system.  Interstitial Fluid- fluid that flows between and nourishes cells.  Lymph- interstitial fluid that is in the lymphatic capillaries.  Lymph Nodes- bean-shaped sacs that filter lymph and holds B & T leukocyte.

9 Lymphatic System, cont.  Tonsils- mass of lymph tissue that protects the nose, and throat.  Spleen- organ in upper abdomen  filters blood  stores red blood cells  Balances red blood cell and Plasma levels.  Thymus- organ that creates T cells in young animals.

10 Immune System  Antigen- anything that attacks the body.  Lymphocyte- cell that works against antigen.  T Cell- attacks the antigen directly.  B cell- attacks substances made by antigen.  Memory cells- Remember the antigen and create protection for future use.  Plasma cell- creates antibodies for specific antigens.  Immunoglobin- antibody made by plasma cell

11 Immune System, cont.  How it works 1.Antigen enters body and attacks. 2.Body senses the threat. 3.White blood cells, T Cells, and B Cells attack the antigen. 4.Memory Cells create antibodies to fight future infections.

12 Immune System, cont.  Immunity Types- Naturally Acquired Passive- immunity passed from mother to offspring. Naturally Acquired Active- immunity created from antibodies during infection. Artificially Acquired Passive- antibodies obtained from antiserum from another host. Artificially Acquire Active- immunity from a vaccine.

13 Oncology  Neoplasm- uncontrolled cell growth.  Malignant- cancerous.  Bening- noncancerous.  Pedunculated- having a stalk.  Well Circumscribed- well defined.  Invasive- not well defined.

14 Diagnostics  Blood Smear- blood specimen smeared on microscope slide for examination.  Bone Marrow Biopsy- sample of bone marrow taken via needle for examination.  Biopsy-collection of cells for study.  Touch Preps- cells on a glass slide pressed against a mass then studied under microscope.

15 Conditions  Anemia- low level of red blood cells.  Exudate- protein/cell/solid rich material that has escaped the blood vessels.  Hemophilia- genetic condition where blood doesn’t clot properly. High deadly.  Leukemia- elevated number of malignant white blood cells.

16 Conditions, cont.  Autoimmune Disease- conditions where immune system attacks itself.  Tonsilitis- inflammation of the tonsils.  Melanoma- tumor of melanin pigmented cells.  Myxoma- tumor of connective tissue.

17 Procedures  Tonsillectomy- surgical removal of tonsils.  Splenectomy- Surgical removal of the spleen.  Chemotherapy- chemical treatment of tumor.  Radiation Therapy- treatment of tumor via xrays.

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