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By: Ava henry. What is radiation therapy? Radiation therapy puts radiation into your body by external special machines, or internal from radioactive substances.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Ava henry. What is radiation therapy? Radiation therapy puts radiation into your body by external special machines, or internal from radioactive substances."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Ava henry

2 What is radiation therapy? Radiation therapy puts radiation into your body by external special machines, or internal from radioactive substances that a doctor places in your body. Unlike chemotherapy, which puts the cancer- fighting drugs in your entire body, radiation therapy is usually only in a certain area.

3 How exactly does it work? Radiation therapy uses high-energy radiation to kill cancer cells by damaging their DNA. When the cells die, the body naturally eliminates them. Cells don’t die right away, so it can take weeks or months of therapy to get rid of the cancer.

4 How does Radiation Therapy help? Destroys tumors in your body Reducing the risk of the cancer coming back after your treatment is complete. Shrink tumors that are interfering with your normal life. Ex. A lung tumor making it hard to breath. Gets rid of pain by making the tumor smaller.

5 Dangers of Radiation therapy Radiation therapy can damage normal cells as well as cancer cells, so treatment must be carefully planned to minimize side effects.

6 Side Effects of Radiation therapy Feeling constantly tired Skin changes Loss of appetite Other side effects depend on where on your body your having the radiation therapy.

7 pictures

8 sources erapyworks.aspx erapyworks.aspx tiontherapyprinciples/radiation-therapy-principles-how-does-radiation-work tiontherapyprinciples/radiation-therapy-principles-how-does-radiation-work tiontherapy-whatitishowithelps/radiation-therapy-what-it-is-side-effects tiontherapy-whatitishowithelps/radiation-therapy-what-it-is-side-effects

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