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Creative Cooperative the winning project of the FCG in Wrocław.

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Presentation on theme: "Creative Cooperative the winning project of the FCG in Wrocław."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creative Cooperative the winning project of the FCG in Wrocław

2 diagnosis 02 High level of unemployment among youth Big number of unemployed professionals Significant number of unemployed craftsmen CCI perceived as profitless / useless Low social capital Low place identification Low level of independent (not corporate mediated) interaction between craftsmen and designers 01 Title page 03 Idea 04 People / resources 05 Business model 06 Brand 07 Education 08 SWOT 09 Schedule 10 Authors

3 objectives 02 Creation of Cooperative (>20 jobs) Bring designers, craftsmen & merchants together Create a local brand Support local potential and exploit existing ideas Culture for social change Involve citizens in common action Make it a good practice 01 Title page 03 Idea 04 People / resources 05 Business model 06 Brand 07 Education 08 SWOT 09 Schedule 10 Authors

4 the idea 03 01 Title page 02 Diagnosis / objectives 04 People / resources 05 Business model 06 Brand 07 Education 08 SWOT 09 Schedule 10 Authors Art graduates & designers Craftsmen Merchants Creative Cooperative WHO?WHAT? Offer products & services design, production & sale of the items paid and unpaid workshops art service e.g. clothing or site décor for theaters 3-step business model cooperative planning cooperative production multichannel distribution HOW?

5 commercial partners Administrators 01 Title page 02 Diagnosis / objectives 03 Idea 05 Business model 06 Brand 07 Education 08 SWOT 09 Schedule 10 AuthorsCraftsmen Designers Merchants Apprentices the people 04 local media British Council & Wrocław 2016 independent artist & institutions of culture institutions, NGOs & municipality schools & art colleges community

6 commercial partners Administrators 01 Title page 02 Diagnosis / objectives 03 Idea 05 Business model 06 Brand 07 Education 08 SWOT 09 Schedule 10 AuthorsCraftsmen Designers Merchants Apprentices local media British Council & Wrocław 2016 the people 04 independent artist & institutions of culture institutions, NGOs & municipality schools & art colleges community

7 resources 04 01 Title page 02 Diagnosis / objectives 03 Idea 05 Business model 06 Brand 07 Education 08 SWOT 09 Schedule 10 Authors Design office Craftsmen workshop Meeting place / shop equipment & furnishings website & promotion tools & materials

8 business model 05 01 Title page 02 Diagnosis / objectives 03 Idea 04 People / resources 06 Brand 07 Education 08 SWOT 09 Schedule 10 Authors Cooperative planning Designer Multichannel distribution Cooperative production MerchantCraftsman conceptresearch DesignerCraftsman production M commercial shops events & direct sales own shop & internet DCDMM

9 business model 05 01 Title page 02 Diagnosis / objectives 03 Idea 04 People / resources 06 Brand 07 Education 08 SWOT 09 Schedule 10 Authors Expenditures Estimated budget for the period Feb ‘12 – Sep ‘12 frugal budgetsourceambitious budgetsource rental of premisesfreemunicipality€ 15 000FCJ renovation€ 5 000own work / FCJ€ 25 000FCJ / own work equipment€ 2 500own / donators€ 15 000FCJ tools & materials€ 2 500own / donators€ 60 000FCJ websitefreeown work€ 5 000FCJ promotion€ 1 000own work€ 25 000FCJ / own work evaulation€ 1 000FCJ€ 5 000FCJ administrationfreeWro2016 / BC€ 5 000FCJ / Wro2016 wage subsidiesno subsidies-€40 000FCJ TOTAL12 000 €195 000 €

10 brand 06 the local brand 01 Title page 02 Diagnosis / objectives 03 Idea 04 People / resources 05 Business model 07 Education 08 SWOT 09 Schedule 10 Authors local identity bottom-up social creative close / familiar exceptional fair

11 01 Title page 02 Diagnosis / objectives 03 Idea 04 People / resources 05 Business model 06 Brand 08 SWOT 09 Schedule 10 Authorsworkshops lectures joint projects meetings city tours education 07

12 Strenghts 01 Title page 02 Diagnosis / objectives 03 Idea 04 People / resources 05 Business model 06 Brand 07 Education 09 Schedule 10 Authors meets real needs & FCJ’s goals rooted in CCI but multi-sectoral reasonable & balanced bottom-up & synergistic limited scale in the initial phase not that innovative premises / initial investment too democratic Weaknesses swot 08

13 Opportunities 01 Title page 02 Diagnosis / objectives 03 Idea 04 People / resources 05 Business model 06 Brand 07 Education 09 Schedule 10 Authors easy to implement & low-cost new in Polish circumstances variety of potential partners flexible, applicable & replicable flexible, applicable & replicable too daring to gain stakeholders profitless in the initial phase some doubts on legal status macro-financial trend dependent Threats swot 08

14 01 Title page 02 Diagnosis / objectives 03 Idea 04 People / resources 05 Business model 06 Brand 07 Education 08 SWOT 10 Authors venue, equipment, tools, materials & website official Grand Opening start of the work promotion legalization & contracts arranging office, workshop & shop Feb ‘12 Mar ‘12 Sep ‘12 Jun ‘12 Apr ‘12 research, analysis, planning schedule 09 EURO 2012 in Wrocław!

15 01 Title page 02 Diagnosis / objectives 03 Idea 04 People / resources 05 Business model 06 Brand 07 Education 08 SWOT 10 Authors successful story: international net of cooperatives providing job to 200+ people in the CCI sector recruiting apprentices & cooperation with schools opening branches in other places 2 nd half of 2012 1 st half of 2013 2014 2 nd half of 2013 active marketing & brand creation schedule 09

16 BartłomiejSkowron 01 Title page 02 Diagnosis / objectives 03 Idea 04 People / resources 05 Business model 06 Brand 07 Education 08 SWOT 09 ScheduleBartłomiejLisPaulinaOgrabisz authors 10

17 AndrzejMazur 01 Title page 02 Diagnosis / objectives 03 Idea 04 People / resources 05 Business model 06 Brand 07 Education 08 SWOT 09 Schedule Marcin Jasiński MartynaRzepecka & GregMaryniec RolandZarzycki authors 10


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