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Auto Workfile Entry Job Aid On the Sending (Exporting) Unit: 1.Verify the “Copy to Dir.” Is enabled on the InProcess section. a.The button is enabled when.

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Presentation on theme: "Auto Workfile Entry Job Aid On the Sending (Exporting) Unit: 1.Verify the “Copy to Dir.” Is enabled on the InProcess section. a.The button is enabled when."— Presentation transcript:

1 Auto Workfile Entry Job Aid On the Sending (Exporting) Unit: 1.Verify the “Copy to Dir.” Is enabled on the InProcess section. a.The button is enabled when the feature flag and directory interfaces are setup in Communication Software Module AND at least one workfile is highlighted. 2.Highlight workfiles to create copies 3.Click the “Copy to Dir.” Button, the message below will appear: Manual movement of the workfile copy: The user can manually transfer the files from the WFLOUT directory to the WFLIN directory of the receiving (importing) unit. This can be done either via floppy disk, an attachment to an e-mail, etc. Note: It is possible that users may fill up the WFLOUT directory with copies because the program does not delete them. Thus it is advisable that the user Cuts and Pastes it so that files do not pile up in the WFLOUT directory. In addition, if a lot of files end up in the WFLOUT directory (from using it at different times), the user can not identify which file belongs to which workfile since the file name is cryptic. If an error is encountered, the following message text will show: “Vehicle workfile # may not be copied to.” 4. The copies of the workfile appear in the WFLOUT directory with an extension of.AWF.

2 Auto Workfile Entry Job Aid On the Receiving Unit: 1.In Box Properties- the receiving unit would define how to handle Auto Workfile Entries..AWF files are in the WFLIN directory. 2.Clicking on the In Box section will automatically look for files in the WFLIN directory then handle them according to how the In Box Properties were setup (Set to InProcess OR Keep In Box). 3.If files are moved to In Process, a message will appear. Clicking on the Properties box/InBox brings up the Inbox Property Sheet.

3 Auto Workfile Entry Job Aid On the Receiving Unit: 5.Once the workfiles are moved to In Process (either automatically or by the user clicking on the “Move To InProcess” button in the In Box, the workfiles will appear in the In Process section. 4.If the In Box properties note that the workfiles are to remain in the InBox, then they will stay in the In Box. When the workfiles remain in the In Box, the file names changes and has an extension of.AWI.

4 Auto Workfile Entry Set-up Job Aid 1.In the Setup Software Module, double click the Communications Software Module. 2. In the Rules tab, the “Allow Auto Workfile Entry” feature is checked. 3.The directories are setup in the Directory Interfaces tab The feature flag and directories are enabled in Vantive.

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