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No Child Left Behind Act (NCLBA) Title IID Enhancing Education through Technology Initiative 2 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Competitive.

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Presentation on theme: "No Child Left Behind Act (NCLBA) Title IID Enhancing Education through Technology Initiative 2 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Competitive."— Presentation transcript:

1 No Child Left Behind Act (NCLBA) Title IID Enhancing Education through Technology Initiative 2 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Competitive Grants December 2009 Sarah Wintle Research Associate Caroline Pinkham Research Associate Maine Education Policy Research Institute (MEPRI)

2 Agenda Project Overview/Activity Logic model Question & Answer session Resources This meeting will be recorded and available for those unable to attend or who wish to review the presentation at a later time.

3 Project Overview Primary Goal: To improve student academic achievement through the use of technology in elementary and secondary schools

4 Project Overview Objective: Teachers using Open Educational Resources (OER) to influence and maximize student academic achievement

5 Project Overview Objective: Teachers using Open Educational Resources (OER) to influence and maximize student academic achievement Goals: Provide evidence and evaluation of a successful professional development initiative that: 1. improves teaching 2. results in a positive impact on student learning

6 Project Overview Objective: Teachers using Open Educational Resources (OER) to influence and maximize student academic achievement Goals: Provide evidence and evaluation of a successful professional development initiative that: 1. improves teaching 2. results in a positive impact on student learning Focus: The training focuses on the effective use of accessible OER’s for effective teaching and learning

7 MEPRI ROLE MEPRI ROLE:  To provide technical assistance to awardees in implementing their projects and conducting the overall evaluation. SESSION GOAL:  Our experiences have taught us that Logic Models provides a framework for the planning process. Use of the Logic Model has no bearing on the selection process or selection of schools for the Title II D – Initiative 2 - RFP

8 Logic Model What is a logic model? A framework that guides an evaluation, and/or maps out logical and causal connections between means and ends Means Ends Needs and Pre-conditions Educational Activities Desired Educational Outcomes

9 Conceptual Logic Model Needs Activities Outcomes

10 Example: Generic MEPRI Logic Model Teachers’: Tech. knowledge and skills Content knowledge Efficacy beliefs Background & experience Teacher PD: Content specific Ongoing support from MEPRI School – based: Adoption of tech. principles Teachers’: Tech. integration skills Instructional & pedagogical skills using tech. Efficacy beliefs Greater school wide awareness & use of tech. Students’ achievement increases Context Pre treatment Process Process Outcomes Outcome Achievement Outcomes Intervention

11 Example: Logic Model for improving students Algebra I achievement Context Teachers currently use paper common assessments; Very formal discussions of results; All Freshman take Alg. I; Daily Alg. I is in place for students who need it Intervention/ Activities Electronic formative assessments (using Moodle); Noteshare for journaling; Conversation around instruction; Pam Buffington come in to help with finding what technology is available for math assessment; Allowing time for teachers to learn how to do this Process Outcomes Teachers learn to access and examine student data; Use the data to adjust instruction Professional dialogue and reflection about data Adapt instruction Achievement Outcomes Improve students Alg. I achievement

12 Logic Model: Create Your Own! Achievement Outcomes Outcome

13 Logic Model: Create Your Own! Context: Intervention/ Activities: Process Outcomes: Achievement Outcomes: ProcessOutcome

14 Question and Answer Session

15 Thank You Should you have questions please send us an email: Sarah E. Wintle Caroline Pinkham

16 Resources No Child Left Behind - Title II-D – RFP 200911555 Enhancing Education Through Technology Maine Department of Education Regulation 132 - Maine Learning Results: Parameters for Essential Instruction (effective October 22, 2007) Maine's Training and Development Quality Standards Bob McIntire Dept.of Education Learning Technology Team tel 207.624.6778 cell 207.592-4718 tty 207.624.6800 fax 207.624-6651

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