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Progress report WEB-MOB Meeting, Hvar, Sep.29, 2006 Research Center for Energy, Informatics and Informatics Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ICEIM-MANU)

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Presentation on theme: "Progress report WEB-MOB Meeting, Hvar, Sep.29, 2006 Research Center for Energy, Informatics and Informatics Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ICEIM-MANU)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Progress report WEB-MOB Meeting, Hvar, Sep.29, 2006 Research Center for Energy, Informatics and Informatics Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ICEIM-MANU)

2 Content 1. Mapping exercise 2. Questionnaires on incoming mobility 3. Legislation review 4. Plans for the future activities

3 1. Mapping exercise Data obtained mainly from, Number of research institutionsType Research area 71 university54 life sciences22 health6 energy6 IT8 public research inst.15 socio-economic sciences 12 biotechnology 2 materials and production5 other2 food 2 environment 4 agriculture 3 nanotechnologies1


5 GOVERNEMENTAL BODIES Ministry of Education and Science Ministry of Education and Science Department of Science and TechnologyDepartment of Science and Technology Unit for planning of science Unit for planning of science Unit for projects Unit for projects Unit for legal aspects of science and technology Unit for legal aspects of science and technology Unit for technological development and technical culture Unit for technological development and technical culture Unit for International Scientific Cooperation Unit for International Scientific Cooperation Other Ministries Other Ministries SEI SEI

6 SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts Universities Universities Research units Research units Independent research groups Independent research groups

7 SCIENTIFIC HUMAN RESOURCES 667691690720748 Higher education 671734862828800 Government sector 185205234290344 Business enterprise 15231630178618381892Total 20022001200019991998 Full-time Equivalence by sectors of performance FTE per 1000 LF 15231630178618381892FTE 28542909309431683275Total 20022001200019991998YEAR Full-time Equivalence

8 LEGAL FRAMEWORK Law on the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Law on the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Law on the Scientific and Research Activities, Law on the Scientific and Research Activities, Law on Higher Education, Law on Higher Education, Law on Encouraging and Supporting the Technology Development, Law on Encouraging and Supporting the Technology Development, Law for Technical Culture Law for Technical Culture Law on Industrial and Intelectual Property Protection, Law on Industrial and Intelectual Property Protection, several regulations and instructions several regulations and instructions

9 FINANCIAL ASPECT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (1) Budget contribution in R&D Budget contribution in R&D YEARBUDGET PART FOR SCIENCE % 1998 830 million EUR 5 million EUR 0.62 1999 690 million EUR 6.1 million EUR 0.94 2000 1.05 billion EUR 4.3 million EUR 0.39 2001 910 billion EUR 5.2 million EUR 0.58 2002 1.18 billion 5.2 million EUR 0.44

10 FINANCIAL ASPECT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (2) R&D intensity (%) of GDP by sector of performance R&D intensity (%) of GDP by sector of performance TYPE OF EXPENDITURE 199 8 199 9 200 0 200 1 GERD (Gross domestic expenditure on R&D / GDP 0.4 3 0.3 5 0.4 4 0.3 2 BERD (Expenditure on R&D in the Business sector / GDP 0.0 5 0.0 4 0.0 3 0.0 2 GOVERD (Government intramural expenditure on R&D /GDP 0.1 5 0.1 6 0.1 5 0.1 6 HERD (Expenditure on R&D in the Higher Education / GDP 0.2 3 0.1 4 0.2 7 0.1 3

11 19981999200020012002 Business enterprise 11.612. Government sector 35.745.734.151.550.8 Higher education 52.741.860.242.444.7 Structure of GERD (Gross Domestic Expenditure on RTD) by sectors of performance FINANCIAL ASPECT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (3)

12 FINANCIAL ASPECT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN MACEDONIA (4) Salary for PSI and HEISalary for PSI and HEI Fellowship for postgraduate and doctoral studentsFellowship for postgraduate and doctoral students Programs for PSIPrograms for PSI Research projectResearch project Technological projectsTechnological projects Participation in scientific meetingsParticipation in scientific meetings Bilateral projectsBilateral projects EquipmentEquipment Investments in an infrastructureInvestments in an infrastructure

13 DIFFICULTIES unsatisfactory level of budgetary, public funds for financing these activities, unsatisfactory level of budgetary, public funds for financing these activities, insufficient S&R infrastructure facilities, equipment and materials, insufficient S&R infrastructure facilities, equipment and materials, inefficient institutional infrastructure inefficient institutional infrastructure unsatisfactory developed mechanisms of transfer of knowledge and research results the business sector, unsatisfactory developed mechanisms of transfer of knowledge and research results the business sector, inconvenient distribution of researchers by sectors (the number of researchers in the business sector is very poor), inconvenient distribution of researchers by sectors (the number of researchers in the business sector is very poor), small investments in applied research and innovation, small investments in applied research and innovation, low level of private investments in R&D sector, low level of private investments in R&D sector, unsatisfactory level of young researchers ratio in the total number of researchers, unsatisfactory level of young researchers ratio in the total number of researchers, facing serious brain-drain problems. facing serious brain-drain problems.

14 MEASURES New position (ToR) of MoES New position (ToR) of MoES Efficient Technology Transfer Efficient Technology Transfer Priorities Priorities Competition Competition Benchmarking Benchmarking Investments in RTD Investments in RTD Integrated approach Integrated approach Information system Information system International cooperation International cooperation Industrial development, specially SME Industrial development, specially SME CARDS, WB, donors … CARDS, WB, donors …

15 NATIONAL RTD PRIORITIES Biotechnology, Biotechnology, High-quality food production, High-quality food production, New materials, New materials, Water resources and management, Water resources and management, Sustainable development, Sustainable development, Environment, Environment, Energy, Energy, Information and communication technologies, Information and communication technologies, Health, Health, Earth sciences and engineering Earth sciences and engineering

16 2. Questionnaires on incoming mobility Two types of questionnaires sent to 74 national institutions Two types of questionnaires sent to 74 national institutions Questionnaire for institutions: 18 replies Questionnaire for institutions: 18 replies Questionnaire for foreign researchers: 1 reply Questionnaire for foreign researchers: 1 reply

17 Analyses of the replies (1) Does the incoming mobility exist in your country? 9 YES; 8 NO Does the incoming mobility exist in your country? 9 YES; 8 NO Not clear picture about the incoming mobility Importance of entry of foreign researchers for the research development in the country? 17 YES Importance of entry of foreign researchers for the research development in the country? 17 YES Full consensus

18 Analyses of the replies (2) Importance of mobility for the process of harmonizing with EU? 15 YES; 2 NO Importance of mobility for the process of harmonizing with EU? 15 YES; 2 NO Almost full consensus Job offer for foreign researchers? 6 YES; 11 NO Job offer for foreign researchers? 6 YES; 11 NO Modest job offer for foreign researchers

19 Analyses of the replies (3) Specification of the job offer for foreign researchers Specification of the job offer for foreign researchers Theoretical research, lecturing at postgraduate studies Annual number of foreign researchers? Annual number of foreign researchers? Qualitative answer: depends on the number and size of the projects

20 Analyses of the replies (4) Willingness to increase the number of foreign researchers? 17 YES Willingness to increase the number of foreign researchers? 17 YES Full consensus Most important barriers to incoming mobility? Most important barriers to incoming mobility? Salaries (12) Schooling (7) Social security (5) Work permit (4) Recognition of foreign diplomas (3)

21 Good examples of incoming mobility Prof. Schmid Guenther, Faculty of construction, nationality Germany Prof. Schmid Guenther, Faculty of construction, nationality Germany Prof. Ljupco Kocrev, ICEIM-MANU, nationality Macedonia (example of brain gain) Prof. Ljupco Kocrev, ICEIM-MANU, nationality Macedonia (example of brain gain)

22 3. Legislation review Chapter 02 Free movement of persons, European questionnaire Incoming migrants

23 4. Plans for the future activities (1) Preparation of the mapping exercise report Preparation of the mapping exercise report Interviews with the incoming foreign researchers (to be uploaded at the website) Interviews with the incoming foreign researchers (to be uploaded at the website) Providing answers to the questionnaire concerning the mobility guidance Providing answers to the questionnaire concerning the mobility guidance

24 4. Plans for the future activities (2) Establishment of a national expert group and further cooperation Establishment of a national expert group and further cooperation Organization of a dissemination workshop (possibly as back to back event to some other EU FP7 promotional workshop) Organization of a dissemination workshop (possibly as back to back event to some other EU FP7 promotional workshop) Organization of the last contractual meeting in Ohrid Organization of the last contractual meeting in Ohrid

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