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Copyright and Fair Use “Certain materials are included under the Fair Use Exemption of the U.S. copyright Law and have been prepared according to the multi-media.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright and Fair Use “Certain materials are included under the Fair Use Exemption of the U.S. copyright Law and have been prepared according to the multi-media."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright and Fair Use “Certain materials are included under the Fair Use Exemption of the U.S. copyright Law and have been prepared according to the multi-media fair use guidelines and are restricted from further use.”

2 Welcome to East Lyme Middle School

3  One School  Three Houses  Eleven Teams  The Town of East Lyme  Neighborhood  Individual Family

4 Sound House Bay House Ocean House


6 A group of teachers and students brought together as a learning community. At ELMS, 95 students with 5 teachers delivering the East Lyme curriculum.


8  Differentiation of Instruction  Integration of Content  Active Learning  Cooperative Group Work  Multiple Intelligences  Overt Instruction  Field Experiences  Inquiry-Based Learning  Integration of Technology

9  Daily work  Short/Long term projects  Portfolios  Subject Journals  Homework assignments  Cooperative group work  Presentations  Participation/ Discussion  Teacher observation  Teacher/student conferences  Student effort  Self assessment  Rubrics  Tests/quizzes  Common grade level assessments

10  Twice Per Year  All Grades  Responsibility For Learning

11  Global Language  Spanish or French  Physical Education  Music  Band, Orchestra, Choir or General Music  Art, Life Skills and Technology Education Life Arts Classes are scheduled across Houses

12 Mission: To establish a continuum of effective & positive behavioral support systems in order to maximize academic achievement and a safe climate for all students RESPECT: -Self -Others -Environment

13 Name Position Judy DeLeeuwPrincipal Meredith TukeySchool Counselor Rodney MosierAssistant Principal Rachel BoucherGeneral Education Teacher Dave CostaSchool Counselor Stacy AndersonSupport Staff (Receptionist) Valerie CraneSpecial Education Teacher Melissa MeadowsGeneral Education Teacher Laurel McArthurLife Arts Teacher Tracy FeldmanParent Representative PBIS Team Members

14 TEACHING MATRIX MATRIXSetting BusHallwaysLocker AreaClassroomRestroomCafeteria Playground ExpectationsExpectations Respect Self Stay in seat Face forward Walk directly to where you need to go Maintain personal space Use locker & storage spaces Keep track of your things Dress appropriately for school Do your best work Be on time & prepared Wash and dry hands Return to class immediat ely Finish lunch before going out Walk Dress for weather Make safe choices Respect Others Use a quiet conversational voice Use polite language Share your seat Report unsafe behaviors Use a quiet conversational voice Use polite language Walk to the right & use correct stairwell Report unsafe behaviors Be considerate of others belongings Be Efficient Stay on task Use polite language Follow classroom procedures Honor privacy Take turns Listen to announcements Wait your turn in line Use polite language Include everyone Wait your turn Use polite language Report unsafe behaviors Respect Environ ment Keep bus clean Keep walk areas clear Keep food and drinks in bags Put litter in cans Keep walls and floors clean Use trash receptacles Use lockers appropriately Keep floor clear Keep room clean & organized Recycle Keep restroom clean Clean up your area (table and floor) Recycle Use trash receptacles Use equipment properly Return equipment Keep playground clean

15  Cross Country  Web Club  Ski Club  Video Journalism  Math Counts  Jazz Band  Flute Ensemble  Chess Club  Volleyball Club  Leaders Club  Intramurals  Game Club  Guitar Club  Soccer Club  Pokémon Club  Yearbook Club  Art Club  Wellness Club  Drama Club  Lego Club Other Activities As Requested By Students

16 Looping is the practice which allows a team of teachers and students to remain together for a period of two or more years.

17 The multiage team is the deliberate grouping of students across grade levels into a single learning community.

18 Thank You For Coming

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