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These reports are an ideal management tool, as they summarize the AOP, Pipeline, Best Guess and Actual counts for a given year.

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Presentation on theme: "These reports are an ideal management tool, as they summarize the AOP, Pipeline, Best Guess and Actual counts for a given year."— Presentation transcript:


2 These reports are an ideal management tool, as they summarize the AOP, Pipeline, Best Guess and Actual counts for a given year.

3 CPFA reports (by period/sorted by Minibmu and period/sorted by BMU and period): The following CPFA reports, divided by periods, are provided in the system: closures, remodels, gross openings, net openings, new restaurant openings and relocations. Each report is divided into the various BMU/FBUs and their corresponding countries. Actual, best guess, AOP and the pipeline numbers for each country are separated amongst the 13 periods and divided by the owner type. Total fiscal year, balance of year and the actual year to date through the selected period are provided as well. The report sums the total actual number, best guess, AOP and pipeline rollup for all countries at the end of each BMU/FBU report.

4 CPFA reports by Period: The following CPFA reports, divided by periods, are provided in the system: closures, remodels, gross openings, net openings, new restaurant openings and relocations. Each report is divided into the various BMU/FBUs and their corresponding countries. Actual, best guess, AOP and the pipeline numbers for each country are separated amongst the 13 periods and divided by the owner type. Total fiscal year, balance of year and the actual year to date through the selected period are provided as well. The report sums the total actual number, best guess, AOP and pipeline rollup for all countries at the end of each BMU/FBU report.

5 BMU Plan, Forecast, Actual Closures/Gross Openings/Relocations/Remodels (by period): BMU and FBU’s can view a simple outline of their yearly plan, including AOP, BG, Pipeline, and Actual numbers divided by each period, brand and owner type. It also includes the actual year to date through the period selected by the user and the balance of year.

6 BMU Plan, Forecast, Actual Closures/Gross Openings/Relocations/Remodels (by period): BMU and FBU’s can view a simple outline of their yearly plan, including AOP, BG, Pipeline, and Actual numbers divided by each period, brand and owner type. It also includes the actual year to date through the period selected by the user and the balance of year.

7 YTD Restaurant Closures (by period): This report organizes closures by period, country, mini-BMU and BMU. The user can select any given number of years from which they would like to pull the closure information. The following information about each individual closure is included in the report: fiscal year, site name, owner, facility type, project type and the actual closure date.

8 Construction Schedule: The construction schedule report helps development teams define when certain projects will be commenced and/or have been completed. This way teams can identify how long a project has taken to complete. The report is neatly organized by BMU, mini-BMU then country, with a brief description of each individual project.

9 Dallas uses these reports, which are also available to FITS users, when reviewing projects and numbers with the field.

10 Development Progress Report (mini-BMU): This report offers the option to view the following in a concise format: current period actuals for new builds, relocation and closures; YTD actuals; the full year pipeline; AOP; and BMU Best Guesses. The user can select for which period and year they would like to query the information.

11 Closure Approval Report: This is by far one of the more useful reports, as it outlines all closures that are in the pipeline for a particular year and defines which closures have been approved or denied by Dallas. The rationale and criteria for the closures are also included with the report, in addition to any notes regarding the closure inserted by the BMU/FBU or Dallas.

12 The following reports offer a concise, yet thorough, summary of gross openings, net openings and closures. They are also helpful with pipeline management.

13 YTD CPFA Summary Reports (Closures and Gross Openings) : While similar to the other CPFA reports, YTD CPFA reports enable users to select through which period they would like to review information. Each report divides the information amongst the BMU/FBU, mini-BMU and corresponding countries. It then provides the AOP, best guess, total pipeline number, actual projects that have been completed through the selected period and the balance of year numbers (BOY) for AOP, best guess and pipeline.

14 YTD Closures/Gross Openings/Net Openings Summary (Country): The YTD closures summary report offers a thorough yet concise overview of a BMU/FBU’s total closures through a specified period. It is organized according to BMU, mini-BMU, country, YTD total closures and divides the closure numbers up amongst the various brands and owner types.

15 YTD Closures Planning Summary Prompts: This is a simple report for users who want to see the total projects for a given year divided by brand and owner type. It also offers a quick recap of the counts for AOP, BG, Pipeline and YTD actual closures for the selected year.

16 YTD Restaurants Closures/Gross Openings Summary (BMU): These reports are for those users interested in viewing the total YTD counts for closures or gross openings. The reports divide the counts into both brand and owner type. Users can select through which period they would like to review the data.

17 Pipeline count reports show the number of projects in each milestone, while project listing reports allow users to view a detailed synopsis of projects in the pipeline

18 Project Listing (Closures, Openings and Remodels)- sorted by date: This is the perfect report for viewing, in detail, each project on which your individual BMU/FBU is currently working. Divided by country, the report lists the following for each project: the site number, description, address, brand, franchisee, project type, facility type, service type, development manager, current milestones and any attached notes, the forecasted period for completion and the given dates for the completion of each milestone. Unlike the other project listing reports, these reports are sorted by periods and sum the total number of projects for each period. For example, a certain amount of projects will be listed for period 1, then for period 2 and so on.

19 Project Listing (Closures, Openings and Remodels): This is the ideal report for viewing, in detail, each project on which your individual BMU/FBU is currently working. Divided by country, the report lists the following for each project: the site number, description, address, brand, franchisee, project type, facility type, service type, development manager, current milestones and any attached notes, the forecasted period for completion and the given dates for the completion of each milestone.

20 Pipeline Counts (Closures, New Builds and Relocations, Remodels): This is a useful report for those users who need a simple and succinct visual of how many projects currently reside in each milestone. The report divides project totals by BMU, then country, brand and owner type. It then shows the number of reports in a particular milestone and totals the projects for each country. At the end of the report, projects are totaled for each mini-BMU and its corresponding BMU.

21 Review a historical synopsis of openings over a three year period or compare projects according to facility type with the following reports

22 Cumulative Historical Restaurant Openings Summary: If you are looking to compare to this year how many restaurants you opened the previous two years, this is the ideal report. Users can select any year and the report will automatically compare that year with the previous two years. Each report is divided by BMU, mini-BMU, country, owner type, and brand. It then divides the years into 13 periods. For example, it shows how many openings there were in period 1 for 2004, 2005, and 2006.

23 Facility Characteristics Report: The facility characteristics allows users to view the facility types and opening dates of multiple projects in each country for whichever amount of years selected. This report is divided by BMU, then country, brand, facility type, service type, facility size, number of seats and finally, opening date. It is a useful report for those wanting to compare or view any of these factors in a specific country.

24 Facility Characteristics Summary Report (Page 1): The facility characteristics summary report allows users to view the project count for facility and service types, divided by brand. While it contains the same information as the FCR, it summarizes it in a clear and concise format. The left side divides the information first by facility type. The top lists the service type and is summarized in gray at the bottom. The facility type, divided by brand, is summarized to the right in gray. The right hand side is the same information but in a different format. The data is first organized by brand, then facility type. Service types are once again at the top, and summarized in gray at the bottom. Facility types are summarized to the right in gray.

25 Facility Characteristics Summary Report (Page 2): The facility characteristics summary report also includes a Drive-Thru count on the second page. There is a total for both drive-thru and non-drive thru Left Side: Divides counts by facility type, then brand. Gives total for DT and Non-DT at n gray at bottom of each facility type Right side: Divides counts first by brand, then facility type. Summarizes total DT or Non-DT at bottom of each brand in gray. Unknowns: Facility type was never defined for these projects Others: Multi-brands or other brands that are not KFC, PH, TB, LJS or A&W

26 Facility Characteristics Summary Report (Page 3): The facility characteristics summary report finishes with a final restaurant count for the given year divided by owner type.

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