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If you would like to donate cookies for Coffee Fellowship, please see Pat Shipley.

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Presentation on theme: "If you would like to donate cookies for Coffee Fellowship, please see Pat Shipley."— Presentation transcript:

1 If you would like to donate cookies for Coffee Fellowship, please see Pat Shipley.

2 Prayer Request Cards Prayer request cards are available in the seat pocket in front of you or on the table at the back of the room.

3 Offering Envelopes Offering envelopes are available for your use on the table in the back of the room.

4 Sermon Recordings Sermon recordings are available on our website at or you may request a CD.

5 Attendance Folios Please let us know you’re here today by filling out the black folio at the end of each row.

6 Bulletin Announcements The deadline for bulletin announcements to reach the church office is Friday, 9:00am

7 Prayer Group Tuesdays, 10:30am (in various homes)

8 Crafter’s Fellowship 11:30am The first Wednesday of each month.

9 Senior Lunch 12:00pm The 3rd Wednesday of each month. See Pat Shipley for details.

10 Wednesdays 5:45pm

11 Dress-A-Girl Thursdays, 10:00am Please see Marlene Harris for more information.

12 Men’s Breakfast 8:00am The second Saturday of each month. See Al Harris for details.

13 18-ON 6:30pm Thursdays at Barnetts

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