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Presentation Somathilaka Kindelpitiya Community Development Specialist 21 st July, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation Somathilaka Kindelpitiya Community Development Specialist 21 st July, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation Somathilaka Kindelpitiya Community Development Specialist 21 st July, 2012

2 1. Strengthening of WUAs 2. Sanitation Programme 3. Sanitation Revolving Fund (SRF) 4. Hygiene Education Programme 5. CD inputs for technical related functions

3 Small Group meetings Institutional and Capacity development Financial management

4 Encourage leaders to hold SG meetings continuously Guide them with what and how to discuss What and how to keep notes (minutes)? Responsibility of members of SG to strengthen WUA

5 Membership development Capacity development of leaders and members of WUA Arrange Leadership training Programme Visit to Community Managed RWS Scheme in other district with CBO Officials Conduct Financial and Book keeping training Legal acceptance of WUA Establishing WUA constitutions Establish Link/ coordination with other institutions Regular meetings of WUAs Proper management & records maintenance.

6 Collect membership fee and other income regularly Keep financial records properly Prepare reports timely and continuously. Spend funds efficiently with ensuring transparency

7 RWS Units Supervission  Funds Distribution – WUA  (1 st,2 nd,3 rd Installments) – Beneficiaries  Quality of Construction in each level (EA,CDA and CDO)  PHI Certification Preparation of required records/reports and Lesson Learn (CDO - Project) Pradeshiya Sabha  Funds distribution in Household Level  Construction Supervision (CDO/EA)  Programmes Monitoring (DCC)  Sector Co-ordination (DS/PHI)

8 Sanitation – ( Schools) Construction of toilets in schools SDS/Educational Department approvals (PS/RWS Unit) Project Proposals(CDO Project) Funds Distribution (80% from Project 20% SDS?) Supervision (PS/RWS Unit) Preparation of progress reports (CDOO Project )

9 Collection of SRF recovery. Maintenance of accounting records for SRF. Preparation of progress reports and other relevant documents. Find join solutions for issues relating to SRF.

10 HE Programme - 01(Sub project area) Awareness programmes contd. Development and implement of innovative HE awareness approaches. Preparation of progress reports.

11 Hygiene Education – 02 (School) Awareness to school community contd. Monitoring the practicing of Hygiene behavioral card system. Introduce Art and Essay and other effective competitions among children. Preparation of progress and other relevant reports.

12 WUA and community involvement in Planning and designing of WSS: Promote Community to assist with indigenous knowledge to technical staff to plan & design water schemes. Encourage community to provide possible assistance for construction of WSS. ………………………………

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