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Harold Lockwood Catarina Fonseca Christophe Nothomb Brussels June 30 2011 European Commission – European Investment Bank Seminar SUSTAINABLE SERVICES AT.

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Presentation on theme: "Harold Lockwood Catarina Fonseca Christophe Nothomb Brussels June 30 2011 European Commission – European Investment Bank Seminar SUSTAINABLE SERVICES AT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Harold Lockwood Catarina Fonseca Christophe Nothomb Brussels June 30 2011 European Commission – European Investment Bank Seminar SUSTAINABLE SERVICES AT SCALE

2 WATER SERVICES THAT LAST …2 BACKGROUND TO TRIPLE-S AND WASHC OST Triple-S: a six year research project 2009 – 2014 WASHCost: a five year research project 2008 - 2013 Both managed by IRC in collaboration with partners and both funded by BMGF as part of their WASH learning initiative.... and both rooted in tackling long-term challenges of sustainable WASH service delivery

3 WATER SERVICES THAT LAST …3 1990 to 2008: coverage increased from 1.59 to 2.32 billion (JMP 2010) Tens of billions of dollars invested Evolving approaches: VLOM, community management, DRA, post-construction support Testing new elements: gender, supply chains, water resource protection MUCH EFFORT AND PROGRESS MADE

4 WATER SERVICES THAT LAST …4 About 730 million still un-served (JMP 2010) 88% of investment required for recurrent costs (GLAAS 2010) Unacceptable failure rates Waste of investments and health, dignity, well-being and livelihoods affected BUT MANY CHALLENGES REMAIN 30% - 40% of hand pumps in Africa are not functioning

5 WATER SERVICES THAT LAST …5 SO WHAT HAS GONE WRONG? @Akvo 2. Financing focused on initial construction and not lifetime costs 3. Lack of investment to improve overall sector capacity 1. An obsession with coverage and building infrastructure at the scale of the community

6 WATER SERVICES THAT LAST …6 SO WHAT HAS GONE WRONG? 4. Weak WASH sectors – lack of incentives, political influence and corruption (ignoring the political economy?) 5. A donor-dominated, fragmented and competing sector

7 WATER SERVICES THAT LAST …7 INCREASING COVERAGE IS NOT THE WHOLE STORY Breakdowns, failures, non- functionality, slippage........... a tipping point which is now a threat to achieving the MDGs? Build on current progress, but shift from implementation to service delivery

8 WATER SERVICES THAT LAST …8 THE SERVICE DELIVERY APPROACH Implement Upgrade Service Delivery Approach Upgrade Replace Implement Implementation approach Time Service level Investment (capital expenditure) Investment (operational expenditure)

9 WATER SERVICES THAT LAST …9 UNDERSTANDING THE REAL COSTS OF SERVICE DELIVERY Capital expenditure: one-off investments in hardware and software (CapEx) Operational and minor maintenance expenditure: planned small repairs and maintenance (OpEx) Capital maintenance expenditure: large, lumpy rehabilitation and replacement costs (CapManEx) Direct support: regular support to communities and operators (ExpDS) Indirect support costs: policy development, ministries (ExpIDS) Costs of capital: interest on loans (CoC)

10 WATER SERVICES THAT LAST …10 MAKING SUSTAINABLE SERVICES WORK AT SCALE Shift focus from infrastructure to a service delivery perspective Strengthen sector capacity at all levels for learning, innovation and internal policy development Move from development partners working in isolation to improved harmonisation and alignment

11 WATER SERVICES THAT LAST …11 Working collaboratively and building on what already exists (80 - 20 rule) Always with and through national government leadership Recognising the importance of the political economy in change Bringing and sharing lessons and documentation from outside Leveraging investment resources A systemic approach is required to solve complex problems HOW TRIPLE-S WORKS

12 WATER SERVICES THAT LAST …12 HOW TRIPLE-S APPROACHES SECTOR CHANGE ANALYSING SECTOR PROBLEMS Collectively analysing problems and challenges facing the sector at scale Collectively identifying potential gaps and solutions across the whole sector (taking a systemic approach) IDENTIFIYING POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS COLLABORATIVE REFLECTION AND LEARNING TAKING LEARNING TO SCALE Action research and piloting to address the key bottlenecks and trigger issues at different levels Collectively applying learning and proven approaches at scale across different levels in the sector


14 WATER SERVICES THAT LAST …14 WORKING WITH PRINCIPLES FRAMEWORK Inspiration and reflection – not prescriptive blueprint Systemic tool that shows inter-connectivity of sector challenges and solutions Can be used for analysis, planning and monitoring or evaluations

15 WATER SERVICES THAT LAST …15 WHAT DOES THIS MEAN IN PRACTICE? - SOME BASIC BUILDING BLOCKS Professionalising CBM: Clarify policy & legislation Separation of functions Support business culture Recognise alternative management models: Local private operators Support to self-supply Learning and innovation: Permanent support to learning (funding) Creation of platforms at national and local levels Capacity support: To service providers, including CBM To decentralised local government

16 WATER SERVICES THAT LAST …16 WHAT DOES THIS MEAN IN PRACTICE? - SOME BASIC BUILDING BLOCKS Asset management: Clarify asset ownership Updated asset inventories Asset risk forecasting Planning for life-cycle costs: Capital maintenance costs Direct and indirect support costs Support to aid harmonisation: SWAp Funding mechanisms – basket, MTEFs Monitoring service delivery: Measure services not just access Support performance mgt.

17 WATER SERVICES THAT LAST …17 Sits in CWSA and key sector fora Supports CWSA to strengthen sustainability of its investments (government, donors and loans) Piloting and demonstrating new modalities – monitoring indicators, review of bye-laws, regulation etc. Taking learning results to scale Leveraging World Bank $75 million loan CWSA is making a paradigm shift in its approach to rural water supply from focus on project to delivery of services. Chief Exec. CWSA TRIPLE-S IN GHANA

18 WATER SERVICES THAT LAST …18 Partnerships and coalitions – World Bank, WSP, USAID, Global Water Challenge (charter), RWSN Research and documentation - 13 country study and building blocks series Learning and training events in USA, Europe, Australia HOW TRIPLE-S WORKS INTERNATIONALLY

19 WATER SERVICES THAT LAST …19 POTENTIAL COLLABORATION WITH EC - EIB In country collaboration Technical inputs and support e..g JMP monitoring consultation in Berlin, AfDB, IADB, RWSN vision Training in Service Delivery Approach and Life-cycle costs Joint documentation and dissemination


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