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Lesia Edwards, Program Coordinator Office of Assessment.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesia Edwards, Program Coordinator Office of Assessment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesia Edwards, Program Coordinator Office of Assessment

2 CTE End of Course Assessment Online assessment since 2001 New assessment system implemented in 2012-2013 No registration of students Student data imported from state student management system ‐eSchoolPlus

3 2014-15 CTE EOC Statistics 96,871 assessments were administered in 61 courses Cut score on all assessments was 70% 67,536 students scored 70% or above Statewide proficiency rate on all assessments was 70%

4 Course Numbers and Assessments Assessments assigned Test Name and Course Number in assessment system database Assessments are released the day before assessment window opens Assessments are released by course number ‐system matches first 5 numbers in the course number and releases appropriate assessment If wrong course number is used in master schedule, the wrong assessment will be released

5 Teacher Schedules Teacher schedules are comprised of multiple database fields Referred to as the Course Descriptor ‐Includes Teacher Name, Period, Course Number, Course Name, and Section Number

6 Roster Verification Check rosters for accuracy If rosters are inaccurate (missing student or student that should be dropped), teachers have been instructed to: ‐Check with school counselor or registrar to confirm student has been added or deleted in eSchool ‐Send an email to containing the following information: Teacher NameStudent Name Course NumberStudent ID Number Course NameNeeds to be added or dropped

7 Which Course Number? CTE Operational Guides State Course Code Management System ‐Filter Career & Technical under Subject Area Consult Teacher Contact ACE Program Coordinator

8 Course Number Issues eSchool course catalogs not updated ‐course numbers and names change Course names are similar ‐491310 Managing our Natural Resources (Ag) tested in 2012-2013 ‐493190 Personal and Family Finance was previously name Managing Resources ‐492240 Introduction to Finance (Bus) ‐493190 Personal and Family Finance (FACS) ‐496020 Personal Finance (ADE) 491990 Financial Literacy

9 Program Area Contact Info Agriculture – 501-682-2561 Business – 501-682-1768 Family & Consumer Sciences – 501-682-1115 Skilled & Technical Sciences – 501-682-1271 School Improvement/STEM – 501-682-1616

10 Secondary Technical Center Sending schools must use correct information in school’s master schedule ‐Teacher Name ‐Course Number

11 Health Science Technology Education Program of Study Core Courses ‐495300 Human Anatomy & Physiology (1 credit) ‐495340 Introduction to Medical Professions (.5 credit) ‐495330 Medical Procedures (.5 credit)

12 Conway Area Career Center Health Science Technology Education Connie Friant

13 Teacher Schedule in Assessment System Conway

14 Sending School Schedules Vilonia Greenbrier

15 Solutions Communication between sending schools and centers is critical Centers should send list of teachers, courses/course numbers being taught, and periods to sending schools Registrar or counselor should ask for this information if it is not received from center

16 Course Number Accuracy Critical for assessment Critical for determining program of study completion Critical for concurrent/articulated credit

17 Courses Tested and Assessment Calendar Testing only “capstone” course in each program of study core Traditional Scheduling ‐Testing conducted 2 nd and 4 th quarters 4 X 4 Block Scheduling ‐Testing conducted 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd, and 4 th quarters Courses testing for 2015-16 and assessment calendar can be found at information.html information.html

18 Contact Information Lesia Edwards 501-682-1813

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