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Translating talk into action Fiona Stephenson Sustainable Business / #ProjectNZ.

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Presentation on theme: "Translating talk into action Fiona Stephenson Sustainable Business / #ProjectNZ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Translating talk into action Fiona Stephenson Sustainable Business Network @sustbusiness / #ProjectNZ


3 1.Keep it simple “Any fool can make something complicated. It takes a genius to make it simple.” Woody Guthrie @sustbusiness / #ProjectNZ

4 Cut out jargon and acronyms

5 @sustbusiness / #ProjectNZ Talk to one person

6 @sustbusiness / #ProjectNZ

7 2. Find your voice @sustbusiness / #ProjectNZ

8 Smart Dynamic Credible Optimistic Inclusive Innovative Adaptable Essential @sustbusiness / #ProjectNZ SBN brand characteristics

9 @sustbusiness / #ProjectNZ SBN visual identity

10 @sustbusiness / #ProjectNZ “If we are interested in advancing sustainability by working with people … then it seems critical that we do whatever we can to promote a positive atmosphere” Niki Harré

11 @sustbusiness / #ProjectNZ Problem or solution?

12 Put yourself in others’ shoes How does your message relate to others? @sustbusiness / #ProjectNZ

13 3. Do the maths You can’t improve what you don’t measure @sustbusiness / #ProjectNZ

14 Monthly metrics @sustbusiness / #ProjectNZ

15 Communications Plan @sustbusiness / #ProjectNZ

16 Objectives Support your business goals. @sustbusiness / #ProjectNZ

17 Issues Positive – opportunities Negative - challenges @sustbusiness / #ProjectNZ

18 Audiences @sustbusiness / #ProjectNZ

19 Key messages @sustbusiness / #ProjectNZ

20 Communication channels @sustbusiness / #ProjectNZ MYOB: State of the Digital Nation 2014

21 Website @sustbusiness / #ProjectNZ MYOB: State of the Digital Nation 2014

22 @sustbusiness / #ProjectNZ Keep it simple Find your voice & listen Do the maths

23 How to create a website for free @sustbusiness / #ProjectNZ

24 Numbered lists Opinions/blogs Photo essays Summaries of research reports Interviews Book reviews Videos Success stories @sustbusiness / #ProjectNZ Newsletters & emails

25 @sustbusiness / #ProjectNZ Keep it simple Find your voice & listen Do the maths

26 Newsletters & emails @sustbusiness / #ProjectNZ

27 42% NZ businesses using social media 51% of Auckland businesses LinkedIn (26%) & Facebook (16%) ahead of others @sustbusiness / #ProjectNZ Social media

28 Enviro-Mark Solutions Raw Essentials Kiwibank Hubbards WasteMINZ All Good Bananas AMP NZ Angel Food Comvita AUT University @sustbusiness / #ProjectNZ Ten businesses doing Facebook well

29 Facebook tools Resize images to 500x500 pixels using @sustbusiness / #ProjectNZ

30 NZ Red Cross House of Dumplings solarcity Generation Zero 350 Aotearoa Fairtrade NZ Waiariki Institute Peoples Coffee WWF NZ Child Labor Free @sustbusiness / #ProjectNZ Ten organisations doing Twitter well

31 Twitter tools Hashtags Twitter lists Buffer/Hootsuite for scheduling Canva or PicMonkey for resizing images to 500x250 px @sustbusiness / #ProjectNZ

32 Other social media channels @sustbusiness / #ProjectNZ

33 Tools for monitoring: Google Alerts Mention Twitter @sustbusiness / #ProjectNZ Media

34 Free images Infographics Pikochart Courses Sustainable Marketing Online News @sustbusiness / #ProjectNZ Other resources

35 “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” The Lorax, Dr Seuss @sustbusiness / #ProjectNZ

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