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Reach the people, who count

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Presentation on theme: "Reach the people, who count"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reach the people, who count
Don´t count the people, you reach Reach the people, who count

2 An international agenda
Vienna – Berlin DPRG, ICV and PRVA Berlin – Barcelona – Lisbon – Dublin By Global Alliance, ICCO, Institute for Public Relations, Public Relations Society of America, AMEC U.S & Agency Leaders Chapter Set up a working group with colleagues form companies and agencies Objective: build up a system for communications-controlling which could easily be adapted to smaller and bigger companies Cross boarder solution with colleagues from Germany

3 Barcelona: 7 principles of PR Measurement
1. Importance of goal setting and measurement 2. Measuring the effect on outcomes is preferred to measuring outputs 3. The effect on business results can and should be measured where possible 4. Media measurement requires quantity and quality 5. AVEs are not the value of Public Relations 6. Social Media can and should be measured 7. Transparency and replicability are paramount to sound measurement

4 Clash of cultures Common language Turn over? Sales? Profit?
Clippings! contacts! Tonality!! Awareness! Good relations Turn over? Sales? Profit? Profitability? Cash Flow? Common language Kernaussage: Zwei Disziplinen, die unterschiedlicher gar nicht sein können. Sprechtext: So manches Mal, wenn wir zusammen sitzen, dann kommt es mir tatsächlich so vor, als wäre mein Gegenüber vom Mars. Controller und kommunikatoren ticken völlig unterschiedlich: die einen fordern Zahlen in endlosen Excel-Tabellen, die anderen wollen lieber über I´nhalte sprechen, die sie in der Zeitung platzieren konnten. Was zwingt nun diese beide Parteien, sich an einen Tisch zu setzen? Controllingseite: Knappere Budgets, Nachweis des Wertbeitrags, Kommunikation nach wie vor eine Blackbox. Kommunikatoren: gestiegene Komplexität, gestiegener Kommunikationswettbewerb, immer mehr Medien, zunehmende Maßnahmendichte, Stakeholdergruppen werden immer kleinteiliger EXKURS: Unternehmenskommunikation: was ist das? Übergang: Wie kam es dazu?

5 You can´t manage, what you can´t measure.
1 We must understand 4 things You can´t manage, what you can´t measure. UNI/PUB SoSe 2012 KC

6 2

7 2 dialogue Manager Controller responsible for results/
outcome Controller responsible for transparency dialogue Agree upon targets Control activities Function and responsibility Kommunikations-Controlling SoSe 2011e 2011 Susanne Senft

8 Organisation chart today
3 Organisation chart today CEO Procurement Production Distribution Marketing Public Relations Slash the budget

9 3 Organisation chart better CEO Procurement Production Distribution
Public Relations ... Neudefinition von ROI Wir reden in einer Wissensgesellschaft nicht länger von RETURN of INVESTMENT sondern von RETURN OF IGNORANCE Communication objectives consequently and directly deduced from company objectives

10 4 INVESTMENT EXPENDITURE Expenditure: in the past lost money
target: cut down Investment: in the future Making business going It´s a need EXPENDITURE

11 That´s what we need Eine gemeinsame Sprache
Planung- und Berichtwesen, das an bestehend Systeme andockt Adaptierbarkeit für große und kleine

12 Set up Basic Modell Communication-Controlling
Germany – Austria No new stuff esp. for communications need to fit into existing planning and reporting methods in the company

13 Established planning-models
Sociopolitical perspective and reputation

14 Established planning-models
Company Objectives and Strategy Communication Objectives and Strategy Communication branche 1 Activity 1 Activity 2 Communicaton branche 2 Acitivty 4 Activity 5 Communication branche 3 Activity 6 Acitivity 7 Communication branche 4 Activity 8 Acitivity 9 Cascading the targets 14

15 Impact-level-model Outflow Outcome Output Input measure sector entity
Added value Impact on strategic/financial targets and ressources Output Direct outcome perception knowledge Indirect outcome emotion sentiment Behaviour Internal Output Efficiency Quality of process External Output coverage content measure Input sector Ressources entity manpower expenses Sticking to budgets / Readability / Error rate / Satisfaction internal clients Clippings Visits Downloads Share of voice Awareness Unique visitors Readers per issue Recall recognition reputation index brandimage Leads Innovation ratio Turn over Cost efficiency Brand value Leads Competence of employees object organisation media target group organisation Small impact on added value Big impact on communication process Bigger impact on added value Smaller impact by communication process


17 Key performance indicators PRVA
❙ media relations ❙ corporate publishing ❙ online-communication ❙ social media ❙ events ❙ internal communications ❙ investor relations Reference frame Bezugsrahmen kann sein: Zeitlicher Verlauf Konkurrenzbeobachtung

18 PRVA KPI media relations

19 PRVA KPI social media

20 What Good Media Analysis Looks Like:
March February Monthly Net Change (+/-) Total # of articles 285 234 51 Total # of impressions 216,899,003 198,840,298 18,058,705 AMS (from -100 to 100) 51.43 60.96 -9.53 Net Promoter Score (NPS)* 7.57 8.05 -0.48 Message Penetration (% with 2+ messages) 68.4% 51.5% 16.9% Tone (positive coverage) 54.0% 65.0% -11% Barcelona Principles 20

21 The 10 Golden Rules of Measurement
Establish written goals Measure the quantity and quality of media Understand the same principles apply to traditional and social media Do not use AVE as the value of PR Add PR questions to tracking surveys to easily capture outcomes Collect media data in a manner usable for market mix modeling Recognize that analytics is the future of PR measurement—ROI is the answer (sic!) Make sure all measurement is transparent Use measurement to track progress and to design programs better Realize that communications experts are not necessarily measurement experts Barcelona Principles

22 Reach the people, who count
Don´t count the people you reach Reach the people, who count

23 Summary not for justification, but a steering-instrument
helps defining objectives, following up and proofing performance Requires a careful handling of kpi and benchmarks   

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