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Viewgraph 1 Army Fitness Program Ability to perform your daily activities with some reserve capability for emergencies.

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Presentation on theme: "Viewgraph 1 Army Fitness Program Ability to perform your daily activities with some reserve capability for emergencies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Viewgraph 1 Army Fitness Program Ability to perform your daily activities with some reserve capability for emergencies

2 Viewgraph 2 Goals To have all soldiers professionally and personally committed to physical fitness so they are capable of performing their duties in peace or war

3 Viewgraph 3 Basic Combat Training Fitness Program Centered around your individual fitness needs through assessments, daily activities, training /education, and formal testing (APFT)

4 Viewgraph 4 BCT Fitness Program Assessment Daily activities Training / Education Formal testing

5 Viewgraph 5 Components of Physical Fitness Cardiorespiratory fitness Muscular strength Muscular endurance Flexibility Body composition

6 Viewgraph 6 Principles Of Exercise Regularity Progression Overload Balance Specificity Variety Recovery

7 Viewgraph 7 FITT Principles F Frequency I Intensity T Time T Type

8 Viewgraph 8 Aerobic Exercise Exercise which works large muscle groups Anaerobic activities are different Anaerobics require alternate energy Aerobic v. Anaerobic Minimum frequency Intensity

9 Viewgraph 9 Determining THR MHR -- Maximum Heart Rate RHR -- Resting Heart Rate HRR -- Heart Rate Reserve THR -- Training Heart Rate

10 Viewgraph 10 220 - _______= __________ MAXIMUM HEART RATE (YOUR AGE) (_________) - (__________) = ______________ MAXIMUM HRRESTING HRHR RESERVE (________) X ( 0.70 ) = ____________ HR RESERVE CALCULATED HRR (____________) + (____________) = CALCULATED HRRRESTING HR __________________ YOUR TRAINING HEART RATE Formula For Estimating Your THR

11 Viewgraph 11 Physical Fitness Training Total Fitness Cardiovascular disease, risk, prevention Diet and nutrition Smoking cessation

12 Viewgraph 12 Cardiovascular Disease Estimated that 51% of all deaths are due to cardiovascular disease including stroke, hypertension, and vascular heart disease 56% are due to coronary artery disease

13 Viewgraph 13 Role of the Heart 1. Acts as a pump 2. Muscle free of disease 3. Pumps blood

14 Viewgraph 14 Coronary Artery Disease

15 Viewgraph 15 Uncontrollable Factors Family history Sex Age

16 Viewgraph 16 Controllable Factors High blood pressure High cholesterol Smoking Stress

17 Viewgraph 17 Blood Pressure Readings Larger number represents the force that the blood exerts against the walls of the vessels as the heart contracts and ejects blood. Smaller number measures reduced pressure in the arteries as blood flows towards the veins and the heart relaxes and refills. If systolic (high) exceeds 140, or diastolic (low) exceeds 90, you have high blood pressure.

18 Viewgraph 18 Smoking Very common in America Linked to coronary artery disease Two packs a day = three times the likelihood of having a heart attack Much greater chance that the heart attack will be fatal

19 Viewgraph 19 Effects of Smoking Carbon monoxide Lungs become less resilient Nicotine is a stimulant Clots and constricts Heart disease and lung cancer

20 Viewgraph 20 Stress Strain on the heart Create hormonal changes Learning to deal and relax REGULAR PARTICIPATION IN VIGOROUS MUSCULAR ACTIVITY

21 Viewgraph 21 Diet and Nutrition 1. Eat a variety of foods –Must provide about 50% nutrients –No single food contains all –Greater variety –Selected from major food groups

22 Viewgraph 22 Major Food Groups Milk and dairy products Breads and cereals Vegetables and fruits Fish, poultry, meats, eggs, and dried beans

23 Viewgraph 23 Diet and Nutrition 1. Eat a variety of foods 2. Maintain ideal body weight 3. Lower cholesterol 4. Increase starch and fiber 5. Avoid excessive sugar / sodium 6. Watch alcohol consumption

24 Viewgraph 24 ???? Smoking Cessation ?? Why Stop ?? Harms your life and shortens your life Costs money Is unattractive and unpleasant Harms others

25 Viewgraph 25 How To Stop Smoking and/or Using Other Tobacco Products 1. Maintain a smoking record 2. Switch brands 3. Smoke only half of each cigarette 4. Purchase cigarettes by the pack 5. Wrap your cigarette pack 6. Hide your cigarettes 7. Refer to your list often

26 Viewgraph 26 How To Succeed Set a daily quota Smoke in uncomfortable places Postpone each cigarette Change your habits Increase your exercise Seek personal / professional help

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