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Inclusive Learning Supports Branch Presentation Curriculum Coordinator Meetings 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Inclusive Learning Supports Branch Presentation Curriculum Coordinator Meetings 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inclusive Learning Supports Branch Presentation Curriculum Coordinator Meetings 2012

2 Inclusive Education

3 Supporting student

4 … so student is successful!

5 Identifying Your Shifts Along the Inclusion Journey June 2010 October 2012

6 What is your evidence of success? What are you noticing? Shifts in attitude Shifts in practice Shifts in the learning environment

7 What are you noticing about… attitudespractices learning environments

8 Supporting Every Student - New web pages


10 Building Capacity

11 Resources - Learning Coaches Inclusive Education – Support for Implementation Wiki – Strengthening Inclusive and Instructional Practices ATA Article – The Doors of the Classrooms are Open Wide 3/Pages/The-doors-of-classrooms.aspx Online Collaborative Spaces

12 Supporting Students with Significant Disabilities Building School Capacity

13 Literacy for All Communities of Practice Year 1 Piloted the resources: –MEville to Weville –Children with Disabilities: Reading and Writing the Four-Blocks Way Year 2 Exploring the philosophy and the activities from The Daily Five: Fostering literacy independence in the elementary grades (by Gail Boushey and Joan Moser) can be adapted for students with significant disabilities Wiki

14 Numeracy for All One-year pilot project for Grades 1 to 6 Teachers using Equals Math resource Online community of practice and face-to-face learning

15 Supporting Students with Low Incidence Disabilities

16 Supports for students who are deaf or hard of hearing Educators Tool Kit – Minerva Deaf Research Lab

17 Supports for students who are blind or visually/impaired Vision Education Alberta – Braille and More- Alternate Format Materials (locally authorized resources)

18 Exploring Emerging Technologies iPads What are we Learning? port%20-%20final%20version%202012-03-20.pdf One to One Mobile Tablet Project (Year Two)

19 Inclusive Education Planning Tool Pilot Digital resource to inform teacher planning Available in French and English Teachers gather and organize student information to create learner profiles and classroom summaries Focus on how learner profiles and a strength-based approach can support students and teachers Focus is Grades 1 to 9 49 school authorities (over 150 schools participating) Future implementation plan – make resource available to all teachers through - 2013 For more information:

20 Inclusive Education Library

21 Collaborative Practices & Partnerships New resources -Collaborative Practices Information Bank -Train-the-trainer projects/collaborative-practices/knowledge-mobilization.aspx projects/collaborative-practices/knowledge-mobilization.aspx For further information: Cross Ministry Services Branch (780) 422- 6538

22 High School Completion Information to support parents, caregivers and students in keeping kids in school Interactive web page that includes social media tools, blogs, feature videos and parent resources

23 Funding Questions about the funding are best addressed to your secretary treasurer. Staff from Strategic Financial Services are holding meetings throughout the fall with ASBOA and CASS to discuss the new inclusive education grant. In Budget 2012, $6.8 billion in funding was provided to school jurisdictions for inclusive education. This funding will support school jurisdictions with ensuring that there are a number of different kinds of supports and services available to any student who needs help to learn. Jurisdictions determine what these are.

24 Contact Us Phone: (780) 422-6326 or Toll Free 310-0000 Email:

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