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The Australia New Zealand Agent (ANZA) Workshop 2009 SKYCITY Auckland, April 22 – 24 How to maximize your Workshop experience - for Educators and Exhibitors.

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Presentation on theme: "The Australia New Zealand Agent (ANZA) Workshop 2009 SKYCITY Auckland, April 22 – 24 How to maximize your Workshop experience - for Educators and Exhibitors."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Australia New Zealand Agent (ANZA) Workshop 2009 SKYCITY Auckland, April 22 – 24 How to maximize your Workshop experience - for Educators and Exhibitors

2 Agenda ICEF Workshops Pre-Workshop: Choosing Agents Pre-Workshop: Preparation During the Workshop: Parameters During the Workshop: Maximising your Time During the Workshop: Cultural Awareness Meeting with Agents: Key Data Meeting with Agents: Key Questions Selling your Institution Post-Workshop: Follow-Up Post-Workshop: Agreement How to Maximise your Working Relationship

3 ICEF Workshops The world’s premier networking forums with quality pre- screened agents 2 days of one-to-one business appointments with relevant and quality agents Appointments serve dual objectives of meeting with new contacts or maintaining existing relationships Workshop meals, refreshment breaks and evening functions offer further valuable networking opportunities ½ day of Market Intelligence Seminars providing latest research on industry trends

4 ICEF Workshops cover the world ICEF Workshops occur annually in nine locations around the world Each Workshop focuses on a different market and attracts participants from various parts of the world Which Workshop best suits your international student enrolment goals?

5 Pre-Workshop: Choosing Agents eSchedule PRO: - Update your own eSchedule PRO profile to ensure correct company information to be viewed by agents - Filter agents by country and programmes of interest - Review agents profiles on eSchedule PRO to ensure compatibility with your offerings - Request / re-request appointments and revisit site regularly to secure adequate meetings - Request 2 or 3 x the appointments you want as 50 – 65% of all meeting requests are ignored or declined Send promotional material in advance to “confirmed” agents If possible, provide information in local language

6 Pre-Workshop: Preparation Familiarise yourself with information applicable to agent countries: visa requirements, education system, admissions requirements, credit transfers Design your own agent questionnaire Print out “Meeting Report” version of your eSchedule PRO appointment schedule shortly prior to the event - agent profile, place for notes Bring some sort of filing system Bring stapler to fasten business cards to agency description Bring digital camera to take photos of agents you meet

7 During the Workshop: Parameters Badges & neck cords (educators blue / agents red) Workshop catalogues, section index 20 min. business appointments Additional appointments can be scheduled each morning between 8:30 – 9:00 – be at your table / booth Meeting hall layout Agent message boxes “No show” policy / Agent “no selling” rule

8 During the Workshop: Maximising your Time Use Workshop catalogue as resource throughout event Schedule additional appointments using the agent message boxes Make sure you are available at your table early in the morning between 8:30 – 9:00 in case agents wish to schedule further appointments Notify ICEF staff if participants do not show for appointments – ICEF No-Show policy If required, schedule appointments during meals, refreshment breaks, receptions (eSchedule PRO allows you to unblock these timeslots) Invite agents to join you for breakfast, lunch and / or dinner

9 During the Workshop: Cultural Awareness Be aware of regional ways of behaviour (greeting, approaching) Start & finish your appointments on time - some agents out of consideration may not interrupt your appointment to let you know they are waiting Book additional appointments if you need extra time (refreshment breaks, lunch, evening functions) Look out for agents interested in having an appointment with you - some agents may be timid and not approach you in a direct manner

10 Meeting with Agents: Key Data

11 Meeting with Agents: Key Questions What is your core business? Do you have offices in other countries / regions? How many student counselling staff do you employ and what are their qualifications? Is your agency already sending students to (my country) and if yes, how many in the last 12 months? What other institutions / programmes in my country do you already represent? Are you familiar with the education system in my country? What other services do you currently provide for students (counselling, travel, language training & testing, immigration…)?

12 How do you promote your agency (website, brochure, education events, advertising…)? What marketing services* do you provide (arrange advertising, coordinate visits, participate in recruitment fairs)? Other than student recruitment, what other business activities does your organisation engage in? * services might be at additional costs Meeting with Agents: Key Questions

13 Selling your institution Unique selling proposition (USP) Range of programmes including strengths Teaching standards (teacher qualifications, student / teacher ratio, max. class size, student mix) Curricular and extra curricular activities Student care & welfare (health, security, guardianship, special needs) Accommodation options Course / subject & general living expenses Location features (climate, travel & recreational options, social and cultural life…)

14 Post-Workshop: Follow-Up Establish contact with agents asap after the Workshop Remember you are competing with other educators for agent‘s mind space, attention and loyalty Keep in touch regularly (telephone, email, ICEF Online) and always respond promptly to agent enquiries and questions Upload all your marketing materials into your ICEF Online profile - for agents to download and order Invite agents to visit your institution (outside of workshop hours) Participate in pre and post-workshop familiarization tours Conduct agent training sessions (eg via Skype or Webex)

15 Post-Workshop: Agreement Respective roles & responsibilities Business plan (marketing strategy, budget) Targets in terms of student numbers and quality Compensation model, payment terms Cost recovery of marketing and other expenses Dispute settlement clause, legal jurisdiction Duration of contract and termination clause Cancellation Policy / Deposits Ensure you have a written agreement, outlining:

16 How to Maximise your Working Relationship Provide continuous training and constant communication in order for the agent to accurately represent your institution Encourage agents to visit your school / campus as they will find it much easier to market an institution they have seen for themselves Ensure that the agent’s promotional materials are regularly updated and, if possible, produced in the representative’s language Respond promptly to the agent’s enquiries

17 How to Maximise your Working Relationship (cont.) Produce an agent manual containing: relevant contact information, programme descriptions, accommodation options, details of student services, financial aspects (fees, payment, cancellation procedures) Keep your institution’s profile a priority in the agent’s mind by sending regular updates or newsletters Provide agents with financial and non-financial incentives (i.e. free courses for agent staff, scholarships, organise competitions) Set up monitoring and review procedures

18 Thank You! Please visit the registration and hospitality desk at any time throughout the event with questions or requests. We wish you a successful Workshop!

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