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Chapter 5 - Adulthood one day…this will be you…. Physical Changes cells begin to breakdown physical peak – between 18 & 30 what is lost physically is.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 5 - Adulthood one day…this will be you…. Physical Changes cells begin to breakdown physical peak – between 18 & 30 what is lost physically is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 5 - Adulthood one day…this will be you…

2 Physical Changes cells begin to breakdown physical peak – between 18 & 30 what is lost physically is replaced by experience appearance change – gray hair, wrinkles, muscle and fat starts to breakdown, become shorter senses – eyesight: distance, darkness, focus hearing: loss in later years (too much loud music?) reflexes slow

3 Physical Changes – con’t health – healthy = taken care of self – exercise, diet, lifestyle avoid – cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, emotional stress 3 of the most common causes of death = heart disease, cancer, cirrhosis the liver menopause – biological event in which a woman’s production of sex hormones is sharply reduced – emotional rather than physical origin

4 Marriage and Divorce Approximately 90% of adults in U.S. will marry…40-60% = divorce What makes a marriage last? Two factors: 1. how couples handle conflict – argue constructively – listen to each other – focus on solving the problem – respect one another 2. how often couples share intimate and happy moments

5 Cognitive Changes intellectual development reached peak in mid-20’s? – some tests measure speed vs. intelligence – reaction time begins to slow as we age continue to acquire information & expand vocabularies with age higher education and stimulating environment

6 Levinson’s Theory of Male Development Entering the Adult World – 22- 28…considered a novice in the adult world…not fully established as a man…not an adolescent – resolve conflict between need to explore options of adult world and need to establish a stable life structure

7 Levinson – Age 30 Crisis 28-30 = major transitional period 30 th b-day can be a “turning point” questions = reexamine commitments made with regards to life structure: marriage partner, career, life goals Men may find they are not satisfied or feeling incomplete with life as is – make changes now before it is too late

8 Levinson – Settling Down 30 – 40 years old carving out a niche in society – “making it” in the adult world between 36 & 40 = BOOM phase – time to become fully independent - strives to attain seniority and position in the world he may have identified as an ultimate goal at the beginning of the settling-down period

9 Levinson – The Midlife Transition 40 to about 45 questions – “What have I done with my life?” ”What have I accomplished?” “What do I still have to accomplish?” generativity – desire, in middle age, to use one’s accumulated wisdom to guide future generations stagnation – discontinuation of development and a desire to recapture the past

10 Levinson – Middle Adulthood Late 40’s period of stability – found solutions to life’s crises Understands and tolerates others – displays sensitivity and concern for other people as people balance between need for friends and need for privacy can also be a time of frustration for some – stagnation – job is a job…may feel cut off from family & friends…future holds no promise

11 Section 3 – Dying and Death Thanatology – the study of death and dying Kubler-Ross – terminally ill research 1 st stage – denial: “no it can’t happen to me” or “I’ll get another opinion.” 2 nd stage - anger: “Why me?” - they may alienate themselves from others 3 rd stage – bargaining: - good behavior = more time - relative short stage

12 Kubler – Ross (con’t) 4 th stage – depression: aware of losses they are incurring (loss of body tissue, loss of job, loss of life savings) - allow people to express sadness at this time 5 th stage – accept: struggle is over, sense of calm – detachment intentional Not all patients…different order…repeat Hospice – facility for care of the dying

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