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GEO 2009-2011 Work Plan Societal Benefit Areas tasks Report from Brainstorming session GEO European Projects Workshop 3-4 September, 2008 Brussels, Belgium.

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Presentation on theme: "GEO 2009-2011 Work Plan Societal Benefit Areas tasks Report from Brainstorming session GEO European Projects Workshop 3-4 September, 2008 Brussels, Belgium."— Presentation transcript:

1 GEO 2009-2011 Work Plan Societal Benefit Areas tasks Report from Brainstorming session GEO European Projects Workshop 3-4 September, 2008 Brussels, Belgium

2 Parallel Brainstorming Sessions Covering: –Participation of EC EO projects in GEO Work Plan tasks –Comments on GEO 2009-2011 Work Plan V2 –Gap analysis of GEO 2009-2011 Work Plan V2

3 Is GEOSS a mosaic of specific products not applicable worldwide rather than an integrated product on a global scale? 1) interoperability standards-projects to do this 2) filling the gap Global, Coordinated, Comprehensive & sustained observing system in 9 SBA From a mosaic to an integrated system

4 interoperability through existing systems: 1) INSPIRE EC/JRC EUROGEOSS 2) advanced ongoing standardization in geology What is needed: 1) projects for standardization 2) Europe is weak in the standards interoperability forum. Look for more European representation Interoperability initiatives

5 In the past big effort to build GEO architecture (implementation plan, targets, terms of reference), some tasks in todays WP show continuity and evolution from previous one, now is time to make everything more consistent, nothing is fixed. All is on voluntary basis, nothing is rejected Gap Analysis: be ready to take on the gap you are underlining. Filling the gap

6 1) contact reference point inside GEO for discussing ideas 2) part of the Commission dealing with some SBAs not involved in GEO (Health, being weak SBA) 3) Task leads are all at sub-task level. There wont be actual coordination. 4) cross cutting activities hardly restricted to SBAs, tasks present both under SBAs and Transverse areas (ex. observing component of weather) 5) Not enough return from European contribution in terms of leadership of GEO tasks 6) Europe should take the lead in some areas, as US are putting limited resources, but play key roles 7) lead within GEO is one of the 4 pillar of the European strategy (others being FP7, IOP, GMES) General remarks

7 1) GMES contribution not included in GEO WP-some preop can be included (GMES air quality?) 2) GMES will provide data, but if no projects use that data, the contribution will be limited. EC should promote projects even outside Europe see GeoNetCast/DevcoCast 3) similar strategy EC EUROGEOSS INSPIRE GEO GMES fundsto see how works within ??????????GMES

8 The 9 GEOSS SOCIETAL BENEFIT AREAS 1. Disasters a clear role to geology within GEO, but not restricted to, opportunity to consolidate ongoing standardization 2.fair to have a task focused on satellites, as GEO is far from being a satellite based system; SBA developed by space agencies, it is a way to bring them together 3.Missing a CB task in Disasters. CB to Africa needed. Africa can not afford: –Data access –Technology –Knowledge Most of disasters occur in Africa, not in Europe

9 The 9 GEOSS SOCIETAL BENEFIT AREAS 2. Health 1.One of the weakest in GEO context 2.New FP7 2009 try to involve projects in this area 3.Health geology: geological factors, such as natural radiation 4.Geochemical content in water and soil related to Health

10 The 9 GEOSS SOCIETAL BENEFIT AREAS 3. Energy 1.EnerGEO appropriate project to feeds in to task 2: Energy Environment Impact Monitoring, linked also to other tasks of this SBA 2.STC should make the connection between the tasks.

11 The 9 GEOSS SOCIETAL BENEFIT AREAS 4. Climate 1.Contribution possible from ECMWF, but with EC support for the task CL-06-01: Sustained Reprocessing and Reanalysis of Climate Data 2.EC to look at specific links between activities funded outside EO on climate and the GEO tasks 3.Carbon activity in cross-cutting could also appear in climate 4.Also in-situ observations should not be forgotten in the tasks. (is in transverse 3.b) 5.Paleoindicators of climate can bring information on past climate variability (EC already funded a project for recovering old ship books with details on climate from previous centuries)

12 The 9 GEOSS SOCIETAL BENEFIT AREAS 5. Water 1.GEOLAND to give major contribution to this SBA, in particular for WA-06-02 Droughts, Floods and Water Resource Management (Forecasting and Early Warning Systems for Droughts and Floods) & WA- 06-07 Capacity Building for Water resources Management in Africa 2.CEOP-AEGIS will take the co-lead in WA-06-02 Droughts, Floods and Water Resource Management (impacts from Drought) and WA-08-01 Integrated Products for Water Resource management and Research (Water Cycle Data Integration), providing data-sets for other tasks

13 The 9 GEOSS SOCIETAL BENEFIT AREAS 6. Weather 1.High-Impact Weather Prediction as severe impact caused by weather 2.EC can not allow funding forecasting, EC doesn t funds research in this field 3.Weather often treated in Transverse areas

14 The 9 GEOSS SOCIETAL BENEFIT AREAS 7. Ecosystems 1.EC-09-01 Ecosystem Observation and Monitoring Network (GEO EcoNet) a)Ecosystem Classification and Mapping (EC-06-02) – contribution from EBONE b)Ecosystem Status and Trends – contribution from HYPOX c)Regional Networks for Ecosystems (EC-06-07) – contribution from EBONE, GEOLAND, HYPOX 2.A lot of work outside GEO framework 3.Area dominated by the US, large activities in Europe for setting up ecosystem models, gap in this SBA to be filled

15 The 9 GEOSS SOCIETAL BENEFIT AREAS 8. Agriculture 1.AG-06-02 Data Utilization in Fisheries and Aquaculture 2.AG-07-03 Global Agriculture Monitoring - GEOLAND to contribute to all the subtasks, probably with the lead of JRC (tbc): a)Global Agriculture Monitoring System (AG-07-03) b)Agriculture Risk Management (AG-07-02) c)Expanding Earth Observation Applications in Agriculture and Promoting Capacity Building in Developing Countries (AG-06-07) – CEOP-AEGIS to contribute 3.Soil aspects disappeared from this SBA. Probably added to transverse areas

16 The 9 GEOSS SOCIETAL BENEFIT AREAS 9. Biodiversity 1.BI-07-01 Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON) a)Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON) – EBONE to take the lead with contribution of GEOLAND, ready to make data available to reliable partners b)Invasive Species Monitoring System (BI-07-02) c)Capturing Historical and New Biodiversity Data (BI-06-03) 2.Observation of migrating bird to build network of atlantic flyways of birds from North to South, linked to Health, Biodiversity and Agriculture, and Ecosystems. Worldwide observation gap

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