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Sesi high school irati-pr brazil. Learning Workshop: PAPALÉGUAS.

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Presentation on theme: "Sesi high school irati-pr brazil. Learning Workshop: PAPALÉGUAS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sesi high school irati-pr brazil

2 Learning Workshop: PAPALÉGUAS

3 Children of SESI Childhood Education playing with the games created by the students of Papaléguas workshop.

4 Students of Papaléguas workshop during a traffic stop on the streets of Irati, distributing flyers.

5 Justification The moment we live in portrays in many ways the search of the human being for something to fill the emptiness resulting from this globalized world that encourages excessive consumption and discards values ​​. In traffic this behavior is not different, being competitive and increasingly selfish and aggressive.

6 In today's world, traffic is a dilemma for most people, because while it allows access to numerous places it is also a huge source of many evils, such as traffic congestion, environmental pollution, accidents and also problems of acquaintance among people.

7 Another issue with the traffic is related to the fact that cities grow fast and finding solutions to problems associated with the movement of vehicles, goods and people grow in a much slower pace, with a gradual divergence, making the problem bigger.

8 Knowing the transformative role of society that the School and the Education have, this workshop seeks to contribute effectively in the conservation, the reduction of accidents and assist in awareness and knowledge regarding the protection of life.

9 One of the games created by the students of the workshop.

10 Student during the traffic stop distributing flyers.

11 Students’ campaign during the traffic stop. “Place of clown is in the circus, not in the traffic.”

12 It also aims to lead students to the understanding of the importance and the relevant practice that is necessary in a good relationship of all citizens who are part of the traffic, as well as the necessary attention and respect, so that there is the so desired harmony, good habits and attitudes.

13 One of the games created by the students of the workshop.

14 Teacher and students with the “means of transportation” created by them.

15 In any role of user traffic (pedestrian, driver, rider, driver of not propelled vehicle or passenger), the conscious and participatory conduct contributes to safety.

16 Students during the visit to the driving school.

17 Teacher and students on the way to the driving school.

18 Students during the visit to the driving school.

19 Desafio Proposto "Between a rock and a hard place”. Limit: what is mine? Venturing to eat bush or dust? What limits make us true MEN?

20 Objectives: ● Develop essential values to a full life and a socially fair acquaintance through Education and Teaching for the Traffic.

21 Students of the workshop playing with SESI Childhood Education children using the games created by them.


23 Identify the Traffic Education as a personal and collective security factor;

24 Students’ campaign during the traffic stop.

25 Students with their “means of transportation” during the school “race.”

26 ● Identify behaviors that provide traffic safety and the behaviors that provide or compromise such security;

27 Teacher and student simulating a primary patient care.

28 Offer intriguing questions that enable the curiosity and the search for information to the knowledge of the traffic operation;

29 General Competencies and Skills to be Worked in Commom – Priority Focus: Motivating reflection about actions taken in traffic, seeking positive changes, not only in traffic, but also in each one’s personal life.

30 Children playing the games created by the students of the workshop.

31 Activities in common Board games for children of public school (to be defined) and Sesi following traffic laws, developed by the students of the workshop. Campaign during National Traffic Week – September 18th to 25th (blitz of students).

32 Wall of pictures taken by the students with "flagrants“ of Irati traffic. Visit to the driving school with a lecture on traffic laws and defensive driving. Talk with a person who suffered an accident.

33 Completion Activities Construction of cars and a track for a "race" in a closed loop at the school, where those who arrive first in safety and respecting traffic laws will be the winner.

34 Students in the driving school having a traffic legislation class.

35 Students having a direct contact with the driving school car.

36 Students during visit to the driving school.

37 Games on traffic created by the students of the workshop.

38 Games created by the students of the workshop.

39 The games and the students playing with them.


41 Activities developed during the workshop.


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