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S TORY I NTERPRETATION. “T HE L OTTERY ” The mundane – typical – everyone knows everyone Normal town Normal names Mr. Summers In charge of lottery The.

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Presentation on theme: "S TORY I NTERPRETATION. “T HE L OTTERY ” The mundane – typical – everyone knows everyone Normal town Normal names Mr. Summers In charge of lottery The."— Presentation transcript:


2 “T HE L OTTERY ” The mundane – typical – everyone knows everyone Normal town Normal names Mr. Summers In charge of lottery The meaning behind his name

3 Mr. Graves Summers’ assistant His name and character foreshadow Tone Friendly language Social atmosphere Weakness in humans Fear of rejection in society No open disapproval of lottery Fear of change

4 Black box – symbol Failure to replace it and failure to stand up to beliefs It is “faded & stained” like their view of reality Ordinary life vs. extreme evil = things are not always as they appear

5 Protagonist – Mrs. Hutchinson She’s consumed by hypocrisy and weakness Attempts to rebel and not show up “forgetting what day it is” Pleasant and social when arriving at drawing IRONY – she stands up and “wins” lottery After black dot, she’s selfish

6 Relevance today We flock to nasty gossip We “butt-in” where we do not belong We can point out others’ faults until we do it – then no discussion We stereotype until stereotyped We are hypocrites! Symbols – color black Theme – social class division

7 “T O B UILD A F IRE ” Characters “the man” – protagonist “the dog” – a foil Old timer – not even present Klondike – antagonist Themes Survival Man vs. nature death

8 Point of view 3 rd paragraph Man’s lack of imagination His stupid/naïve/reckless Man’s behavior makes the story To survive – “all a man has to do is keep his head”

9 “A R OSE FOR E MILY ” Portraits of Emily Windows/doorway = changes in life Clues to “whole picture” or the motivations behind her transformations Protected by father Youthful Virgin-like Hair cut short = no sexuality She appears as a girl instead of a woman of 30 “tragic and serene”

10 After she kills Homer Becomes dark silhouette of her father She has lived with death literally – Homer’s body She has locked herself away from time and progress No sense of time – change ceases to exist The distortion of time allows her to sleep with her lover?? She is a living corpse Her iron-gray hair Her iron will Her decisive act of murder

11 Narrator Basically the town “we” Suggest gossiping nature Her “crazy aunt” Why they attend her funeral

12 Foreshadow – descriptive words “her skeleton was small and sparse ” “she looked bloated, like a body long submerged in motionless water and of that pallid hue.” “her voice was dry and cold ” (house) “smelled of dust, disuse – a closed dank smell ” (guests sit) – a “ faint dust ” rises

13 Foreshadow of father’s death Emily’s denial of his death 3 days later she lets them bury him “we did not say she was crazy then” – Do they now?? Manservent Unaffected by the flow of time Only his hair color changes Walks out never to be seen again

14 Symbolism – the house Once one of the nicest “Big, squarish frame that had once been white” Became “an eyesore among eyesores” Old Southern beliefs/actions Colonel’s rules No negro woman without an apron The taxes – “only a woman would have believed” Judge – not wanting to tell her she smells Ladies’ attitude about Homer

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