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School Resource Officer Deputy Bryce Cooper August 26 th, 2015 Traffic Safety Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "School Resource Officer Deputy Bryce Cooper August 26 th, 2015 Traffic Safety Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 School Resource Officer Deputy Bryce Cooper August 26 th, 2015 Traffic Safety Presentation

2 School Zone Safety Tips 8DRIVERS: 8Remember – 25 MPH in School/Residential Zones. 8SLOW DOWN – more pedestrians and bicyclists. 8Exercise extra CAUTION in areas without sidewalks. **PLEASE NOTE: THE SAFETY OF ALL C.N.U.S.D. STUDENTS, STAFF MEMBERS AND PARENTS IS MY ONLY CONCERN **

3 Most Frequently Seen Violations 81.) 22350 VC – Unsafe Speed. 82.) 21460.5(c) VC – Two way left turn lane violation. (U- turns or travel more than 200’). 83.) 21950 (a) VC – Ped in crosswalk/driver yield. 84.) 21951 VC – Overtake/pass vehicle stopped for ped. 85.) 22400(a) VC – Impede traffic/load or unload passenger in traffic lanes 86.) 21755(a) VC – Unsafe passing on right. 87.) 23123(a) VC – Cell phone use while driving.

4 22350 VC 8Basic Speed Law: Drive vehicle on a roadway faster than is reasonable or prudent having due regard for weather, visibility, traffic conditions, and surface conditions… and in no event at a speed that endangers the safety of persons or property.

5 21460.5(c) VC Two-way left turn lane: Use only to prepare for or make a left turn/U-turn on a roadway. Do not drive in lane over 200 feet. Left turn or U- turn NOT to be made from ANY other lane if two-way left turn lane is designated.

6 21950(a) VC & 21951 VC -Pedestrian in a crosswalk: Driver yield to pedestrian within any marked or unmarked crosswalk. -Crosswalk: Do not overtake or pass a vehicle from the rear at any marked or unmarked crosswalk.

7 -Impede Traffic: Stop or slow a vehicle on a roadway and block the normal flow/reasonable flow of traffic unless necessary for safe operation. (Also see 22500(h) VC – Double Parking) -Passing on Right: When unsafe or drive off main- traveled portion of roadway. 22400(a) VC & 21755(a) VC

8 23123(a) VC & 23123.5(a) VC Cell phone use while driving – Do not use a wireless telephone while driving unless phone is specifically designed and configured to allow hands-free listening and talking. (Under 18yrs – 23124(b) VC) Texting while driving – Do not drive while using an electric wireless device to write, send, or read a text- based communication (social media sites included) unless device specifically designed to allow hands free operation.

9 The End Any questions/concerns please feel free to contact me at Norco High School between the hours of 8:00am and 2:30pm (Monday-Friday). (951) 736-3241

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