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1 Responsiveness of the implementation system Jana Trost European Union Cohesion Policy Train the trainers European Commission seminar for managing and.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Responsiveness of the implementation system Jana Trost European Union Cohesion Policy Train the trainers European Commission seminar for managing and."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Responsiveness of the implementation system Jana Trost European Union Cohesion Policy Train the trainers European Commission seminar for managing and certifying authorities 17 June 2010

2 2 Management Verifications Key role in the system Correctness Legality, Regularity Sound Financial Management should be observed as well

3 3 Management Verifications Done before payments are reimbursed to beneficiaries (desk basis) Any mistake can be corrected with minimum damage caused

4 4 System awareness The management verifications gives direct feedback to project managers about the legality and correctness of procedures and expenditures The procedure followed after a mistake is detected has to be written in manuals. –Steps which need to be taken by all actors have to be defined.

5 5 Systems modification If a finding is a result of the system in place: Timeframe for the modification of the system has to be defined. It has to be defined who proposes a modification, who approves it, who are the actors who have to be informed about the modification in the system Who else has to be informed about the new system in place

6 6 Audit Reports If mistakes are not find during management verifications, they can be found during audits missions. Managers remain responsible for the correctness of the system! Findings in audit reports should be analysed by the Managing Authorities and recommendations must be implemented. Audit reports are an important source of information for the staff performing management verifications.

7 7 Finding a suitable solution More than one MA – coordinated approach towards solutions, involve all actors, share solutions. Possible good practice – thematic groups in Member states with several MA.

8 8 Thank you! Jana Trost DG Regional Policy

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