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New BlackBoard ToolSet: Safe Assign, Module Evaluation & TextTools FoC Student Experience (L&T) Meeting Thursday 10 Feb 2011 1-2 T9-05 Peter Chalk & Mehryar.

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Presentation on theme: "New BlackBoard ToolSet: Safe Assign, Module Evaluation & TextTools FoC Student Experience (L&T) Meeting Thursday 10 Feb 2011 1-2 T9-05 Peter Chalk & Mehryar."— Presentation transcript:

1 New BlackBoard ToolSet: Safe Assign, Module Evaluation & TextTools FoC Student Experience (L&T) Meeting Thursday 10 Feb 2011 1-2 T9-05 Peter Chalk & Mehryar Adibpour

2 Safe Assign Student centred Draft essay plagiarism check Built into WebLearn SafeSubmit for plagiarism check of final submission

3 Create or add a SafeAssign submission using Build Tool

4 Teacher view of student view – one OK, 7% is refs; one plagiarised 66%

5 Analysis shows matching text: by %age and in blue; and source URL

6 & the 7% ?

7 “I particularly like the idea of ‘safe assign’, which is a program developed to help both students and tutors see whether a piece of work is plagiarised. For the student, it gives them a chance to check their work for signs of plagiarism before handing it in. In an article [1] on avoiding plagiarism states, “it generates a report that identifies what percentage of the paper may be lifted from somewhere else”. I believe I will find this a very useful tool for me to use in my future education. 1 Susan McLester, 25/01/2011, “The Accidental Plagiarists” accessed from Accidental-Plagiarists.aspx?Page=2 on 04/02-2011” Student View (CC1H01N CW essay)

8 Module Evaluation in WebLearn Developed by Mehryar Adibppour In J.../FoC L&T/SEMs Questions zip file goes into WebLearn: –Designer tool, –Manage course, –import, then –upload the zip file

9 Analysis and presentation of results Excel spreadsheet analysis and presentation tool Copy and paste data into Tab (Sheet) 1 Results automatically displayed in Tab 2 Percentages and Pie Charts Including free text comments

10 Creating questionnaire in WebLearn Zip of questionnaire imported into WebLearn Unzip to Question Database Set up Assessment Survey Add all questions

11 Assessment/ survey:

12 Download and copy questionnaire results into tab 1 – tab 2 shows results

13 TxtTools Text students about urgent events Get feedback Use in class – ‘ask the audience’ Company recently bought by BlackBoard Previously used in pilot; also recently by LMBS and others; and now FoC Chrisina Jayne has account admin rights Module leaders, course ldrs, PAAs...

14 Grab students from SITS, turnstile file, or enter one-by-one (!); as a group; text individually or as group; reply needs codeword for lecturer

15 Groups are listed; type 160 chars (like twitter; send; replies can be emailed to you

16 Summary New uni policy – all staff to have weblearn toolkit: –Safe Assign –Module evaluation –TxtTools –......are all examples of what we need in our toolkit, as appropriate to each module

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