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ICT Policy Support Programme Draft Work Programme 2009 30 October 2008 Totka Chernaeva, NCP.

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Presentation on theme: "ICT Policy Support Programme Draft Work Programme 2009 30 October 2008 Totka Chernaeva, NCP."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICT Policy Support Programme Draft Work Programme 2009 30 October 2008 Totka Chernaeva, NCP

2 Outline 1.Context, objectives and instruments 2.Proposed themes and objectives for 2009 3.Rules for participation and evaluation

3 ICT PSP general objective To accelerate the development of a competitive, innovative and inclusive Information Society [CIP, chapter I, Art 2] In line with the three i2010 priorities [CIP, chapter II, Art 26-29] –Completing the Single European Information Space –Strengthening innovation and investment in research –Achieving an Inclusive European Information society By: –Stimulating the deployment and best use of innovative ICT-based solutions –Facilitating the coordination and implementation of actions for developing the information society across the Member States

4 2009: extension of the areas to be addressed Support to the development of digital content fully integrated from 2009 [CIP, Title III, Art 50] –eContent+ ICT PSP indicative budget (MEUR) –This table is not including contributions from EFTA or from other potential associated countries

5 Structure and Instruments of the WP (types of projects) The WP 2009 is focused on a set of themes –For each theme, a socio-economic goal is defined Themes addressed through a set of objectives –To be achieved through community contribution Each objective is supported with different types of projects –Pilots type (“A” or “B”) –Thematic Networks –Best Practice Network (restricted to one theme (DL) and ensures transition with eContent+) Funded through Calls for Proposals Awareness raising, benchmarking, conferences, studies, Funded through Calls for Tenders or Grants

6 Instruments overview Stimulate innovative use of ICT in public and private sector through pilot implementation of novel technologies and services Mobilise the ICT community /Exchange experience between practitioners and policy makers in support of EU policies in IS In 2009 additional instrument –BPN for Digital libraries for the deployment of good practices across Europe Pilots Type B Thematic Networks Large Scale Pilots focused on Interoperability of public e-services across Europe Pilots Type A

7 Work Programme 2009 - 8 Themes proposed Support to I2010 flagship initiatives and action plans 1.ICT for health, ageing and inclusion 2.Digital Libraries 3.ICT for government and governance 4.ICT for energy efficiency, environment and smart mobility Support to the single information space (opening markets, wider use) 5.Multilingual Web 6.Public Sector information 7.Internet evolution and security (including RFID) Horizontal actions in support of ICT innovations 8.Open innovation, user experience and living labs

8 Themes and policies supported ThemesPolicies supported ICT for health, ageing and inclusion – i2010 eHealth action planeHealth action plan – Communication: "A lead Market initiative for Europe"(Dec. 2007) identifying eHealth as one of the six lead markets. – Communication: "To be part of the information society" (Nov 2007) – Communication: "Ageing well in the information society" (June 2007) – i2010 flagship initiative and action plan for Ageing Well in the Information Society. Digital libraries – i2010: Digital Libraries Initiative ICT for government and governance – i2010 eGovernment action plan reinforced by the Lisbon Ministerial Declaration (2007) on inclusive eGovernment. – Follow up of the Directive 1999/93/EC on a Community framework for electronic signatures ICT for energy efficiency, environment and smart mobility – Communication: Addressing the challenge of energy efficiency through Information and Communication Technologies - (May 2008)Addressing the challenge of energy efficiency through Information and Communication Technologies – Communication: "Reinforcing the Union's Disaster Response Capacity" (COM(2008)130) and "Towards Better Protecting Citizens against Disaster Risks: " (SEC(2007)1721). – I2010 intelligent car initiative Public sector information – PSI Directive – INSPIRE Directive Multilingual web – First pillar of i2010 Internet evolution and security (including RFID) – Directives on Data Protection (1995) and ePrivacy (2002) – Communication: A strategy for a Secure Information Society – “Dialogue, partnership and empowerment” - COM(2006) 251 and follow-up – Communication: Promoting Data Protection by Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) (2007) – Communication: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in Europe: steps towards a policy framework (2007) Open innovation, user experience and living labs – Innovation policy in general

9 Theme 1: ICT for health, ageing and inclusion - four objectives –1.1. ICT for patient-centred health service (Pilot A) –1.2. Innovative eHealth tools and services in real life –(Thematic Network) –1.3. ICT for ageing well / independent living (Pilot B) –1.4. e-Accessibility (Thematic Network) Theme 1

10 Theme 2 : Digital Libraries - five objectives –2.1. European Digital Library – deployment of services (BPN) –2.2. European Digital Library - aggregating digital content in Europeana (BPN) –2.3. European Digital Library – Digitising content for Europeana (Pilot B) –2.4. Open access to scientific information (Pilot B) –2.5. Use of cultural heritage material for education (Pilot B) Europeana is the Europe’s DL which will be launched on 20 November, bringing digitised books, films, paintings, newspapers, sounds and archives from Europe’s greatest collections. Theme2

11 Theme 3: ICT for government and governance - four objectives –3.1. Enlargement of the e-Procurement Pilot PEPPOL (Pilot A) –3.2. Enlargement of the e-IDM Pilot STORK (Pilot A) –3.3. Inclusive e-Governance (Pilot B) –3.4. User Centricity for e-Governance (Pilot B) Theme 3

12 Theme 4: ICT for energy efficiency, environment and smart mobility – two objectives –4.1. ICT for energy efficiency in social housing (Pilot B) –4.2. ICT for prevention, alert and rescue to minimise impacts of climate change (Pilot B) Theme 5: Multilingual Web - two objectives –5.1. Machine translation for the multilingual web (Pilot B) –5.2. Web site conventions that support multilingual web (Pilot B, Thematic Network) Theme 4 and theme 5

13 Theme 6: Public Sector information – two objectives –6.1. Legal aspects of Public Sector Information (Thematic Network) –6.2. Geographic Information (Pilot B) Theme 7: Internet evolution and security (including RFID) – two objectives –7.1. A European infrastructure for secure information management (Pilot B) –7.2. Strengthening SME competitive advantage through RFID implementation (Pilot B) Theme 6 and theme 7

14 Theme 8: Open innovation, user experience and living labs – one objective –8.1. Sharing best practices across European Living Labs involving SMEs as key users (Pilot B) Living Lab is a new concept for R&D and innovation based on the involvement of all stakeholders including users in the development of new ICT-based services and products. Calls for tender or grants –Benchmarking the information society –Studies, IS portal and/or common repositories, organisation of high level conferences and events Theme 8 and Calls for tender or grants

15 Budget 2009 Indicative budget Operational Budget Call for proposals Theme 1 : ICT for health, ageing and inclusion 15 M€ Theme 2 : Digital Libraries 25 M€ Theme 3 : ICT for government and governance 18 M€ Theme 4 : ICT for energy efficiency, environment and smart mobility 8 M€ Theme 5 : Multilingual Web 14 M€ Theme 6 : Public Sector information 9.5 M€ Theme 7 : Internet evolution and security (including RFID) 6 M€ Theme 8 : Open innovation, user experience and living labs 4 M€ Calls for tender and support measure implemented by grants 6.4 M€ TOTAL105.9 M€

16 Rules for participation The programme is open to all legal entities established in the EU Member States. Legal entities established outside the EU may participate on equal terms with Member States on the basis of association agreements. Other third countries may participate on a case-by-case basis but will not receive any funding.

17 Evaluation of Proposals Evaluation criteria E A S Eligibility Criteria - on-time submission, completeness, proposer status, etc. - on-time submission, completeness, proposer status, etc. Award Criteria Award Criteria - Relevance(threshold 3/5) - Relevance(threshold 3/5) - Impact(threshold 3/5) - Impact(threshold 3/5) - Implementation(threshold 3/5) - Implementation(threshold 3/5) Selection Criteria - financial & operational capacity to carry out project - professional competencies and qualifications of the consortium The evaluation of proposals will be based on the principles of transparency and of equal treatment. It will be carried out by the Commission with the assistance of independent experts

18 Alignment with the Work Programme objectives Alignment with relevant policies on European and national level. Added value for Community contribution Capability to build support across the EU Target outcomes Expected impact Capability and commitment of the partnership and involvement of all relevant stakeholders Long term impact Free availability of common results in view of implementing interoperability on EU wide level Free availability of common results and the openness of the thematic networks Maturity of the technical solution, i.e. the R&D phase of the pilot is complete Adequacy of the chosen approach Clarity of the work plan Effectiveness of management approach & dissemination plan. Appropriateness of resource allocation and estimated cost Security, privacy, inclusiveness and accessibility issues Relevance Impact Implementation All instruments Pilots B, TN Pilots A, TN All 3 instruments Pilots A TN Pilots B All 3 instruments Pilots A, Pilots B Award criteria overview

19 Next steps and Information Commission decision for launching the WP 2009 - in January Call open from January Short url: - Call Text - Work programme - Guidelines for applicants (one per instrument) - Other related programme documents (model grant agreement, evaluation guidelines) An ICT Helpdesk for proposers’ questions: An EPSS helpdesk: National contact Thank you for the attention!

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