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Vocabulary Unit 3- Great American Speeches Mrs. Jones English III H.

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1 Vocabulary Unit 3- Great American Speeches Mrs. Jones English III H

2 1. absolve Verb To declare someone free from blame, guilt, or responsibility d=rja&uact=8&ved=0CAYQjB0&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww2.dekenaat- 26id%3D13%26Itemid%3D27&ei=gIV_VOqiPOuIigKn- YGIAg&bvm=bv.80642063,d.eXY&psig=AFQjCNH51ukmOhOwEwkNt7EklOp5jtl Luw&ust=1417729773737848

3 2. acquiesce Verb To accept something reluctantly but without protest

4 3. adversary Noun An opponent in a conflict, debate, or dispute

5 4. consecrate Verb To make or declare something sacred; to dedicate formally to a religious purpose FGT%252520Walsh%252520consecrating%252520chalices%252520May%2525201 4%2525202010.jpg& p%2F2010%2F05%2Fconsecration-of-a-paten-and- a%2F&h=2448&w=3264&tbnid=PjCnVQA2Jey9vM%3A&zoom=1&docid=cNAliYUKZ 9m2iM&ei=Pod_VLGaKsqzggSpiYKIBw&tbm=isch&ved=0CDMQMygAMAA&iact=rc &uact=3&dur=607&page=1&start=0&ndsp=20

6 5. disavow Verb To deny any responsibility or support for the-following-were-you-most-likely-to/question-

7 6. formidable Adjective Inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable

8 7. hallowed Adjective (also a past tense verb) Greatly revered or respected; consecrated; made holy

9 8. invective Noun Insulting, abusive, or highly critical language B0& g&bvm=bv.80642063,d.eXY&psig=AFQjCNGLqTZdR_0yYtKqajFM3Q53nIwTsA&ust=1417734251403582

10 9. jargon Noun Special words or expressions that are used by a certain profession or group of people that are difficult for others to understand

11 10. magnanimous Noun Very generous or forgiving, especially toward a rival or someone deemed less powerful than oneself

12 11. martial Adjective Warlike or appropriate for war

13 12. nefarious Adjective (typically used for an action or activity) wicked or criminal

14 13. pernicious Adjective Having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way

15 14. prostrate Verb To lay oneself flat on the ground with the face downward, especially in reverence or submission

16 15. prudence Noun Cautiousness; the act of showing care and thought for the future

17 16. remonstrate Verb To make a forcefully reproachful protest

18 17. supplicate Verb To ask or beg for something earnestly or humbly

19 18. tempered Adjective/verb Serving as a neutralizing or counterbalancing force to (something)

20 19. temporal Adjective Relating to worldly (as opposed to spiritual) affairs; secular

21 20. usurp Verb To take a position of power or importance by force

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