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THE CULT OF DOMESTICITY 1820s-1900 (and beyond). The age of “Science” created sexist beliefs about men and women Women seen as mentally and physically.

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Presentation on theme: "THE CULT OF DOMESTICITY 1820s-1900 (and beyond). The age of “Science” created sexist beliefs about men and women Women seen as mentally and physically."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE CULT OF DOMESTICITY 1820s-1900 (and beyond)

2 The age of “Science” created sexist beliefs about men and women Women seen as mentally and physically weaker than men – Reasoning: Women are smaller – Women fainted more -- – Women menstruated every month.

3 Women were seen as more delicate and fragile than men because of hormone differences and volatility of these hormones.. Women’s reproduction organs defined her – uterus and ovaries.

4 Society kept a woman a prisoner at times in her own body... Muller v. Oregon – 1908 in jeopardy from excessive work. Connection to Bradwell v. Illinois (1872) –

5 Woman was less intelligent than a man “Scientific proof” – Phrenology – her skull was smaller and different shaped – Brain was smaller

6 Sexuality There were all kinds of belief about female and male sexuality: – Sexuality a primitive instinct – Men desired sex – Desire for sex absent in “ladies”

7 Puberty Men became strong during puberty Women became “frail and delicate” during this time...Her responsibilities became directed to childrearing...She was advised not to become too emotional, or to focus too much on her intellectual pursuits b/c expending such energy would take away energy from the fetus.

8 Puberty/sexuality Men also had some repression – told not to masturbate b/c it would waste the precious life fluid – semen Some intercourse good, but too much, would waste energy. Women supposed to keep male sexuality check.

9 These beliefs gave rise to CULT OF DOMESTICITY PIETY – women should be religious, pious...moral centers of the family. IT was ok for women to be involved in religious movements. Purity – women were the gatekeepers of men’s sexual energy. Women did not desire sex, so they were in control....otherwise society would be in trouble. Submissiveness – men supposed to be the “leaders” of the family...women were the support. Domesticity – women belonged with the home and the children.

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