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Feb 2004. Best Software Vision “The power of one company providing the insight for our customers to succeed”...throughout the life of their businesses.

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Presentation on theme: "Feb 2004. Best Software Vision “The power of one company providing the insight for our customers to succeed”...throughout the life of their businesses."— Presentation transcript:

1 Feb 2004

2 Best Software Vision “The power of one company providing the insight for our customers to succeed”...throughout the life of their businesses

3 Feb 2004 Our Mission “To be the leading supplier of business management products and services to small and medium sized customers.”

4 Feb 2004 Our Product Portfolio Small Business Mid-Market

5 Feb 2004 A Few Facts About Us Our parent: Sage –The world's leading supplier of accounting, payroll and business software to small and medium sized businesses. –Supporting over 4.3M business customers worldwide –Publicly-traded on the London Stock Exchange (SGE) and the only technology stock on the FTSE 100. Market cap of $3.8 billion Best Software –Supporting 2.3M business customers in North America –Nearly $425M in revenue in FY 2003 –More than 15 acquisitions valued at over $1.4B in the last five years

6 Feb 2004 Customer Support Mission Promptly, dependably, courteously, and accurately address the needs of our customers and partners when they contact us Reduce the need of our customers and partners to contact us by proactively providing online information that helps them answer questions on their own Discover what needs our customers and partners have for additional Best Software products or services and pass that information to Sales/Marketing to generate additional revenues. Concisely summarize and prioritize our customers and partners voices to identify the software and service improvements our customers and partners want most.

7 Feb 2004 Customer Intelligence Report Concisely summarizes and prioritizes our customers and partners voices Developed semi-annually Distributed to all Business Units including, Product Management, R&D, Sales, Training, Professional Services and Executive Management

8 Feb 2004 Sources of Information Customer Feedback CRM Knowledge Base Solutions Escalated Issues Customer Support Analysts

9 Feb 2004 Customer Intelligence Report Contents Executive Summary To Do List Results Call Breakdown Top Defects Customer Comments Escalation Reasons Completed

10 Feb 2004 Q&A

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