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Forest fires: global challenge, local solutions

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1 Forest fires: global challenge, local solutions
Every year, forest fires release million tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere, contributing to global greenhouse gas emissions and thus to climate change. Paulo Mateus (National Director) National Forest Authority - Portugal

1.1 Global Fire Geography 1.2 Wild fires in Portugal 2. CAUSES OF WILD FIRES 2.1 Anthropogenic causes 2.2 Causes behind causes 2.3 Starting point conditions 3. THE PORTUGUESE RESPONSE: National and local solutions 3.1 National Fire Plan and the Portuguese National Forest Strategy 3.2 National System for forest fire prevention and suppression 3.3 Structural Prevention 4. GUIDELINES FOR AN EUROPEAN RESPONSE

1.1 Global Fire Geography NASA satellites – MODIS hot spots (Summer 2005) “Forest fires are increasing as a result of climate change, and they are affecting larger areas and becoming more severe in several regions of the world” (FAO, ).

4 FAO (2007) – fire management global assessment 2006:
1. FOREST FIRES IN THE GLOBAL CONTEXT 1.3 Wild fires in Portugal FAO (2007) – fire management global assessment 2006: “ Fire is the main cause of forest destruction in the countries of the Mediterranean basin. About fires sweep through to 1 million hectares each year” Last 10 years average: ha Portugal, 3 August 2003 Shrubs Forest stand NASA - MODIS Rapid response system

5 2. CAUSES OF WILD FIRES 2.1 Anthropogenic causes Portugal, 2008 Pasture renewal and agricultural burnings are the most important fire causes in Portugal

6 2. CAUSES OF WILD FIRES 2.2 Causes behind the causes The breakdown of the steady state : Lack of forest management due to rural exodus and agricultural set-a-side; Lack of citizens response in managing and preventing fires Inappropriate forest land use planning and lack of investment on fuel management programs; Extreme weather conditions; According to the European Parliament report (Fev.2008) “Forest fires: causes and contributing factors in Europe”

7 People are humble to follow the best examples around the world
2. CAUSES OF WILD FIRES 2.3 Starting point conditions More than the announcement of new reforms, you have to persuade the community of assure conditions to improve changes in a long term period Shrubs Forest stand Magic moment Be aware of paradox: As time goes by after a disaster increases the probability of a new disaster. As time goes by after a disaster decreases the goodwill to avoid new disaster. People are humble to follow the best examples around the world Politicians goodwill is very high after such a disaster Technicians are devoted to improve knowledge in fire behavior

8 2003-2006 forest sector structural reform
3. THE PORTUGUESE RESPONSE : National and local solutions forest sector structural reform Reorganisation of the public forest service and the forest fire fighting system Different forest planning and management methods (e.g. National Forest Strategy; Regional Forest Management Plans; Forest Intervention Zones, for regions with small private holdings) Innovative financing models for the forest sector (Permanent Forest Fund, with money from car fuel taxes) New legislation on forest fire protection (new fire protection system, with National and municipal fire protection plans and a new set of goals and regulations)

9 - Responsibility of wild fire is shared by all community
3. THE PORTUGUESE RESPONSE: National and local solutions 3.1 National Fire Plan and the Portuguese National Forest Strategy 2006 – The effective start of long term changes based on 2 main paradigms: - Responsibility of wild fire is shared by all community - Fire in a part of the ecosystem, not a enemy but , many times, an ally NATIONAL FOREST STRATEGY The mitigation of wild fires is identified as the main priority to achieve the sustainability of the forest sector in Portugal. Workshop “Forest Fires in the Mediterranean Region: Prevention and Regional Cooperation”

3. THE PORTUGUESE RESPONSE: National and local solutions 3.2 National System for forest fire prevention and suppression NATIONAL SYSTEM FOR FOREST FIRES PREVENTION AND SUPPRESSION THREE MAIN COORDINATION RESPONSABLES: Forest services – structural prevention National Guard – law enforcement and surveillance Civil protection services - fire suppression NATIONAL FIRE PLAN MID-TERM ACTION PLANNING (2006/2012) FIVE STRATEGIC AXES: 1 – increase forest landscape resilience; 2 – reduce the incidence of forest fires; 3 – improve the efficiency of forest fire suppression; 4 – promote the reestablishment of forest ecosystems; 5 – adoption of the adequate structure. Workshop “Forest Fires in the Mediterranean Region: Prevention and Regional Cooperation”

11 1. municipal planning level
3. THE PORTUGUESE RESPONSE: National and local solutions 3.3 structural prevention 1. municipal planning level 234 Municipal Plans on Forest Fire Defense 246 municipalities forest offices (out of 278 municipalities)

12 2. awareness raising campaigns
3. THE PORTUGUESE RESPONSE: National and local solutions 3.3 structural prevention 2. awareness raising campaigns i. Common slogan Portugal without fires depends on everyone ii. Active participation of the society and private companies iii. Awareness of specific target-groups

13 3. Strategic management of forest fuels
3. THE PORTUGUESE RESPONSE: National and local solutions 3.3 structural prevention 3. Strategic management of forest fuels Over ha protected with fuel management activities each year Average of 1.600ha prescribed burns 263 hand-crews Forest biomass for energy Network of new power stations (goal: 2 Mtons/year by 2012) Forest biomass for the local production of energy pasturing prescribed fire

14 4. Training and knowledge
3. THE PORTUGUESE RESPONSE: National and local solutions 3.3 structural prevention action 4. Training and knowledge Fire behaviour 21 specialists in fire behaviour and in use of fire (prescribed or technical) 120 foresters trained in prescribed burning knowledge training MAIN GOAL: Develop the scientific and technical basis for the definition of new practices and polities of integrated fire management in Europe

15 FIVE remarks for discussion:
4. GUIDELINES FOR AN EUROPEAN RESPONSE FIVE remarks for discussion: 1) Sustainable forests: Promotion of forest sustainability integrated in the Rural Development of European Regions; 2) Public awareness: Establishment of a common European campaign for forest protection, specially for forest fires prevention; 3) Community based programmes: Improvement of an European programme for community based actions on forest management, fires prevention, correct usage of fire (prescribed burns) and on houses protection; 4) European directive: Preparation of a common scheme in regional forest planning, taking in consideration aspects like: climate change scenarios, forest protection, biodiversity and nature conservation and people fixation in rural areas. 5) European regulation: Preparation of a European Regulation, for forest protection purposes, funded by eco-tax from the usage of fossil fuels.

16 Thank you for your attention!
“Fire in the Mediterranean is an unavoidable cultural and ecological phenomenon, but an avoidable catastrophe” (Montiel) Workshop on Forest Fires in the Mediterranean Region: Prevention and Regional Cooperation (Sabaudia – Italy, May 2008) Thank you for your attention!

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