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Iconicity, Frequency, and Sign length effects in TSL lexical processing Yi-Hsuan Chiu Cognitive Neuropsychology Laboratory, National Yang-Ming University,

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Presentation on theme: "Iconicity, Frequency, and Sign length effects in TSL lexical processing Yi-Hsuan Chiu Cognitive Neuropsychology Laboratory, National Yang-Ming University,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Iconicity, Frequency, and Sign length effects in TSL lexical processing Yi-Hsuan Chiu Cognitive Neuropsychology Laboratory, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan Cognitive Neuropsychology Laboratory, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan Institute of Neuroscience, School of Life Science, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan

2 An animal or a tool? DOGKEY

3 Iconicity of sign language The components of The components of Location Location Handshape Handshape Movement Movement constrain the meaning of the objects! Language ---------- Thought

4 Iconicity of sign language The components of The components of Location Location Handshape Handshape Movement Movement constrain the meaning of the objects! Language ---------- Thought iconicity

5 Iconicity of sign language The components of The components of Location Location Handshape Handshape Movement Movement constrain the meaning of the objects! iconicity Language --- Thought

6 The usage of Sign languages in Taiwan Sign language in Taiwan Sign language in Taiwan Nature sign language (Taiwan Sign Language) Nature sign language (Taiwan Sign Language) Arbitrary Arbitrary Iconicity Iconicity Vision-based Vision-based Manipulation-based Manipulation-based {the spatial information (location, handshape, movement) is meaningful} Chinese Character Sign Language Chinese Character Sign Language

7 Iconicity in Sign Language

8 Visuion-based Manipulation- based handshape All possible shape-for-shape iconicity GINGER Path-for-shape iconicity VACE Ease articulator shape-for-shape iconicity KITCHEN-KNIFEGLASS location body-for-body iconicity ELEPHANT Neutral: VACE Neutral: KEY, GLASS movement atemporal motion Fictive motion Path-for-path iconicity Factive motion

9 Sign lexical access Task: Picture signing, picture delay signing, picture naming, picture delay naming Task: Picture signing, picture delay signing, picture naming, picture delay naming Subjects: deaf signer, interpreter (hear signer), and normal (hear non-singer) Subjects: deaf signer, interpreter (hear signer), and normal (hear non-singer) Independent variables Independent variables Iconicity: manipulation, vision Iconicity: manipulation, vision Frequency: high, low Frequency: high, low Sign length: short, long Sign length: short, long Dependent variable: reaction time Dependent variable: reaction time +&$ Release button to sign/ name out RT

10 Picture signing / picture naming +&$ Release button to sign/ name out RT Picture delay signing / picture delay naming +&$ Release button to sign/ name out RT * 1s

11 Behavior study

12 Picture naming/ signing Language modality Language modalityNamingSigning Visual processing/ Concept 0-150ms  Lexical access 150-275ms (lemma)  275-400ms (Phonological encoding) Phonetic/Articulation 400-600ms 

13 Picture naming/ signing NamingSigning Concept Iconicity: no difference (all noun) Lexical access Sign length: Rt (Short < Long) Frequency: Rt (High < Low) Articulation RT

14 Picture delay naming/ signing Delay Naming Delay Signing Concept Iconicity: no difference (all noun) Lexical access Sign length: Rt (Short = Long) Frequency: Rt (High = Low) Articulation RT Language modality

15 Subjects DeafInterpreterNormal Signing Naming? Hearing ability  Dif.: Hearing lossDif.: Language experience However, what is the interpreter’s mother tongue?

16 Deaf signing (n=24) All subjects learned TSL before their puberty, and took TSL as their daily language. All subjects learned TSL before their puberty, and took TSL as their daily language. M=14, F=10 M=14, F=10 Mean age= 37.04 years-old (19-57ys) Mean age= 37.04 years-old (19-57ys)

17 Deaf and normal (N=24) Deaf and normal (N=24)D/SN/Np* Subject (deaf/ normal) 552.90665.010.0000** Task (signing/delay signing) 794.79423.110.0000** Interaction0.0000**

18 Deaf and normal (N=24) Deaf and normal (N=24) p* Interaction0.0000** sign-de. sign 657.45448.350.0000** name- de. name 932.14397.880.0000** sign-name657.45932.140.0000** de. sign- de. name 448.35397.880.1120 ** Iconicity Articulation

19 N=24DeafInterpreterNormal Signing/GesturingIconicity*** Frequency****** Sign length ****** Delay signing Iconicity Frequency Sign length NamingIconicity** Frequency**** **** Delay naming Iconicity Frequency Sign length *

20 ERP study

21 Picture naming/ signing Iconicity: (verb < noun)~ (manipulation < vision) N400 Iconicity: (verb < noun)~ (manipulation < vision) N400 Frequency: 225-250ms (High < Low) Frequency: 225-250ms (High < Low) 350-450ms (High < Low) N400 350-450ms (High < Low) N400 Sign length: 60-120ms (Short < Long) Sign length: 60-120ms (Short < Long)

22 Time window Window (ms) IconicityFrequency Sign length 60-90 90-120 60-120 125-175 125-225 150-200 200-300 250-350 285-335 350-400 450-550 550-600

23 Location (channel) Brain areas ChannelsIco.Fre.Leng. Frontal cortex F1, FCz, F2 M>VM<VH<L Inferior frontal (44)/ premotor cortex (6) FC5, FC6 M>V Motor cortex C3, C4 M>V Occipital cortex O1, Oz, O2 M<VS<L

24 Deaf Signing (N=8) and Normal naming (N=12)

25 Nouns and verbs Federmeier et al. 2000 Federmeier et al. 2000 Noun Verb N400: N>V

26 Deaf signing (Iconicity: M/V) (N=8)

27 Frequency (H<L) 225-250: H<L 225-250: H<L 350-450: H<L 350-450: H<L Muente et al. 2001 Muente et al. 2001

28 Deaf signing (Fre.: H/L) (N=8) 225-250ms 225-250ms:H<L

29 Sign length (S< L) 60-120ms: S<L 60-120ms: S<L Assadollahi et al. 2003 MEG Short word Long word

30 Deaf signing (Leng.: S/L) (N=8) 60-120ms 60-120ms:S<L

31 ERP data summary IconicityFrequency Sign length N400 N>V class V>M ico. 225-250H<L60-120S<L Deaf signing *** Normal naming * Interpreter signing * S>L ? Interpreter naming *

32 Summary Frequency, sign length effects in TSL lexicon~ Frequency, sign length effects in TSL lexicon~ Chinese lexicon (spoken language lexicon) Sign language Iconicity ~ semantic Sign language Iconicity ~ semantic RT: signing< naming, delay signing~ delay naming RT: signing< naming, delay signing~ delay naming ERP: 100-200, 200-300ms, signing< naming ERP: 100-200, 200-300ms, signing< naming Normal gesture: RT: M<V Normal gesture: RT: M<V Iconicity: Iconicity: ERP: Manipulation/Vision~ Verbs/Nouns ERP: Manipulation/Vision~ Verbs/Nouns

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