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Third GEO European Projects Workshop Parallel session: Climate monitoring, including Global Carbon Observation System Friday 09 October 2009 Istanbul (Turkey)

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Presentation on theme: "Third GEO European Projects Workshop Parallel session: Climate monitoring, including Global Carbon Observation System Friday 09 October 2009 Istanbul (Turkey)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Third GEO European Projects Workshop Parallel session: Climate monitoring, including Global Carbon Observation System Friday 09 October 2009 Istanbul (Turkey)

2 Participants AkkoyunEmrahTUBITAK UEKAE AytaçAslıTUBITAK Space BeerChristian Max Planck Institute, GermanyCARBO-Extreme CripeDouglasGEO Secretariat FacchiniMauroECGMES GaertnerUdoDLR, GermanyEUGENE Gascard Jean Claude LOCEAN_ IPSL, FranceDAMOCLES GuoChenbo Univ. Hamburg, GermanyTHOR GürolSelimeTUBITAK Space OllierGillesECRTD 14 ÖzsoyEminMETU, IMSMy Ocean QuadfaselDetlef Univ. Hamburg, GermanyTHOR RivierLeonardLSCE, FranceICOS-COCOS-MACC SchindlerUwe Univ. Bremen, GermanyHYPOX Staudenraus chHelmutDLR, GermanyEUGENE WahnerAndreas Foschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, GermanyIAGOS-ERI

3 The GEO Ministers provide guidance and orientation for the implementation of GEOSS on a regular basis (2005, 2007, 2010) The Ministers endorsed the 2007 Cape-Town Declaration in which they identified priorities for GEOSS and committed to actions They resolved to meet again before the end of 2010 to: 1.Review progress 1.Conduct a mid-term assessment 1.Give further guidance on the implementation of GEOSS 2010 GEO Ministerial: background and early steps

4 Review progress (TF): 1) Ensure a limited number of Showcases are prepared in order to show the Ministers the progress made so far in GEO 2) Ensure that outreach events and communication actions are prepared so that all the actors involved in the GEO implementation have a chance to contribute to the Ministerial Conduct a mid-term assessment (M&E group): 3) To be completed in the context of the GEO M&E framework (specific evaluation group to be created) Further guidance on the implementation of GEOSS (TF): 4) Ensure a set of actions for the future of GEOSS is proposed to the Ministers that they can endorse on the occasion of the Ministerial Possible role of the TF

5 Show the GEOSS added value in specific areas/Biodiversity – GEO-BON, Global Carbon Observing System, Environment and Health, Water…. Should demonstrate that GEO can provide global assessment in key societal benefit areas by aggregating regional/national resources Will certainly provide an incomplete picture in the different domains but they should at least be convincing enough to show that GEO has the potential to perform such assessments The showcases should build on the capability of the GCI Ensure a limited number of Showcases are prepared in order to show the Ministers the progress made so far in GEO:

6 Climate monitoring, including Global Carbon Observation System: Climate change is very broad Political dimension – climate change cross- cutting – Role of Europe GEO for climate changes Focus on a subset of the Climate Observing System???? Carbon Monitoring……. Ensure a limited number of Showcases are prepared in order to show the Ministers the progress made so far in GEO:

7 ICOS network and atmospheric Station, conceptual design Ecosystem stationsAtmospheric stationsOcean ship and stations

8 The GEMS/MACC CO 2 flux inversion system 4D-Var analysis Of CO 2 concentrations Optimized CO 2 fluxes Prior information about CO 2 fluxes Satellite observations Of CO 2

9 MOZAIC (1994-2009) 1994-2001: 18000 flights with O 3 & H 2 O 2002-2008: 13000 additional flights with CO and NOy

10 Substance: One component (ICOS etc..) is not enough ICOS infrastructure + Carboscope (added value several models integrate the data from other regions). Showcase should include human dimension What about the ocean component???? JAGOS (recording atmospheric parameter with commercial aircraft) ICOS (in-situ) + MACC + GOSAT to be integrated (the way forward) Showcase: Global Carbon Monitoring System

11 Water should not be forgotten – water scarcity etc…. WATER: water quality, drought, flooding reservoir capacity Visualisation aspects (water availability/account all around the world) - CSIRO Interim assessment- show time series – precipitation – ocean is part of the water cycle but were do we stop Sea-level rise maybe an important issue as well CEOP-AEGIS could contribute Other topics: Demonstrator for water System

12 Should be defined by the TF so that contributors can provide material– What is it a showcase intended for the Ministers? Short movie – half an hour session – maybe shorter ? 3 min video ? Cape-town: Probably too long report Any document to be released before? Role of Secretariat in preparing the case ? Timing issue: basically one year left o integrate the components of a Carbon showcase What is it a showcase for the Ministers?

13 Ensure that outreach events and communication actions are prepared so that all the actors involved in the GEO implementation have a chance to contribute to the Ministerial: Too many tasks on-going in GEO: they cannot be shown all to the Ministers through the showcases The TF should explore ways and means to involve all GEO tasks at the Ministerial (large side event to be organised: exhibition? Conference? Publication?) In this context the Ministers can also be taken to the exhibition Outreach events and communication actions

14 What could be the content of the declaration? Added value of GEO Based on the Target document (difficult to select one o two) Follow-up of the Cape-Town declaration Carbon trading….. Transverse areas important but next step of showcases important Continuity issue Ensure a set of actions for the future of GEOSS is proposed to the Ministers that they can endorse on the occasion of the Ministerial

15 Follow-up of Cape Town: Adopting a process towards the implementation of the GEO data sharing principles ??? Agreeing to sustain operations of the shared architectural GEOSS components and related information infrastructure ??? Beyond Cape Town: Recognizing better GEOSS as a key initiative for Global Earth Observation Ensure a set of actions for the future of GEOSS is proposed to the Ministers that they can endorse on the occasion of the Ministerial

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