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Administrator Institute August 5, 2014 Michelle Coconate, RtI Facilitator Academic & Behavioral Response to Intervention (RtI)

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Presentation on theme: "Administrator Institute August 5, 2014 Michelle Coconate, RtI Facilitator Academic & Behavioral Response to Intervention (RtI)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Administrator Institute August 5, 2014 Michelle Coconate, RtI Facilitator Academic & Behavioral Response to Intervention (RtI)

2 Teams Tier 1:  Universal Leadership Team  PBIS Tier 1 Team Tier 2:  Grade Level or Department Teams  PBIS Tier 2 Team Tier 3:  Problem Solving Team (Academic & Behavioral) Best Practices  Regularly scheduled meetings  Team norms  Agenda/Minutes  Data  Roles/Responsibilites  Communication  Action planning process  Accountability Are your teams using Best Practices?

3 Academic RtI Handout: Tier 2 Academic RtI Checklist for Interventionists

4 Procedures BIG IDEA: F ollow procedures in the RtI Procedural Handbook Important Points:  Orange files should be updated periodically and follow students within the district  Parents/caregivers participate in the process and receive communication about RtI yearly (brochure at P/T conferences in November)  Each school must have a Problem Solving Team (Tier 3)

5 Documentation of Intervention Tier 2  Tier 2 Intervention Worksheet for each intervention group  Intervention Integrity Form or other approved documentation of attendance (Corrective Reading attendance)  Progress monitoring data Tier 3  Tier 3 Intervention Worksheet for each individual student  Intervention Integrity Form or other approved documentation of attendance (Corrective Reading attendance)  Progress monitoring data All forms can be found on the district website.

6 Behavioral RtI (PBIS) PBIS 2014-15 Focus Document Tier 1 Team Planning: Year At-A-Glance

7 Tier 1: Think about It!  How effectively is your Tier 1/Universal System at preventing inappropriate behavior?  How do you know?  What does this mean for your school? Most Important Tier

8 2014– 2015 Focus Document

9 PBIS Year-at-a-Glance Tool Outlines monthly PBIS activities for the year  Data Major Office Referrals Minor Referrals Attendance PBIS Assessment Tools Other…  Systems Conducting team meetings Developing behavioral lesson plans (Cool Tools) Planning boosters & celebrations Etc.

10 PBIS Year-at-a-Glance Tool Outlines monthly PBIS activities for the year  Practices Teaching behavioral lesson plans (Cool Tools) Conducting kick-offs (staff, student, parent) Acknowledge expectations shown by staff & students  Communication Present data to staff Share meeting minutes with staff Share plans with families

11 PBIS on the Bus  Meet with bus drivers and monitors about your plans…Make them a part of the team  Post expectations on your buses  Red bus tickets are available from the dispatchers  Include “bus” when teaching expectations to students and in communication with parents

12 Tier 1 Technical Support  Scheduled school-based PBIS Team Meetings  By request  Team Planning PD o Action Planning for upcoming months o December/May

13 Tier 2 All Schools will receive continued PD on Tiered Interventions  Check-In Check-Out (CICO)  Social Academic Instructional Groups (SAIG)  Groups with Individualized Features (GWIF) Additional PD Focus Areas Data use  Implementation fidelity  Intervention effectiveness

14 Building-Based Behavioral/Social Emotional Resource Sets Functional Behavior Assessment (BIP planning) Check-In/Check-Out (CICO) Social/Academic Instructional Group (SAIG) Groups with Individualized Features (GWIF) Cool Tool Lessons Classroom Management Tier 1 Tier 3 Tier 2 REMINDER…

15 Discipline Data

16 Majors & Minors Major = Office Managed Referrals Must Have Administrative Action Minor = Classroom/Teacher Managed Referrals No Administrative Action

17 Majors & Minors Plan to…  Provide PD for your staff on the codes, definitions, and expectations for majors and minors  Define what majors and minors “look like” in your school  Use minor discipline referral data to prevent major behavior

18 Data Entry & Accountability Keep your data usable by:  Assuring that all fields are complete when entering a referral  Referrals are entered only once  A.M./P.M. are correctly entered  Day of week is correctly entered (Sat/Sun) We’re getting better!!!

19 Information Request… List of PBIS team members (including parent) for Tier 1 & Tier 2 List of Problem Solving team members for Tier 3 (Academic & Behavior) List of PBIS Team meeting dates and times for Tier 1 & 2 teams for the 2014-15 school year Please add me to your email group for weekly announcements (helps us me know when meetings change)

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