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Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium (VLE) at Low Pressures
Chapter 8
Why study VLE? Many chemical and environmental processes involve vapor-liquid equilibria Drying Distillation Evaporation
Consider the ammonia production process discussed in Chapter 1
N2 + 3 H2 ⇋ 2NH3 Liquid Ammonia 3 moles H2 1 mole N2 Recycled Product Ammonia and unreacted feed Chiller Condenses most of the ammonia Separator Reactor partially converts H2 and N2 to NH3 Bleed Stream ~15% conversion Controlled by VLE NH3 vapor+ N2 and H2 + N2 and H2
Most of what we’ve discussed so far in the course is VLE
Raoult’s law is a vapor-liquid equilibrium estimating equation Henry’s law is vapor-liquid equilibrium estimating equation The biggest use of VLE analysis is in distillation Check out the great picture in the text book – page 160 Distillation is separation by boiling point
Distillation Columns
Simple VLE Measurement Device
Othmer Still
Some standard conventions used in VLE
The lowest-boiling component (most volatile) is usually called species a. The next lowest is species b etc. Tables are arranged similarly
Data from Table 8.1 Boiling Temp Mole Fraction Acetone in Liquid Mole Fraction Acetone in Vapor 100 74.8 0.05 0.6381 68.53 0.1 0.7301 65.26 0.15 0.7716 63.59 0.2 0.7916 61.87 0.3 0.8124 60.75 0.4 0.8269 59.95 0.5 0.8387 59.12 0.6 0.8532 58.29 0.7 0.8712 57.49 0.8 0.895 56.68 0.9 0.9335 56.3 0.95 0.9627 56.15 1 This data is used in examples 8.1 to 8.3, and is plotted on the next slide
Equilibrium Curve If all we ever dealt with were binary systems, and if tables like the one used to create this figure were available for all combinations of species, we wouldn’t need VLE correlations Reference Curve Lowest boiling point component
For Multispecies systems, there is no simple graph we can make
The K factor can be used to help solve this problem Relative volatility is an additional approach
Relative Volatility, a K, acetone If a is greater than 1.5 to 2 over the whole range of composition, then distillation is almost always the cheapest separation technique K, water
Mathematical Treatment of Low-Pressure VLE
The tables and graphs we’ve just looked at are easy to interpret It would be nice if we could calculate values, instead of reading them off graphs
Our starting point is that the fugacity of the gas phase equals the fugacity of the liquid phase
For ideal gases the activity coefficient is one 1 For gases we usually choose the total pressure as the standard fugacity For liquids we usually choose the pure component partial pressure as the standard fugacity
The activity coefficient of the liquid phase
Partial pressure of the gas In example 8.2, we use this equation to find the activity coeffients for water and for acetone at a number of concentrations
Example 8.2 The pure component vapor pressures are a function of temperature, and can be calculated from the Antoine equation at the appropriate boiling points.
Raoult’s Law If we rearrange this equation, we find… Which is the same as Raoult’s law, except for the activity coefficient. Raoult’s law applies to ideal solutions, where the activity coefficient is one. The acetone water system is not ideal, since the calculated activity coefficients are not one!!
How much would we be off if we assumed ideal solution behavior for acetone?
At 1 atm and Xacetone=0.05 Experimental values from Table 8.1 Calculated values using g=1 Equilibrium boiling temperature 74.8 96.4 Mole fraction acetone in the vapor phase 0.6381 0.1656 The calculational details are in Example 8.3
The Four most common types of Low Pressure VLE
Ideal Solution Behavior Positive Deviations from Ideal Solution Behavior Negative Deviations from Ideal Solution Behavior Two-Liquid Phase --Heteroazeotropes
Ideal Solution Behavior – Type I behavior The activity coefficient of both species is one at all concentrations – Figure 8.7b Consider a benzene-toluene system The two species are very similar chemically, and behave as an ideal solution Benzene has the lower boiling, and therefore the higher vapor pressure gBenzene=gToluene=1 Activity Coefficient, g At any P and T Mole fraction of benzene in the liquid phase, xa
Ideal Solution Behavior
Since the activity coefficients of both species is one, they both follow Raoult’s law Pressure, torr 1 Mole fraction of benzene in the liquid phase, xa
Ideal Solution Behavior Figure 8.7a
PTotal Pressure, torr – at 90 C PBenzene PToluene Mole fraction of benzene in the liquid phase, xa
Ideal Solution Behavior Figure 8.7c
Not to Scale For an ideal solution, the mole fraction of the most volatile component, is always higher in the gas than in the liquid Equilibrium curve Mole fraction of benzene in the liquid phase Reference curve Mole fraction of benzene in the liquid phase, xa
Ideal Solution Behavior Figure 8.7 d
Not to Scale If we heat a mixture of benzene and toluene, the temperature where it starts to boil is called the bubble point The combined partial pressures equal 1 atm Temperature, C Bubble Point Mole fraction of benzene in the liquid or vapor phase, xa
Ideal Solution Behavior Figure 8.7 d
Not to Scale If we cool a mixture of benzene and toluene vapor, the temperature where it starts to condense is called the dew point The combined partial pressures equal 1 atm Dew Point Temperature, C Bubble Point Mole fraction of benzene in the liquid or vapor phase, xa
Dew Point Temperature, C Bubble Point Temperature at the bubble point Vapor Phase composition at the bubble point Heat a liquid mixture until it starts to boil Liquid Phase composition at the dew point Mole fraction of benzene in the liquid or vapor phase, xa
Now let’s look at non-ideal solution behavior
First let’s attack positive deviations from ideal solution behavior (Type II behavior) The activity coefficients of both (or all) species is greater than one. The acetone water system is an example of this behavior So is the isopropanol-water system shown in Figure 8.8
Type II behavior of activity coefficients – always greater than 1
Notice that the behavior of each species approaches ideal (g=1) as it’s concentration increases Not to Scale P=1 atm gisopropanol Activity Coefficient, g gwater Pure isopropanol Figure 8.8 b Pure water Mole fraction of isopropanol in the liquid phase, xa
Type II behavior Not to Scale Activity coefficients greater than 1 mean that the partial pressure of the vapor is greater than that predicted with Raoult’s law 1000 800 600 400 200 Actual isopropanol partial pressure Pressure, torr – at 84 C Predicted with g=1 Mole fraction of isopropanol in the liquid or vapor phase, xa
Type II behavior Not to Scale Activity coefficients greater than 1 mean that the partial pressure of the vapor is greater than that predicted with Raoult’s law 1000 800 600 400 200 Pressure, torr – at 84 C Actual water partial pressure Predicted with g=1 Mole fraction of isopropanol in the liquid or vapor phase, xa
Type II behavior Figure 8.8 a
Not to Scale In this case (but not every type II case) the total pressure curve (at constant temperature) displays a maximum, which produces a minimum boiling azeotrope. 1000 800 600 400 200 Total pressure isopropanol partial pressure Pressure, torr – at 84 C water partial pressure Mole fraction of isopropanol in the liquid or vapor phase, xa
Type II Solution Behavior Figure 8.8c
Not to Scale When the total pressure displays a maximum, the equilibrium curve crosses the reference curve Azeotrope Equilibrium curve Mole fraction of isopropanol in the vapor phase Reference curve Mole fraction of isopropanol in the liquid phase, xa
Azeotropes Not to Scale At an azeotrope, the liquid and vapor have the same concentration Azeotrope Mole fraction of isopropanol in the liquid phase Mole fraction of isopropanol in the liquid phase, xa
Type II Solution Behavior
Not to Scale At mole fractions below the azeotrope, almost pure water, and the azeotropic composition can be distilled At mole fractions above the azeotrope, almost pure isopropanol and the azeotropic composition can be distilled Azeotrope Dew Point Curve Temperature , C Bubble Point Curve Mole fraction of isopropanol in the liquid phase, xa
Type II Solution Behavior
Type II solutions do not necessarily exhibit an azeotrope For example, the acetone-water system does not Two factors contribute to this behavior Difference in boiling point Deviation from ideal behavior
Type III Behavior g for both species is less than 1
Similar to Type II – just insert maximum for minimum etc Consider the acetone-chloroform system
Type III behavior of activity coefficients – always less than 1
Notice that the behavior of each species approaches ideal (g=1) as it’s concentration increases Not to Scale P=1 atm gchloroform Activity Coefficient, g gacetone Figure 8.9 b Pure chloroform Pure acetone Mole fraction of acetone in the liquid phase, xa
Type III behavior Not to Scale Activity coefficients less than 1 mean that the partial pressure of the vapor is less than that predicted with Raoult’s law 1000 800 600 400 200 Predicted with g=1 Pressure, torr – at 60 C Actual acetone partial pressure Mole fraction of acetone in the liquid or vapor phase, xa
Type III behavior Not to Scale Activity coefficients less than 1 mean that the partial pressure of the vapor is less than that predicted with Raoult’s law 1000 800 600 400 200 Predicted with g=1 Pressure, torr – at60 C Actual chloroform partial pressure Mole fraction of acetone in the liquid or vapor phase, xa
Type III behavior Figure 8.9 a
Not to Scale In this case (but not every type III case) the total pressure curve (at constant temperature) displays a minimum, which produces a maximum boiling azeotrope. 1000 800 600 400 200 Total pressure Actual acetone partial pressure Pressure, torr – at 60 C Actual chloroform partial pressure Mole fraction of acetone in the liquid or vapor phase, xa
Type III Solution Behavior Figure 8.9c
Not to Scale When the total pressure displays a minimum, the equilibrium curve crosses the reference curve Equilibrium curve Azeotrope Reference curve Mole fraction of acetone iin the vapor phase Mole fraction of acetone in the liquid phase, xa
Azeotropes Not to Scale At an azeotrope, the liquid and vapor have the same concentration Equilibrium curve Azeotrope Mole fraction of acetone iin the vapor phase Mole fraction of acetone in the liquid phase, xa
Type II Solution Behavior
Not to Scale At mole fractions below the azeotrope, almost pure chloroform, and the azeotropic composition can be distilled At mole fractions above the azeotrope, almost pure chloroform and the azeotropic composition can be distilled Azeotrope Dew Point Curve Temperature , C Bubble Point Curve Mole fraction of acetone in the liquid phase, xa
What controls whether the activity coefficients are greater or less than one?
When g>1 it indicates that the solution species are repelled by each other, or at least are more attracted to themselves than to the other species When g<1 it indicates that the solution species are more attracted to each other than to their own kind
More about azeotropes For a given degree of mutual attraction or repulsion, an azeotrope is more likely for species with a small difference in boiling point For pairs of compounds with the same difference in boiling point, an azeotrope is more likely for the pair whose activity coefficients deviate from one by the largest amounts
Binary azeotropes between compounds with wide differences in boiling point are rare
Most azeotropes are of the minimum boiling type (over 90%)
Type IV Behavior Two Liquid Phase --Heteroazeotropes
Type II behavior occurs when two species repel each other For a moderately strong repulsion an azeotrope forms If the repulsion is strong enough, the two liquids actually separate into two separate phases
For example Consider the water and butanol system
Between 65% water and 98% water, two phases occur At less than 65% water only a single phase exists At greater than 98% water only a single phase occurs
Water-butanol system From 0 to 65% water one phase exists
Between these values, two phases exist – one of 65% water and one of 98% water 2 phases 1 phase 1 phase Mole fraction water
In the single phase region…
The solution exhibits Type II behavior Mole fraction of water in the liquid phase, xa Activity Coefficient, g
Type IV Behavior Pressure behavior
In the two phase region the total pressure is the sum of the pressure from each phase However, both phases must be exposed to the gas phase Total Pressure Partial Pressure of water Pressure, torr – at 90 C Partial Pressure of n-butanol Mole fraction of water in the liquid phase, xa
Type IV Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium
The composition of the gas phase stays constant when two liquid phases are present Equilibrium Curve Mole fraction of water in the vapor phase Reference Line Mole fraction of water in the liquid phase(s), xa
Type IV Bubble Points and Dew Points
Call the n-butanol rich phase L1 Call the water rich phase L2 Vapor Phase Dew Point Curve Temperature , C Vapor + L1 Vapor + L2 L2 Bubble Point Curve L1 L1 + L2 Mole fraction of water in the liquid phase, xa
Boiling is necessary for this behavior
The predicted behavior will only occur if both phases are in contact with the gas phase Realistically this only occurs during boiling This type of behavior is common in petroleum refining Liquid Phase I Liquid Phase II Gas Phase
Steam Distillation If we take type IV behavior to the extreme, we consider two liquids that are essentially completely immiscible For example water and mercury In this case we are always in the two phase region
The total pressure is the sum of the pure component vapor pressures
Consider example 8.7 If n-butanol and water were completely insoluable, what would the boiling point be at one atm? What would the composition of the vapor be?
Estimate the partial pressures of each component with the Antoine Equation
Solve for T iteratively T=89 0C
At the boiling point of 89 C
PH20 = 0.67 atm Pn-butanol= 0.33 atm Compare these results to Figure 8.12 Remember that butanol and water actually do exhibit considerable solubility
Distillation of the Four Types of Behavior
For systems that do not have an azeotrope, distillation columns can produce practically pure products The highest vapor pressure component is separated into the overhead component The lower vapor pressure component is separated into the bottoms
Gas-Liquid Equilibrium – Henry’s Law
In the previous discussions, both components could exist as a pure liquid at the temperatures of interest In other words we were interested in vapor-liquid equilibria How can we extend this discussion to include gas-liquid equilibria, for species that do not condense Use Henry’s Law
Our discussions so far have been about systems at low pressure
At low pressures, the gas phase obeys the ideal gas law At higher pressures we’ll need to consider the fugacity coefficient in our calculations At both low and moderate pressures (up to ~1/2 the critical pressure) we won’t need to adjust our liquid phase calculations
Low Pressure VLE Calculations
Graphs are great to get a general idea of how systems behave, but they aren’t very accurate We need to develop a standard approach to calculate vapor-liquid equilibrium properties
At low pressures the fugacity coefficients are 1 – but the liquid phase activity coefficients aren’t
Estimate them using the Van Laar equation There are other estimating equations – this one is just easy to use -- the basis for the Van Laar equation is developed in chapter 9
The 6 Most Common VLE Calculations
Find the dew point, for a known temperature Find the dew point, for a known pressure Find the bubble point for a known temperature Find the bubble point for a known pressure Isothermal flash calculations Adiabatic flash calculations These are all examples problems that can be formulated as equilibrium flash calculations
Flash Calculations V F T, P L
F can be a liquid, a gas or a two phase mixture Vapour F T, P This is called a flash calculation, because if the pressure is reduced enough, the liquid changes to vapor in a “flash” Liquid L
To solve any of these problems we need to identify our equations and unknowns -- Table 8.6
Material Balances Summation of mole fractions Remember from Process Engineering that you can write n independent material balances, if you have n components
More equations to be solved
Equilibrium Vapor Pressure equations Antoine equation is probably the most accurate of the simple equations Simplified version assuming ideal gas
More equations to be solved
Calculate the activity coefficients Van Laar equation is simplest analytical approach Energy balance Adiabatic flashes
We also need the inlet conditions
Feed specification xi Temperature Pressure
Let’s do some example calculations Dew Point – Example 8.9
Estimate the boiling pressure and the composition of the vapor in equilibrium with a liquid that is: mol fraction ethanol remainder water 85.3 oC
First – Use Antoine’s equation to find the pure component partial pressures at this temperature
At 85.3 C, Pwater= atm PEtOH=1.3088
Second Find Activity Coefficients
Use the Van Laar Equation Find the values of A and B for water and ethanol in Table A.7 gwater= gEtOH=2.9235
Next Calculate the partial pressures
Similarly for Ethanol… and…
Finally Find the vapor phase mole fractions
Pressure Specified Calculations are Similar
They are harder, because the Temperature appears in the Antoine Equation They need to be solved interatively
Calculational Steps Guess a Temperature
Calculate the Pure Component Vapor Pressures Calculate the activity coefficients Calculate the partial pressures Calculate the total pressure, and compare to the given pressure
Graphical Solution Add Figure 8.17
Bubble Point Calculations
Mirror image of Dew Point Calculations Temperature specified calculations are easier Pressure specified calculations require an iterative approach
Isothermal Flash Calculations
Both T and P are specified The division of mass between liquid and vapor is unknown Consider Example 8.13 An ethanol-water mixture xaFeed=0.126 is brought to equilibrium at 1 atm 91.8 C Estimate the vapor fraction and the mole fraction of each species in the vapor phase
Let’s Solve it Graphically First
Add figure 8.19
Analytical Solution Find the pure component vapor pressures
Assume a value for V/F Estimate the activity coefficients Calculate the K factors Use a material balance to find the mole fractions in the vapor and liquid phase
Divide by F Equation 8.12
Adiabatic Flash Calculations
In addition to the equations from the previous example, you need an energy balance You must “guess” a temperature, then perform the calculations, and finally check to see if the energy balance requirements are met
Solutions using K factor approximating tools
Activity coefficients are functions of T,P and x (the liquid composition) Thus, K is also a function of T,P and the liquid composition By ignoring the contribution of composition, DePreister created Figure 8.20 – an estimating tool for finding K
K factor chart
Colligative Properties – Another application of Raoult’s Law
Boiling Point elevation Freezing Point depression Osmosis (Chapter 14) Predictable using Raoult’s Law
What happens as the concentration of the solvent approaches 1?
The solvent activity coefficient, g, approaches 1 Thus for dilute solutions of anything the solution obeys Raoult’s law The identity of the solute doesn’t matter, as long as it’s a dilute solution and it’s not volatile!!
Boiling Point Elevation
When the solute has a very high boiling point, the solution vapor pressure only depends on the solvent
Boiling Occurs when the vapor pressure equals the pressure of the surroundings
Example 8.15 One mole of sucrose (MW=342.3 g/mole) is dissolved in 1000 g of water What is the vapor pressure of this solution at 100 0C? Boiling won’t occur, unless you’re at an altitude above sea level
What temperature will cause boiling?
First – determine what pure component vapor pressure is required From the steam tables we find T= C – or a boiling point elevation of C
We can approximate the behavior of this solution at low concentrations of solute
The change in boiling point is directly proportional to the molality of the solution
Figure 8.22
Freezing Point Depression
Just as adding a non-volatile solute increases the boiling point, it also decreases the freezing point See Example 8.16
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