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PURPOSE OF COMPONENTS IN BIOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS. THIS TALK IS ABOUT: How lab solutions support biological activity and/or structure.

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Presentation on theme: "PURPOSE OF COMPONENTS IN BIOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS. THIS TALK IS ABOUT: How lab solutions support biological activity and/or structure."— Presentation transcript:


2 THIS TALK IS ABOUT: How lab solutions support biological activity and/or structure Why solutions have the components that they do Handling biological materials in solution

3 MANY TYPES OF SOLUTIONS Solutions differ for different molecules  Proteins  Nucleic acids  Membrane structures  Intact cells  Etc.

4 SOLUTIONS DIFFER DEPENDING ON PURPOSE 1. Maintain activity of molecule(s) 2. Separate and purify molecule(s) 3. Store molecule(s) 4. Test identity, nature, or quantity of molecule(s) 5. Culture whole cells

5 EXAMPLES Solutions for cutting DNA into fragments (identity) may be different than for enzyme activity (activity) Extraction buffer (separation/purification) different than storage buffer (storage)

6 WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF YOUR SOLUTION? 1. Maintain activity of molecule(s) 2. Separate and purify molecule(s) 3. Store molecule(s) 4. Test identity, nature, or quantity of molecule(s) 5. Culture whole cells

7 FOCUS ON Structure and function of proteins and nucleic acids in solution Talk about a few important components of solutions

8 PROTEINS Many functions in cells  Enzymes  Antibodies  Transcription factors  Transporting agents  Etc.

9 PROTEINS ARE DIVERSE IN STRUCTURE Proteins can do many things because they are structurally diverse Are polymers composed of 20 different amino acid building blocks Amino acids have different properties

10 PRIMARY STRUCTURE Linear sequence of amino acids Peptide bonds hold amino acids together Beads on a string Peptide bonds are covalent  Strong bonds

11 PROTEINS FOLD INTO COMPLEX SHAPES Proteins fold into specific 3-D shapes Each protein’s shape depends in its amino acid composition Every protein consists of different amino acids, so every protein has a different shape Called “higher order structure” Stabilized by weak interactions, such as hydrogen bonds

12 STRUCTURE OF DNA In many ways, DNA is structurally and functionally simpler than protein  Only four different types of subunit, not 20  Always same shape, always double-stranded helix

13 PRIMARY STRUCTURE Linear polymer of nucleotide subunits Connected into strands by covalent phosphodiester bonds.  Strong bonds, primary structure.

14 SECONDARY STRUCTURE Double-stranded Complementary pairs of bases are held together by hydrogen bonds  Relatively weak

15 RNA RNA (ribonucleic acid) also is a polymer of nucleotides Single-stranded and shorter than chromosomal DNA.

16 SECONDARY STRUCTURE Sometimes complementary bases within an RNA strand pair Weak interactions cause RNA to fold into various conformations

17 HIGHER ORDER STRUCTURE IN NATURE Higher order structure of proteins, DNA, and RNA is held together by relatively “weak” interactions In nature, “weakness” is important  Enzymes change shape when bind their substrates  DNA strands come apart in replication and transcription

18 IMPLICATIONS IN LAB Loss of higher order structure occurs fairly easily  Affected by changes in pH  Ionic strength  Temperature May or may not be reversible Called denaturation

19 HIGHER ORDER STRUCTURE IN LAB Often manipulated in lab, depending on purpose of solution If purpose of solution is to sustain normal function/activity, must protect structure

20 TO PROTECT STRUCTURE Add:  Buffering agents Tris Phosphate HEPES PIPES

21 TERM “BUFFER” Term “buffer” may refer just to buffering agent, or to entire solution

22 ALSO ADD  Salts  Reducing agents that prevent unwanted disulfide bonds in proteins -DTT or beta-ME

23 OTHER TIMES But, solution may have other purposes Denature higher order structure with detergents and other denaturants  Destroy folding when we do PAGE with SDS  Phenol and chloroform denature proteins during DNA isolation

24 SO, May or may not preserve the higher order structure of biological molecules in solutions. What about primary structure?

25 PRIMARY STRUCTURE IN NATURE Primary structure harder to disrupt If disrupted, destroy the molecule Can be broken apart by enzymes that digest the covalent bonds  Proteases and nucleases  Occurs naturally in digestion  Occurs naturally in cells, recycling

26 IN LAB Proteases and nucleases often a problem Might come from bacteria, or disrupted cells, or skin from people Sometimes add anti-microbial agents to solutions  Sodium azide Might add anti-protease agents Usually store solutions in the cold

27 ALSO USE CHELATORS DNA degrading nucleases require Mg ++ as a cofactor EDTA is often added to nucleic acid solutions to chelate magnesium and remove it from solution.  TE buffer, protect DNA structure and function Tris buffer, control pH EDTA chelating agent

28 RNA NUCLEASES RNA nucleases are special problem  Ubiquitous  Difficult to destroy  Generally do not require metal ion cofactors to be active.  RNase A, can even survive periods of boiling or autoclaving.

29 SO, Strong protein denaturing agents are used to destroy RNases  6 M urea  SDS  Guanidinium salts

30 ALSO RNA nucleases frequently contaminate glassware and other laboratory items Hands are a major source of RNase contamination; gloves should be worn when working with RNA  Wear gloves to protect product and not people

31 Once gloves have come in contact with a surface that was touched by skin (for example, a pen, notebook, laboratory bench, etc.) the gloves should be changed

32 BUT, PROTEASES AND NUCLEASES May be added to solutions intentionally When working with DNA, common to add proteases, like proteinase K  To destroy endogenous nucleases

33 Nucleases may be added to nucleic acid solutions to perform a particular task.  restriction endonucleases

34 PRECIPITANTS Ethanol plays an important role in working with nucleic acids because it precipitates DNA and RNA. Nucleic acids do not lose their structural or functional integrity when isolated with phenol/chloroform and/or ethanol.

35 DETERGENTS Ionic detergents have hydrophilic portions that are ionized in solution  SDS (sodium dodecyl sulfate) is an example Others have hydrophilic sections that are not ionized in solution, nonionic detergents  Triton X-100 is a nonionic detergent

36 ANOTHER EXAMPLE: Detergents can make some membrane- associated proteins go into solution  Usually use nonionic detergents  Solubilizing agent

37 OSMOTIC STABILIZER Maintain osmotic equilibrium  Glucose  Gelatin  Salts

38 SALTS Life evolved in the sea; salts perform essential roles in organisms Salt levels are rigorously controlled in nature Must be controlled in lab solutions

39 Salts affect charges on proteins and DNA Modify  Higher order structure  Solubility  Binding of biological molecules to one another  Binding of biological molecules to matrices

40 EXAMPLE: PROTEIN SOLUBILITY Salts affect protein solubility  Manipulate to keep proteins in solution  Manipulate to cause them to precipitate Used in purification schemes for proteins

41 SALTS AND NUCLEIC ACIDS Hybridization is binding of single-stranded DNA with short strands of complementary DNA or RNA Is affected by ionic strength of the solution

42 SALTS AND STINGENCY Stringency relates to reaction conditions when single-stranded nucleic acids are allowed to hybridize High stringency: binding occurs only between strands with perfect complementarity. (Every guanine is base-paired with a cytosine and every adenine is base-paired with a thymine.)

43 At lower stringency, there can be some mismatch of bases across the strands and hybridization still occurs. Situations where high stringency is required and other situations where lower stringency is desirable.

44 SALT AND STRINGENCY Low stringency conditions: salt concentration is high and the temperature is relatively low. Can be some mismatches. High stringency: when temperature is higher and salt concentration is lower, must match exactly.

45 SUMMARY Buffers Salts Proteases/nucleases Cofactors Detergents Organic solvents Solubilizing agents Denaturing agents Precipitating agents Reducing agents Metal chelators Anti-microbial agents Protease inhibitors


47 Living systems are aqueous Often need very high quality water  Cell culture  Analytical methods  Pharmaceutical products

48 BIOTECH COMPANIES Purified water is a major expense in company May be most expensive raw material

49 PURIFICATION METHODS Distillation Water purification systems  Reverse osmosis  Ion exchange  Filtration  Millipore systems well-known

50 HOWEVER… Regardless of method used, no such thing as “pure” water

51 CONTAMINANTS Excellent solvent, dissolves contaminants from a wide variety of sources. More pure, the more aggressive it is Contaminants may leach into water from glass, plastic, and metal containers. If water is not sterilized, microorganisms readily grow in it and may release toxic bacterial byproducts.

52 SOURCES OF WATER House deionized, may be adequate for molecular biology Distilled Purchase water Purchase a water purification system

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