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Humans and Global Issues Chapter 2. Exploitation: Developing Countries Lack technology Uncontrolled population growth Difficult living conditions Industrialized.

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Presentation on theme: "Humans and Global Issues Chapter 2. Exploitation: Developing Countries Lack technology Uncontrolled population growth Difficult living conditions Industrialized."— Presentation transcript:

1 Humans and Global Issues Chapter 2

2 Exploitation: Developing Countries Lack technology Uncontrolled population growth Difficult living conditions Industrialized Countries Emphasis on affluence Trade-offs in agriculture, industry, and transportation New environmental health threats on urban and rural populations

3 Population Growth A growing concern globally China, India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, and Indonesia have large populations Migration of Latino populations to the USA Zero population growth in some countries Demographic shift (Japan) occurs with improved economy and standards of living

4 Overpopulation-Feeding the world ! Pollution Improper Waste Disposal Depletion of Natural Resources Overcrowding/ Slums: Mixing of Human and Animal populations Increased Consumption

5 Human Influences on Earth Our daily activities are having measurable effects on: –Rainfall –Climate –Air –Water quality –Erosion –Mineral resources In North America, we use 20 tons of mineral resources per person/year

6 Deforestation Deforestation contributes to global warming, since we’re reducing the number of trees available to absorb carbon dioxide. In the tropics, trees are burned as land is cleared, a practice that releases yet more carbon dioxide. An estimated 20% of all carbon dioxide emissions are accounted for by the burning of the Amazon rain forest alone.

7 System Approach The Earth behaves like a living organism would by developing interconnected processes over a period of millions of years Earth like life is made up of a self-regulating network of interdependent physical and biological systems A disturbance (e.g., deforestation) in one part of the system (Earth) must result in adjustment in other parts (e.g., global warming)

8 Land Pollution Global concerns pertaining to an increased need for food and waste disposal Land degradation, deforestation, loss of habitats such as wetlands Urban sprawl destroys important animal habitats leading to bears, raccoons and other animals invading human turf

9 Other Global Concerns Increased energy needs for fossil fuels Air pollution from consumption of fossil fuels Climate changes and global warming Disease prevention and control Natural disasters War and bioterrorism Industrialization and release of toxic substances


11 Greenhouse Gases Carbon Dioxide 35% increase since industrial age –Combustion of Fossil Fuels –Deforestation Methane 154% increase since industrial age –Animal (cattle and sheep) gas Nitrous Oxide Water Vapor

12 Climate Change Debate Nobody argues that the earth is getting warmer and that climate change is occurring. Controversy is whether global warming is a part of the natural planetary cycle or does man have influence? Other issue is whether curbing CO 2 emissions now will have a real impact in the immediate future.


14 Global Environmental Health Strategies Zero population growth (ZPG) Reduction of water demands Agriculture and distribution of food Preservation of forest land and wetlands Prevention of soil erosion Technology for alternative and renewable energy sources

15 Addressing Environmental Concerns

16 International Initiatives Concerning Environmental Health Efforts began in the 1970s when global leaders organized efforts to discuss common environmental concerns impacting the health of humans.

17 Stockholm Conference (1972) First attempt to discuss global environmental issues United Nations representatives met in Stockholm, Sweden As a result, the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) was established to monitor changes in physical and biological resources of the Earth

18 Stockholm Conference (continued) The World Health Organization Environmental Health Criteria Programme was established in 1973 The UNEP launched the Global Environmental Project in 1995

19 Montego Bay (1982) Leaders met in Montego Bay, Jamaica, to set up a comprehensive law establishing rules concerning pollution of the marine environment –Prevention, reduction, and control of ocean pollution –Discussed disputes, transfer of technology, and research

20 Montreal Protocol (1987) Twenty nations met in Vienna, Austria,in 1985 to discuss ozone layer depletion. In 1987, leaders meeting in Montreal agreed to decrease DFD production by 50% in order to eventually reduce halon emissions. The resulting document was called the “Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer.”

21 Helsinki Declaration (1989) Another meeting was held in 1989 regarding the Montreal Protocol, this time in Helsinki, Finland. The Helsinki Declaration called for the phase-out of CFC, halon, and other ozone-depleting substances by the year 2000.

22 Helsinki Declaration (continued) The Copenhagen amendment of 1992 added methylbromide, hydrobomofluorocarbons, and hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs). The London amendment of 1990 added tetrachloride and methyl chloroform.

23 Earth Summit (1992) (Rio Summit) The UN Conference on Environment and Development held a conference to discuss problems with uncontrolled development. World leaders addressed population growth, pollution, depletion of resources, land degradation, biodiversity loss, climate change, and poverty. Nations adopted Agenda 21, a blueprint for sustainable development worldwide.

24 Earth Summit (contd.) Some refused to sign international agreements. –Vatican disagreed with controlling population growth. –President George Bush Sr. refused to protect endangered species, reduce CO 2, and increase funding to Third World nations.

25 International Conference on Population and Development (1994) The most comprehensive international meeting about world population issues Attendees from 180 different countries agreed that economic development, family planning, and the improved status of women would help reduce population growth rates Goals set for 2015

26 Copenhagen (1996) Eighty-seven nations met in Copenhagen, Denmark, to stop the production of halon and moved the deadline to 1996 for halting CFC production. Several countries still sell CFCs through the black market.

27 Kyoto Protocol (1997) Environmental causes of climactic change were discussed in Kyoto, Japan. Six greenhouse gases were addressed: –Water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, chlorofluorocarbons, and ozone It was signed by 170 nations; China and India have signed on; exceptions USA & Australia. In 2001 President George W. Bush, Jr., withdrew from the protocol, even though the U.S. produces 36% of the world’s greenhouse gases. Protocol expires in 2013

28 Convention on Biological Diversity (1998) The UNEP opened a document promoting conservation of biodiversity, sustainable use of its components, and shared benefits from genetic resources. There were subsequent meetings and by 2000 more than 176 countries signed the document.

29 World Summit on Sustainable Development (2002) Purpose: developing cooperative strategies for improving uncontrolled pollutants and other hazardous practices. Prosperity is destroying the environment and is only a temporary reprieve from future disaster. Urged leaders to practice sustainability and respect for the environment with development and economic initiatives.

30 Three P’s and Three E’s Major concerns: –Population –Poverty –Pollution Emphasis should be on: –Economics –Ethics –Ecology

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