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Presented by Greg Durkin For DLTV 27 August, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Greg Durkin For DLTV 27 August, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Greg Durkin For DLTV 27 August, 2015

2 Why Are We Here?  That’s a good question!

3 Why Are We Here?  Your teachers have presented the curriculum

4 Why Are We Here?  You have read your notes and studied the text

5 Why Are We Here?  You have passed your SACs

6 Why Are We Here?  Now, we will tackle “The Exam”

7 What is Really Important?  Problem Solving Methodology  Analysis  Design  Gotcha! – Evaluation Criteria!  Development  Debugging is a coding step  Testing is not Evaluation  Evaluation

8 What is Really Important?  IT Apps  Web Authoring Software  RDBMS  Efficiency vs Effectiveness  Software Development  UML and Use Cases  Programming techniques  User Documentation  VET IT  Core Units only  Anything in units 1 – 4 may be examined

9 Making The Best of Time  Start studying NOW  Concyclic Method, dear boy!  Leave time for reflection  Focus on a single aspect at a time  Don’t try to take in the whole subject at a time  Write an outline of the course from memory  Best way to point out your weaknesses  If you can recall it without prompting, you know it

10 Additional Tools  Practice Exams from DLTV  Apply formal exam conditions  Ask a fellow student to grade you  Former Exams from VCAA  Use as for Practice Exams  Read Examiners’ Reports  Peer Support Q & A  Make up questions to ask each other  Reinforces understanding  Forces a search of the study material

11 WHEW!! Almost done.

12 Writing The Exam Paper

13 Preparation  Get a good, restful sleep the night before  Use the reading time to understand the exam  Find some clues  Organise your thinking

14 Pace Your Answers  Use point value to assign time  120 minutes vs 100 points  Complete MCQ in 20 minutes or less  Find questions you can answer quickly, accurately and safely  There should then be adequate time to answer the more difficult questions

15 Answer The Question  “It was a great answer. What a pity we didn’t ask that question.”  Read the question carefully – rephrase the key terms.  Make certain that your response addresses all of the terms of the question  Write one correct, relevant statement per point for that question.

16 Key Examination Language  List: You can answer in dot points  Explain: looks for the reasons behind the question. Support and make clear.  Describe: Write about the appearance, characteristics or properties of the topic. What is it like?  Distinguish between x and y: Make sure you have identified a feature of each item.

17 Key Examination Language  Justify: Explain why the answer you have given is the right answer under the circumstances.  Give an Example: Name an instance that illustrates a point in the question or a previous answer.  Name: Usually seen with “and explain” or “and justify”  Identify a feature of: Read carefully. This question really asks for the qualities or properties of a topic.  Compare and contrast: Use a grid to ensure that you have at least 4 statements.

18 Are You Ready Now?

19 Thank you  Greg Durkin : 

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